
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

UFOs: Disclosure of the Truth?

In January of this year The Royal Society, the national academy of science of the United Kingdom invited people from NASA, the European Space Agency and the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs to participate in discussion entitled, "The Detection Of Extraterrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society." The President of the Royal Society, Lord Martin Rees, announced that aliens may be "staring us in the face" in a form humans are unable to recognize.

A number of other speakers said that we now have overwhelming evidence - proof - of alien life. Simon Conway Morris, professor of evolutionary paleobiology at Cambridge University, expressed concern about these ETs, saying that they "might not only resemble us, but may have our foibles such as greed, violence and a tendency to exploit others' resources. Other speakers also said that their intentions might be deceptive. Ya think?

Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno said that we are facing a discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence soon. One Monsignor Corrado Balducci said a while back that aliens are already interacting with earth and that Vatican's leaders are aware of it. At the forum there was much discussion among Christians, Jews and Muslims which focused on the potential impact such an event might have on their religious beliefs and on the beliefs of their worshippers.

Some had concerns that it could throw the human race into a spiritual identity crisis that could leave some questioning their faith in God. However, I don't think this is likely for the majority of Christians, certainly, because most of those who call themselves Christians have no clue what Christian doctrine teaches. They can - and often do - easily incorporate other religions into their beliefs with no problem at all - and come up with a sort of amalgamated 'custom' religion.

Of course, once again, those who were fundamentalist evangelicals stood alone in their views. Most Catholics, Jews and Muslims would have no trouble 'altering' their views on faith should unexpected and bizarre information emerge from ETs which might conflict with the orthodox views of their faiths. The conservative evangelicals were of the opinion that these entities are demonic in nature and expect that they play a role in a future great deception that gives rise to the appearance of Antichrist. "I have become thoroughly convinced that UFOs are real," popular Christian writer Hal Lindsey wrote. "I believe these beings are not only extraterrestrial but supernatural in origin. To be blunt, I think they are demons."

Professor of psychology Elizabeth L. Hillstrom in her book, Testing the Spirits, says that a growing number of scholars support the conclusion that UFOnauts are synonymous with historical demons.

Perhaps the most widely respected UFO researcher, Jacques Vallee, has written a number of books over a period of years on the subject, and they are generally considered to be classics in the field. Vallee (who is not a Christian, as I recall) cautiously sketches out his belief that some agency with enormous power of various kinds is and has been "staging" thousands of technologically complex, essentially 'fake' UFO sightings around the world with the pointed intention of manipulating and guiding civilization, and man himself, in a very specific direction.

Vallee says the apparent goal of this agency is to encourage mankind, via a belief in the impending arrival from the heavens of the benevolent 'space brothers,' to become anti-scientific, irrational, infantile, dependent, and endlessly hopeful that the essential problems of man---including his mortality---can be permanently overcome through the multi-prismed salvation the [false] "space brothers" offer. Other goals include 'the reversal of the scale of values,' "leading to a new understanding of social good, the abolition of borders, and the death of nationalism," 'goals' which are certainly becoming the reality in today's American. Which raises the question: who or what has such enormous, organizational God-like power?

All of the major researchers including Pierre Guerin, a UFO researcher and a scientist associated with the French National Council for Scientific Research; and veteran researcher John Keel; and many others seem to all agree that the UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon.

Having studied this phenomena for over 35 years I agree that these are hyper-dimensional manifestations rather than inter-galactic or extra-terrestrial. In other words, they are spiritual entities who inhabit dimensions right next to us, but to which we of the flesh are blind and 'see through a glass darkly.' These entities have the ability to manifest in our three-dimensional world when they so choose.

I just ran across a 20-hour seminar called "Official Disclosure: Prepare For Contact." It includes top researchers, including ex-government agents with above top-secret security clearance, world-famous field investigators, physicists and theologians, most of whose work I am familiar with. I am listening to this seminar and decided it would be the easiest way to write about UFOs on my blog, since the seminar material is already organized and will save me a lot of work. Not-to-mention that it is the latest, hot off the press material.

Stay tuned for my reportage of this seminar.

Royal Heir