
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

UFO Disclosure/Contact, Part 10 - Dr Lynn Marzulli

Continuing information from a recent seminar, "Official Disclosure: Prepare For Contact," featuring top researchers, ex-government agents, world-famous field investigators, physicists and theologians. The post contains info directly from the featured speaker. Questioner is Thomas Horn. Any comments by me will be in brackets []. Very light editing done on Q&As.

Dr. Lynn Marzulli is a theologian, the author of the "Nephilim Trilogy;" his latest offering, "The Alien Interviews;" and other non-fiction books. He is a lecturer and speaker, musician who has recorded numerous CD's, and just completed an hour with the History Channel.

Q: What can you tell us about the spate of information coming out of the Royal Society meetings, because I think we are living in an unprecedented period of time?
A: I certainly agree with you 100%. This is all part of what I've termed 'the coming great deception' - the Luciferian Endgame. These governments are slowly beginning to release information. We know that the UK, France, Belgium, Mexico and Brazil all have released classified documents talking about UFO sightings from the 1950's to the present time. In my opinion, the old guard in the US, probably left over from the Truman era, and I can't prove this... it's just a hunch...but some of the old guard remains, and this is what's holding it back here in the US - that is, the releasing our information to the public. There will be full disclosure. Of course, my belief system, as yours, is that this is not just some friendly ET from the Pleiades.

My research recently has uncovered some very disturbing, very graphic information from a man who used to be a lifelong law enforcement homicide detective, and he'll be on my show, Acceleration Radio, next Wednesday talking about human mutilations. So, for those people in the exopolitic movement who are saying that maybe it's another race of ET that's doing this, or that some of them are benevolent and others are malevolent, in my opinion they're shape shifting. They can appear as they want to appear.

I don't know if you've seen Ben Stein's movie, Expelled, but at the very end of the movie I think he's sitting down with Richard Dawkins and asks him where life began. And Dawkins raises his eyebrow and says, "Well, maybe millions of years ago in a far off galaxy," and Stein just looks at him because it's such an intellectually bankrupt argument. He has no clue where life began.

So, what we're looking at is the coming great deception, and what it's promulgating is the Alien Gospel, which is basically this: An ET created all life on earth, by genetically manipulating us. They were responsible for the nascent civilizations which sprung up over the planet. They created the megalithic monuments that Sitchen and von Daniken are always pointing to. They created the world's religions, and they were looked upon by our ancestors as gods. Now they are back, at this very critical juncture, to advance us into this next spiritual paradigm. After researching this for decades, in my opinion it's closer now than ever. It will come in a time of fear because the Luciferians generate fear, their currency is fear, they move in fear, their every action creates fear. Just look at the cattle mutilations, the abduction phenomena, the people who are implanted. It always creates fear.

And this is where it's going, and when the war in the Middle East happens - and my theory is that it will involve the supernatural - it's just a scenario, but it's based on lots of study with prophecy - Ezekiel 38 war, certainly. When a nuke - not if, but when - goes off in the Middle East, and perhaps dirty bombs in this country, it will create the greatest collective fear that this planet has ever known. Humankind will be standing at the precipice of disaster, and it's a perfect time for one mile-to-three mile wide craft, manifesting over the cities of the world. And when that happens it will cause the great falling away, which is talked about in 2 Thess 4, where millions of people will have their paradigm changed almost instantaneously, and they will literally believe this deception that the so-called alien race created all life on this planet.

The Raelians [a UFO cult], who are 70-80,000 people strong, follow this guy called Rael [He claims to be Maitreya]. He claims that he is the same as Jesus. You can't make this stuff up. That's how bizarre it is. This is 30 years ago, and now he's trying to build embassies, including one in Jerusalem, so that when the 'space brothers' come, we'll be ready for them. These people, the Raelians [includes lots of actors, entertainers and politicians], already believe in the Alien Gospel, as do Sitchen and von Daniken. The guidebook of the supernatural, the Bible, tells us the elect would be deceived if that were possible, that men would faint from fear from what is coming on the earth, that Lucifer will come with all signs and lying wonders. You start putting that stuff together, and then look at what's manifesting on the planet - over 300 UFO sightings every single month. In 1950 there was one in December. In 2008 there were 353 in December. So these are real, burgeoning, not going away. It's time for us to decide what world view we're going to take.

Q: Is it prophecy, that this whole UFO phenomena has something to do with all this other mysterious phenomena? If you take it down to its roots, it appears to be something that is moving in and out of our three-dimensional reality, at will. We're catching glimpses of it, trying to understand it. Scientists are looking at it and trying to decide if we can look at it via physics, or quantum physics. But, now from a biblical point of view you would say this is something entirely different, and is it prophesied? How does the modern UFO phenomenon tie in with ancient manuscripts, ancient prophecies, and is that what we're seeing with this profusion of increased UFO activity in the world today?
A: Well, the short answer is yes. What we're looking at is the manifestation of the fallen angel cohorts. We get this one glimpse, this one amazing sentence, which most biblical commentators unfortunately won't even look at - plain as it can be - and basically it says the Son of Man will return when it will be like the days of Noah. And this is right from the mouth of the Man himself, saying this. That sets up a whole conundrum. It's a red flare going up into the night sky. And that begs the question: what differentiates the particular days of Noah from any other time in history? In my opinion, it's the presence of the fallen angels. Dr. I.D.E.Thomas is one of the first people to make this connection to the fallen angels [I made the connection about thirty years ago, but I'm 'nobody.'!] There are biblical scholars who will quibble over that, but I won't get into the theological details...but a deep study of this shows that these are indeed fallen angels.

And we see from other sources such as the Book of Enoch, which amplify the book of Genesis, we know that these fallen angels came to earth, they descended on Mount Hermon, 200 strong. We're talking about entry from other dimensions. We know there are three heavens; the first is earth's atmosphere, the second is space outside the atmosphere of earth, the third is the real thing where the Godhead dwells. We know Lucifer has been limited to the second heaven, so what we're looking at in Mt Hermon is some sort of a portal, a gateway, which allows these entities to touch down, to pass through the second heaven and come into this dimension.

We also know from the Bible, the guidebook to the supernatural, that at the transfiguration Jesus took several of the disciples up onto a mountain, and all of a sudden the scene changed. Moses and Elijah were there, Jesus' garments became white as snow - brilliant light - they heard this voice, they didn't see anything. A lot of biblical scholars believe that was the same mountain, Mt Hermon, that the fallen angels descended out of. In my opinion, it was like Jesus going back there and putting a stake in the ground, and saying, no ... this is ours now. This is mine; I'm reclaiming this. Just a thought.

But what we're seeing thousands of years ago was the manifestation of the fallen angels, and they cohabited, had sex with, the women of the earth; and from that union this ungodly abomination known as the Nephilim were born. They were hybrids: half fallen angel, half human. This is the reason for the flood, why Gen 6 tells us Noah was pure in all his generations. DeHaan did a wonderful expository of what that passage means. It doesn't mean that Noah was sinless; it means that his bloodline was intact.

What we're looking at - and this is what people need to get their heads around - has to do with this cosmic chess match. All throughout the biblical timeline there is move, counter move, move, counter move; and we see it for thousands of years. What differentiates those days were the presence of the Nephilim on earth.

Now, the leap is, are we seeing that today? Yes. Here's how it happens. We know that in the ancient world blood sacrifices opened portals. We know that. We also know that Satanic rituals today open portals. We know that in WWII six million Jews were literally offered as a Luciferian sacrifice. The word 'holocaust' comes from the word means a burnt offering, as on an altar. It was a burnt offering on an altar to the would-be god, Satan. It cracked open a portal. What do we see at the end of WWII? We these balls of light which were named Foo Fighters [orbs]. Some people have reported seeing similar lights in and around the fields when crop circles are made. I believe that this cracked open these portals, which were guarded on some level. (He says this has to do with Daniel waiting 21 days for the angel to return from fighting the angel of the king of Persia...but it's too long a discussion for this interview.) What we also see is that the one billion abortions globally since Roe v Wade has increased that sacrifice. [I heard this same thing from an ex-Satanist, ex-Illuminati, Don Marquis, now a Christian for over twenty years.] What people don't understand is there is great spiritual significance when a fetus is killed in the womb. The first record of that is found, as far as I know, in the Book of Enoch - specifically when one of the fallen angels taught the women how to kill the embryo in the womb. That book is thousands of years old, and in my opinion we get the first recorded abortion. It came right out of the mouth of a fallen angel. So, this is what's going on today - modern, clinical blood sacrifice, happening globally. Whether or not a person is aware of it, it opens up a satanic link, a portal. And this is why this stuff is manifesting in greater numbers than ever before.

Q: You're website is
A: Yes, it links to my daily blog, my radio programs,, everything.

Q: I mentioned to Chuck Missler that Dr. I.D.E. Thomas was the grandfather of this line of thought within modern evangelical eschatology, which of course he [Missler] recognized in his alien encounter books. He also says that he believes that there is a manifestation within our world today; people are looking at it as UFOs, contact by aliens. He says that this is inter-dimensional, as opposed to travel from far distances. Are you also among those intelligentsia we are interviewing this week who believe this is inter-dimensional: side by side. Extra dimensional. Not something that's coming here with a nuts and bolts technology from a far universe?
A: Yes. I believe these are inter-dimensional beings which are accessing our time/space continuum, more than likely from the second heaven. We're not told exactly how that works, but we see it. One of the interesting correlations I make is that the laws of physics are completely bent. For instance, when a person is abducted they often find themselves being levitated. They're also paralyzed. They find they are unable to move or speak, and yet they're wide awake. They're then floated through walls or windows and taken to a ship. Okay ... we just left Kansas. We really did. We're into some stuff that's physically impossible under our known laws of physics.

Now, let's take a look at Peter in jail. An angel appears to him, very much like the abductions, except this is a good angel. He comes through the wall, just as in abduction cases. Peter isn't sure whether he's awake or asleep; just the presence of this being kind of short-circuits Peter out. He then notices that everyone around him is completely asleep. Then his chains fall off him. The prison door unlocks itself, swings open, all the guards are asleep. They get to the main gate of the prison, and without touching it, the angel manipulates matter in space, the gates open and Peter leaves. The similarities between the types of events which occur cannot be overlooked. They're similar. Because they are the same type of entity - with different uses and purposes of their abilities: one good and one evil. Perhaps a weak analogy, but we could compare it to two human men; they have the same capacities, but use them for different purposes - good or evil.

Q: I want to ask you about your recent discovery concerning the cattle mutilation phenomena.
A: There is an ongoing flap in another state, which I won't name because the people want to remain anonymous. The cattle mutilations have gone destructive, according to one of his friends, a MUFON investigator. What I mean by 'gone destructive' is that they used to just take an eye or a tongue, or another body part. Now, more and more of the animal is gone. And yet, there is no blood ... the coyotes won't touch it ... no footprints or disturbances. What puts this completely into another area is when you start talking about the human mutilations, which are ongoing.

And, when we take the human mutilations and look at the Book of Enoch, it tells us that they began to eat and drink the flesh of men. What we're seeing now is the UFO phenomena is beginning to parallel that. I won't get into it on the air, but it's horrific. I'll say this: if you Google 'human mutilation pictures' you'll get to a real, actual autopsy photo with forensic detail. The particular picture I'm talking about is from a coroner who is investigating a case in PA right now, where a man went to go deer hunting, got in his ATV, three days later his naked body was found, drained of blood, in the bushes by his house. These bushes were about 50' from the house, and the task force and cadaver dogs had passed this body for three days during their investigation. So the body was put there right under their noses at the end of the third day. The body was immediately taken without a coroner on the scene, which is illegal. This particular researcher was there and saw the body. The body was frozen in a look of absolute terror, with its hands in front of its face like he was trying to ward off something. All that, is to say this: in my opinion this phenomena is incredibly malevolent.

Q: Did I understand you to say that the animals would not even eat the remains?
A: Yes. Coyotes will eat anything - but not these mutilated animals, which just sit there week after week, untouched. The coyotes won't go near it. The one I'm looking into now, the man had a couple of dogs that were out for a walk, and the dogs found it, and then something spooked them and they ran away from the carcass. The carcass, after a week, is still there, untouched by any animal or predator. These things are unprecedented.

Q: Even secular researchers like Jacques Vallee and Dr. John Mack have found a strong similarity between the history of the Nephilim and historical demonology, and in many of these abduction cases there has been in their own research, the removal of all bones, scoop marks turn up in skin, samples of human DNA seem to be being collected. And a lot of these UFO flap areas, these animals you're talking about, historically they've turned up with things removed from their bodies with almost laser-like precision. But lately I have noticed that some of these reports are very much like what you're talking about. It almost seems like something has been ratcheted up to an entirely new level, and why would they be collecting human DNA? Or even animal DNA? What would be the purpose?
A: They're making hybrids. Dr. Jacobs has been looking into the alien breeding program for decades. He believes as I do, that these hybrids have reached a point where they can now pass into the general population, which of course is incredibly unnerving [clones of politicians has become so common that intelligence people say that one of the greatest frustration of politicians around the world is that they don't know whether they're talking to a clone or the real human politician from another country]. Jacobs also believes, as do I, it's very malevolent, and that these entities do not have our best interests at heart. What differentiates the days of Noah? The fallen angels, the Nephilim, were present. It's really the only time in history where you can really look at such a major, major marker. For thousands of years, everything has pretty much gone the same, except for that one period of time which actually resulted in the flood of Noah. For those who scoff at the flood of Noah, every single culture on this planet has a flood legend in its history. Something happened in antiquity, and everything was wiped out except for eight people. And it's because of this new hybrid seed coming from the fallen angels. The seed of Satan.

Another interesting dynamic is we get this bit of prophecy in Daniel, which says: "Their seed will mingle with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave to them." That word 'cleave' is exactly the same word that we see in Genesis where it talks about given in marriage. Where in Gen 6 they took wives; there was a marriage contract between the fallen angel and the woman. And later on, as Daniel points to, we see their seed mingling, but there is no cleaving. There is no marriage ... they take the women, they abduct the women...either they become impregnated and the third month they are re-abducted, the fetus is taken, and usually 3-5 years later they're re-abducted - and certainly in the earlier days in the '80s and '90s they're showing very sickly human/alien hybrids. Stringy hair, large eyes, thin limbs, very pale complexions. That's 2-3 decades ago. Apparently, the breeding program is so vigorous that now they can create the hybrids that can 'pass' ... except, some of these hybrids can have superhuman powers. So, when this thing hits - and this thing IS going to happen, this full-on disclosure, when it happens, the hybrids that are already placed will become very evident. [see my blog on Indigo children] It will be very nasty.

Q: What about the people who are delivered instantly in the name of Jesus when they are approached by these entities? This really adds a biblical dynamic to this. Something has been happening since the beginning of time. Is this what we're talking about, that there is a demonism, and it's subject to the name of Jesus?
A: We're not talking churchianity or religion here. We're talking about a God/man, who when he incarnated...let's just walk it through here, and strip it down and expose what really happened. I call the Bible the guidebook to the supernatural, because it shows us how to interface with these beings who are good angels; it shows us how to NOT engage with the wrong ones; it tells us what to do and not to do re: necromancy, mediums, etc., how to stay away from those things, and the reasons why.

Jesus, when he was on the planet - this is an incredible story. In the ancient world if you had leprosy it was a death sentence. You were ostracized from family and friends and doomed to a long, slow, painful death, where you would watch your flesh rot in front of you. Well, Jesus is out talking to a group of people, and ten lepers cry out from far away, "Son of David! (a title of kingship) Have mercy on us!" And Jesus says, "Go your way. You are healed." The lepers are instantly healed. Now, let's stop there. They were INSTANTLY healed, which means Jesus is manipulating, on the molecular cellular level - the atomic level - manipulating matter and energy in ways that we have no idea about, which is why we call it a miracle. Their flesh is restored.

One more example. Jesus is asleep in a boat, and a huge storm comes up. His buds are freaking out. They wake Jesus up, he looks at them and says, "Where is your faith?" Two words, "Be calm." Now, the storm doesn't slowly dissipate at those words. It INSTANTLY stopped. How does he do that? We all know that kind of energy that's in a storm. Somehow he's able to manipulate it just with His WORD. So, what we're seeing is that there was, according to Christian mythos - and I believe it, which is why I am a Christian - what we see is benevolent acts by this man, over and over again. To us, they are absolutely supernatural. With that in mind, the paradigm that I embrace with the UFO phenomenon is one of supernatural events.

There's a war going on. [This is what I've been trying to say on this blog.] This war has been going on for thousands of years, between the fallen angels and God's angels. It's been this cosmic chess game. It's playing out now because the enemy knows his time is short. He's coming, just as prophecy tells us, "with all signs and lying wonders." And that is what's manifesting now. Satan is creating this deception, "that even the elect would be deceived if it were possible." This is the alien gospel which is going to cause people to fall away, and to join this one-world global economic and religious system.

These are very tenuous times we are living in. We look at all the supernatural manifestation happening on the planet: crop circles, UFOs, cattle mutilations, the abductions, the alien implants. This doctor (Lear?) I interviewed has done 16 of these, and this is like nanotechnology. The blood vessels wrap around these little implants the size of a BB, and it may be changing humans' DNA [there is ample proof of DNA is being changed - and many children are being born with an extra strand of DNA], so this is what we're dealing with. High strangeness. And we're up to our necks in it.

Q: Let's go back to UFOs. What would you say to a skeptic, regarding UFOs?
A: I realize this is incredibly self-serving, but I wrote "The Alien Interview" book to give to the skeptic. There are five PhD's that come on the record, and these people's credentials are impeccable - and they've all had direct contact with the phenomena. They weren't looking for this. It found them.We have to begin to deal with it. We've got the UK, France, Belgium and Brazil, Japan and Mexico; all stating they don't know what it is, but these crafts move with impunity in our skies. Surely, we may differ in what it means, but we can agree that UFOs are real, burgeoning, and not going away. And the bottom line is that when you see one, as this interview in my book did, a MILE WIDE, hovering over his head, he was completely overwhelmed by the experience. It made no noise, defied the laws of physics, then moves off into the distance and slowly vanishes, that has to really mess with your head, your paradigm.

With all due respect to Catholics, the supernaturals that are manifesting all over the earth, when we look back at the Fatima vision in 1917, it was a harbinger, a sign. 70,000 people believed that this phenomena was the Mary of the Bible. It was not. When we go back and look at what the eyewitnesses said, the miracle of the sun dancing, then starts to wobble and slowly descend on the crowd. Everyone was soaked, their clothes instantly dried and left a yellowish residue. People think it's the end of the world. Mass pandemonium. 70,000 people's paradigms were INSTANTLY changed, because they've encountered something supernatural and they don't know what it is. The witness thought what they saw was 'a silver disk', 'a spinning disk', a bright disk, a dull spinning silver disk. The word 'disk' is used over and over again. Knowing what we know now, if we were standing out in that field, I think we would all say, Oh, my's a UFO. [I couldn't agree more.]But that terminology was not in the public vernacular in 1917.

This is an example of what happens to people when they encounter something supernatural, and they have no background in it. My formula is: rebuke first, and ask questions later. If you see something beyond your understanding like this, rebuke it in the name of Jesus. Say it out loud, and don't get mesmerized by it because it is overwhelming when you see it - and at that point it's too late. REBUKE IT FIRST. Don't look at it. Get out of there as fast as you can.

Q: And the thing people need to know is that what you're describing right now concerning the Fatima manifestation is that this information - the original record - is based on the eyewitnesses.
A: Yes, and this was not the Mary of the Bible. This is why I call it a harbinger of deception. It's a dry run, a precursor, a preview of things to come on the earth. The Bible says that even the elect would be deceived if that were possible, 2 Thess 4. It says that day will not come until the great falling away comes first, pointing to the Antichrist. I've done an exhaustive study on this, including with a Greek scholar. The word is 'apostasia' from which comes our word, 'apostasy.' It's an event. In my book I quote a biblical scholar by the name of Keesley (?), who elaborates on this point and nails it home, that what we're looking at is some sort of an EVENT which causes this apostasy. That begs the question: what event could cause some sort of great falling away that prophecy tells us about. The short answer to that is, if you see a one-mile wide UFO over your head, unless you know what you're looking at, just as the Bible tells us, even the elect would be deceived if that were possible. That's what's coming. Men fainting from fear from what is coming on the earth.

I believe the Shroud of Turin is God's calling card. It's speaks of a physics which we know nothing about. It also gives us an idea - an overview - that this phenomena can best be explained by the Bible. We're dealing with physics that we know nothing about, a reality and another dimension which we know nothing about. We don't even know how to interface with it, which is why the Bible is always telling us 'you don't want to go there ... you don't want to ask or project or have spirit guides' like the New Agers are always trying to tell us to do, because we're not equipped to deal in that dimension, and we're certainly not equipped to deal with the entities who inhabit that dimension.

Q: You also had your own sighting this past year. Was this the first time?
A: No, it was the second time. We actually saw two this year. One was very disturbing, bizarre sighting, and from that came "Rebuke first, ask questions later." I became overwhelmed by what I was looking at. In 2009, we were driving, and I saw this very large light. At first I thought, when a plane comes at you with the light on, that's what it looked like. Very, very bright. A smaller light appeared above it and slowly descended into the white light, and then the craft disappeared with concentric rings, and as it disappeared it just vanished. As I looked at the spot where it had vanished, about a minute later, Bam! it was back. Very bright. It did this two or three times, like a cat and mouse game. I realized I had gotten sucked into it and became overwhelmed by what I was seeing. This stuff is mesmerizing.

If you encounter one, immediately rebuke it. Do not look into their eyes. If you see a craft, rebuke it, get out of there as fast as you can. Don't mess with it.

Royal Heir