
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Golden Calf ...

It stood for idolatry as a golden calf ... and it stands for idolatry as a bronze bull. The image is recognizable around the world as the emblem of money and Wall Street. The fallout from the financial money system of the world has been of such biblical proportions that it is without question a part of the 'end of days' process now occurring. We are on the fast track to troubles "such as never was." Daniel. 12:1

While the greedy elites have sucked most of the wealth out of the economy, one Wall Street banker actually commented that he was "doing God's work." He was certainly part of the fulfillment of God's prophetic word. It is a characteristic trait of the financial industry to accept no blame for the fallout of their greedy activities.

The economist John Kenneth Galbraith wrote of them in his book about the Crash of '29: "They remained very quiet. The sense of responsibility in the financial community, for the community as a whole, is not small. It is nearly nil ... the foolish have the field to themselves and none rebukes them." It's actually much worse than that. They actually feel put-upon despite the fact that they were bailed out by the taxpayers so that they could continue their greed and corruption.

The love of money reigns and there are no restraints against this corrupt greed that is breaking the backs of the people of the world. It is their religion. There's no question about that, and there is no room for any other faith - such as Christianity. For one to admit to a faith in Jesus Christ is a guarantee of career suicide. There is a real price to pay. And that does not apply to only the financial community. It is true in the universities, in the scientific community, everywhere. It is an absolute fact that if you speak the truth you will eventually lose your job, lose funding, whatever it takes, because a person will no longer be tolerated in the halls of power if they are out of sync with the global agenda and its religion.

Make no mistake. This is a club in which no one is allowed if he serves any god other than Mammon. "The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9. That is the issue.

The solution?

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

It's an individual choice. It always has been.

Royal Heir