
Friday, May 21, 2010

Final Economic Moves Imminent - Part 1 of 2

Top economists and forecasters are warning that we are very near the final moves which will put into place the global economic system. The world is ripe for it, and all of the control systems have been determined. It will, of course, require another crisis.

While some might think it odd, money can be used in a strategic prophetic role in a way that no religion or government can. It is the chief desire and symbol of the world. The love of money is a universally desire. No one ever has enough. Therefore, it is the perfect tool for Satan to use to thrust himself into total power over the earth. He has had thousands of years of working with evil governments, and his tactics and strategies have been perfected for such a time as this. We are on the brink of Satan's success. The only thing that remains is installation of the policy putting into effect.

The Wealth Is Concentrated.

The corporations now own an estimated 75-85% of all assets of the U.S. stock markets and over 80% of all world assets. While the stock of these corporations are spread out among many investors, the owners vary little from stock to stock, resulting in very few people who are holding the reins of the entire market. These corporations continue to become larger; three banks in the US own 60-75% of all mortgages and credit cards ... and growing.

The top 10% of adults in the world own well over 90% of household wealth, and within that 10%, the top 1-2% own over half of the world's household wealth.

Some estimates say that as few as 600 people control the world's money flows.

Global Financial Systems Galvanize at Warp Speed.

Never in the history of the world has the entire financial world reacted so quickly to financial events. They react as one monolithic culture in the global markets. This is evidence of the late stage of the globalized commercial systems.

It is now possible for global markets to be deliberately manipulated within seconds by the controllers.

Mankind Has Been Prepared to Accept a World System.

It is technically impossible to live without money or a bank account. Think about your own personal financial situation for five minutes, and you'll see what I mean. Christians are entrapped in the system just like everyone else. The financial controllers have deliberately set us up; they will soon spring the trap. Be prepared. You will have a deadline by which to accept the mark of the Antichrist. If you do not accept it your financial life will come to a screeching halt. No transaction of any kind will be allowed: banking, mortgages, insurances, food, utilities, your pay checks, retirement income, social security checks, health care. I mean everything.

You will not be able to withstand it if you are not spiritually prepared. Will you choose instant gratification ... or eternal reward?