
Saturday, June 12, 2010

UFO Disclosure/Contact, Part 15 - Ken Klein

C. KEN KLEIN, author, theologian and film maker; he was also a college football player and refugee of the NFL, Ken boasts that he is the last Jewish defensive back to play in the NFL. He was raised in North Hollywood around many TV and film stars in the 1950s, but his interest in film production and writing came later in his life, when he stumbled onto the writings of the ancient prophets. Over the last two decades Ken has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows and is on the A-list for many talk show producers. He has a quick wit, deep ideas, concepts that provoke a listening audience to pay attention!

Q: We want to ask about your latest book, "America: Globalism and the False Prophet," and the film project you are currently working on. I'd like to start by asking you about the Royal Society meeting just held and asking the question: Are we alone in the universe? I have over a dozen newspaper headlines coming out of those meetings just in the past ten days. What's going on?

A: Well, this is a huge question. One of the things I discovered through a study of the Great Pyramid was that there was a time in the history of the earth, around 3100 B.C., called the Age of the Gods. And as you study the amazing fine points, you discover that there's no way that the people involved in the architectural design of the Great Pyramid could have had the intelligence at that time to build into the pyramid all of the design features and the difficulties of those designs that required amazing engineering prowess.

As you study this, and look at some of the ancient historians, namely let's take Josephus. He talked about people coming from the lineage of Seth that would build a monument, and it's even in Isaiah 19, built "unto the Lord of hosts." Hosts are angels, and what most people don't understand, especially the Christian world, is that God doesn't directly visit the earth. He visits the earth through proxy - his representatives of himself. That's why we find in Exodus that the law, the 10 Commandments, was given to Moses. And the word used there is 'elohim' which is rendered 'gods.' Small 'g'. So God brought the commandments to Moses through 'gods,' or angels.

In the NT it says, 'and the law was given by angels,' and in the Egyptian era it seems that there was more access. There were messengers that came and gave to Enoch, who was from the lineage of Seth, the architectural knowledge which was used to build the Great Pyramid. So, the film I produced a while ago explains all these things in great detail. There was so much science and mathematics in the Great Pyramid that had to come from some kind of celestial intervention by God, or angels, to the earth. And we know - we see in the life of Elijah, he was taken up in a fiery chariot. Well, so was Enoch taken up; the Bible says he was a righteous man, so Enoch never died. And we also know in I Chronicles 28:18 when David was speaking to his son, Solomon, when Solomon was given the charge to build the temple, that he was to make a copy or model of the chariot of the cherubim. So we know at least one angel, which were the cherubim or the covering angels.

Q: A couple of weeks ago the Hubble Telescope observed a mysterious X-shaped 'something.' Scientists don't believe that it's a comet, but it is moving at something like 90 million miles from the earth. It's got what looks like streamers or something behind it. One of the contributing writers for Discovery News, Ray Villard, said, "I've seen thousands of astronomical images over my career, but this is one of the few absolute jaw droppers. A flying X pattern with trailing streamers. Whatever it is, nothing like it has ever before been seen in the heavens." Is this possibly one of your angelic crafts? And, by the way, even some people who do believe that UFOs have something to do with angels and demons - there are still two camps. There are those who think that the UFO itself IS the angel or the demon. And then you've got people who have a 'nuts and bolts' kind of approach to an advanced science, like Stanton Friedman, believes that whatever crash landed at Roswell was a literal nuts and bolts kind of transport device. Let's keep this in angelology, but if these are angels, is what we're seeing the angel itself, or are the angels inside that thing?

A: I think they're both. It's not an either/or proposition. These things can morph into all kinds of forms [Exactly]. We're talking about intelligences - that were once under the lordship of the Morning Star and I think that's an interesting concept, because we know that Jesus is called the Morning Star; we also know that Lucifer, he's the Morning Star. So there's some connection between Jesus and Lucifer that had to do with the morning star. And, basically, what I believe that was, was an 'office' over a certain group of creator angels, that we don't understand yet.

There were three angel groups that came into our galaxy: 1) the Cherubim, which were the covering angels, which is an interesting concept because why would you need to 'cover' something - like other angels, or anything, for that matter - unless there were many wars in heaven, and we only experience the war that is mentioned in Rev. 12, that there was 'war in the heavens.' And we find information about this war that took place, but it was the covering angels that protected this group of creator angels. In other words, they 'had their backs,' because there were many attacks going on. 2) Seraphim angels, who basically are the scribes, or the people that record the histories of the universe, and galaxies. And that's why it says 'and all the books were opened up,' because it's the Seraphim that are over those books. 3) The third group is called the Ophan, and they're mentioned in Ezekiel 1:10. Plural is Ophanim, and they are the creator angels. Those are the angels that were under the Morning Star office, that were swept away when Lucifer was granted permission to move from his Cherubim office - to the Ophanim office. So, they had great intelligence, and they were creators. They were involved with the creation code, and Lucifer stole these codes. So that caused a war, which is a long story.

But, remember, these were creators, and they have all kinds of abilities. And they were swept away with Lucifer. Most people think those are the demons - and they're not demons. There's a difference between demons and fallen angels. Fallen angels have bodies. One of the reasons that Lucifer and the fallen creator angels have bodies is because they were sentenced by the seven spirits of God in Rev. 1:2, which was a holy commission to take on human form. They refused. So, they have physical bodies, too.

But they also can transform to light. We know that from the Bible, that says these fallen beings come as angels of light. They can also transform to holographic images and to physical bodies. Now, the demons actually are entities that want to possess human bodies. The fallen angels do not; they refused to do that. But the demons want that. Those demons are the spirits of the Ophanim and the Nephilim, and we find in Genesis and throughout the OT these giants - those were killed in the flood because the whole gene pool was polluted. But, anyway, the spirits of those beings seek to possess anything they can - anything that has a warm body - human, animal. You see Jesus throwing demons out of the demoniac and into pigs. Another interesting story, but there's a difference between the fallen angels that have form, and the demons which come from these strange concoctions of genetic brew that was polluted, and want to possess bodies. So, we need to be clear in our thinking about these things.

Q: You also have a new film series right now called "Angel Wars?"

A: Yes, I do, and "Angel Wars and the Fallen Creator" - that just came out in the last week. We just did a show with George Noory, and I can't tell you how many people wanted to get this. And what's interesting about this teaching in which I talk about the angel wars - it deals more in depth with what really happened amongst the angels. Because it's in the Bible, but we're so myopic and so locked into linear thought that we can't really see it. It's kind of like ... there are pieces of the puzzle all over the place in the Bible. You've got to have the objectivity to see it, and then you can see how the pieces come together.

But what's interesting is that not long after that came out, this fellow that had heard me about a year ago had been trying to reach me, because he was experiencing strange anomalies in New Orleans [the obvious place for such things!] He had been laid off from his job; he was a guy that worked in oil companies and did soundings of the ocean floor for drilling purposes, and so at night he would go out on his job, and he started seeing things. He started writing to me, and I didn't listen because I get hundreds of letters. And, finally, I started looking at some of the stuff he had shot, and it was really bad stuff in terms of quality of photography, but I was able to see enough that blew my mind. So, I jumped on an airplane and went down there, and we started seeing manifestations of these fallen angels - we caught them on camera.

In fact, it's such a powerful thing to prove that there's demonic realms and a fallen angel realm by capturing these things that we're going to do a documentary on it down in New Orleans. We know where they're manifesting, so we're taking a camera crew, and we're going to be interviewing a lot of people down there in New Orleans. I'm getting letters from people all over New Orleans, who have been seeing these same things since the Katrina Hurricane. So, it's really strange, amazing, and it's not that I'm fascinated with it, but it's just that proving a realm of darkness makes it a lot easier for people to come to grips that we do live in a spiritual world. And the only way to be safe is to know Christ. To come to Jesus, so that you have the ability to discern and discriminate between what is light and what is darkness. I wouldn't suggest anybody do this unless they're pretty grounded in the scripture [Critically important point. The demonic is not something people should mess with, unless they have a lot of knowledge and discernment in this area].

Q: Also want to get your input on recent Vatican astronomer comments that sound eerily similar in some ways to what you're saying, that ETs are already here and interacting with people, and that some of the highest people in the Vatican know of it. What do you think that the Vatican has been working so diligently in the last few years to position itself against this issue in this way? What is your gut feeling about it?

A: That's a tough question to answer because I'm not privy to what they talk about there in the Vatican. I could only speculate on it, so when you say 'gut feeling,' I think that's an interesting .. you know, our spirits, the reality of ourselves in our solar plexus, is our instinct or our spirit, so you never know if you're being objective in doing something like that, or whether you're in a mind confusion about it. I honestly don't know how to objectify the answer to that question, except to say that we do live in a spiritual world.

Q: Well, let's move from astro biology for a moment to the related field of astro archeology. You know, in recent years, what appears most famously are these structures on Mars. The Cydonia Face, for instance, was real hot for a while. A few years ago, we interviewed Dr. Thomas Flandern (sp?) as well as others in this field, people who had a special emphasis in Celestial Mechanics and that sort of thing, from Yale, etc. And I remember when I asked Dr. Flandern what were the chances of those structures in the Cydonia Region of Mars - the face, the five-sided pyramid, what they called the 'city complex,' all that - arising by chance or natural geological formation, would be. I didn't realize that they had actually done a statistical or mathematical probability on this; and he said that the scientists that he was working with had concluded that the combined odds against what was there in the Cydonia Region arising by chance were 1,000 billion billion to one - so that in their minds there was no doubt that those structures were artificial. Now, there have been new high resolution images that came from NASA since then, and they kind of pooh-poohed that idea. Other people say that it's all just a conspiracy, that NASA's covering it up. And the bigger question I think, is do you think there is a chance that extra-terrestrial archaeological evidence will ever be found, providing physical remains of other intelligences having once been among the planets?

A: Wow. You know, I don't know the answer to that. I mean, how can we know the answer to that? [He's obviously not a scientist or he'd have an answer - whether he had one or not.] I tend to wonder what would be the motivation to create anything that would be visible from the earth, from - let's just say - the realm of fallen angels? The only thing I can think of is that this whole thing about who we are, on this planet ... I mean we run around every day trying to survive. Half the world is hungry, and most of life has been taken up with finding food, and getting from one day to the next. And we hardly have time to think about "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "How did I get here, and where am I going?" And all I can tell you is that the forces of darkness are trying to keep us from knowing the answers to those questions [...yes...].

Q: Well, but if a discovery like that was made, would it support some of what you're saying? In other words, that there was a past celestial war? Lucifer was cast down from out of the heavens. If something like that was found, could theologians come forward and say this actually substantiates the biblical story that there was an angel war, and these are remnants of maybe at one time was part of their civilization?

A: Well, that's what I was trying to get at. The only thing I can come to grips with in a speculative answer to that - because I don't have the objective answer - I would say that the only reason that they would do something like that would be to deceive us. To keep us from understanding who we are, and what God's trying to do with us, in overcoming. Because life in the universe ... and on earth ... is all about overcoming. [Wow. This guy keeps his eye on the ball and isn't distracted ... amazing. I think he's hit the nail right on the head here, at least theologically, which is where we should always be coming from.] It's all about overcoming our physical self. So anything that the fallen angels can do to swerve us from coming to that recognition, is plausible to me [not only plausible, but probable]. So if there were remains found, the only thing I could imagine for why it would be done was to get humans to look at it and think about extra-terrestrial life in a way that is contrary to the way God wants us to understand it. [ Bingo.] And, Lucifer ... remember, is a powerful archangel. We have no understanding, or very little understanding of what that means and how powerful a creative talent he has, to do what he does to swerve us from the truth. So, even though it may be true, I would think it would be a deception that would keep us from understanding who we are. [That's the most accurate answer I've ever heard to this question. I agree totally. Everyone else ... including the Vatican, and the scientists, get off track into this whole area of physical ETs and UFOs ... just as Satan LOVES for us to do. It is all a distraction from the spiritual aspect and what God wants us to be doing.]

Q: We're going to run out of time here, Ken. How can people learn more about you, your books, your films?

A: Oh, well they can just Google me .. Ken Klein, and I come up first there, and that will take you to my website. I have lots of stuff on my website, the films I've produced, my writings. We have an ancient translation of Genesis I that people should read. We have a free tour of the interior of the Great Pyramid, and we are putting out a 7-minute truncated version of what we're producing that will come out in the Fall, or the New Orleans anomaly. So, you can get a lot of stuff from my website.

His website is:, and it's very interesting. Lots of free things, too.


COMMENTS: This may have been my favorite interview so far in the series, because Ken Klein got to the bottom line of the entire subject, which is that all of this provocative stuff about ETs and UFOs, crafts, etc., is ALL designed to deceive and fascinate the human being ... and to detract us from the spiritual side of things, reading God's Word and seeking to know what the Lord wants us to be doing for Him. This UFO phenomenon is the greatest deception of all the many deceits we are faced with.

Mankind has not changed; we are still always seeking for signs and wonders, just as the people of the First Century did. Satan knows that - and is using it to deceive us in this age.

Royal Heir