
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sacred Geometry

Is it possible that distances measured on the earth could be used to calculate dates specific to historical events impacting those places?

Isaac Newton inspired this idea and demonstrated his conviction in his unpublished works. The man who discovered gravity and invented calculus also believed that time and space were dimensionally integrated, a concept later proven by Einstein; he proved that time and space are not separate things, but one thing called space-time.

It is clearly evident that Newton was looking for a dimensional link between time and space. It isn't highly known, but the majority of his work was theological. Newton kept his unorthodox views secret because of the persecution Galileo had suffered from the Roman Catholic Church when he exposed his own view that earth moved around the sun.

Newton was obsessed with the measurements of Solomon's Temple and their relationships to time and chronology, that the temple was a microcosm of God's creation, embodying the order of the universe.

John Maynard Keynes, who purchased Newton's unpublished works, said this: "He regarded the universe as a cryptogram set by the Almighty, just as he himself wrapped the discovery of the calculus in a cryptogram...He looked on the whole universe, and all that is in it, as a riddle - a secret which could be read by applying pure thought to certain evidence, certain mystical clues which God had laid about the world to allow a sort of philosopher's treasure hunt..."

It is only since the 20th Century that we have had the ability to plot long distance measurements with any kind of precision. Newton's book, "Optics," contains many references to the Jewish Zohar, which explained that creation emanated from the stones set in the Temple Mount of Jerusalem. This is also believed to be the location of the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant resided.

So let's take a few measurements using the Nautical Mile, which is based on the geometry of the earth. In earth's circle there are 360 degrees; each degree contains 60 nautical miles. It was during Nebuchadnezzar's reign in Babylon that we find the first verified use of the 360 degree circle. This was most likely because the ancient solar year consisted of 360 days, and they understood the importance of preserving the relationships between increments of time and geometry. Other ancient cultures observing the 360 day include the Assyrians, Chinese, Egyptian, Mayan, Roman.

Using the location of the Holy of Holies in the Temple as our point of origin for a series of measurements, let's look at some examples.

The Dome of the Tablets, a Muslim structure, is built on the only location on the Temple Mount at which the bedrock of Mount Moriah comes up through the pavement. Not only does this bedrock have the same dimensions as the foundation stone (as recorded in the Talmud), but there are several drilled holes which are spaced according to the Sacred Cubit, used only in the construction of the Temple. This spot is considered to be the most sacred spot in Jerusalem.

Measuring from this point to the ancient center of London - the London Stone, it is 1948 nautical miles - which is the year of the founding of Israel. British forces left Palestine at this time. The precise center of London is marked by the London Stone, which was set up by the Romans to be used as a reference point from which all measurements within the territory would originate.

Again, measuring from Jerusalem's foundation stone to Kilometer Zero in front of Notre Dame Cathedral in France, the central measuring point from the city of Paris, it is 1799 nautical miles. So what happened in 1799 relating France to Israel? In 1798 Napoleon began his conquest of Palestine.

On the first day of Passover in 1799 he issued a proclamation dated April 20, 1799 declaring that Palestine would be an independent Jewish State. One Paris newspaper, Moniteur Universel, wrote on 5/22/1799: "Bonaparte has published a proclamation in which he invites all the Jews of Asia and Africa to gather under his flag in order to re-establish the ancient Jerusalem. He has already given arms to a great number, and their battalions threaten Aleppo." His unsuccessful attempt to capture Acre prevented the proclamation from being issued. It did, however, heighten awareness of the cause for a Jewish State, ultimately resulting in Britain's Balfour Declaration. Napoleon even re-initiated the Jewish Sanhedrin, which met for only a single session, the first such session since AD72.

In both of these examples :

* Both measurements originated from the same place at the historical center of Israel, and both destinations terminated at the logical centers of England and France.

* The increment of measurement used was not arbitrarily chosen. The Nautical Mile specifically links the measure of time with the geometry of the earth.

* Each distance matches the exact year in which the target nation contributed to the statehood of Israel.

The chances of this occurring twice are 1 in 116,640,000.

This phenomenon also occurs with Temple locations measured to locations before the birth of Christ, but for some reason the standard of measure changes to use the Statute Mile developed by Dr. John Dee, the royal cartographer to Queen Elizabeth I. His standard enabled the British Empire to become the first great world power, being able to calibrate correct distances which enabled her to dominate the seas for 200 years.

Dee owned the largest library of ancient books in Britain. It was from this knowledge that the Statute Mile was formulated. The imperial statute measurements were also formulated according to Sacred Geometry. We can demonstrate this by measuring to the Great Pyramid, corresponding to the Hebrew exodus from Egypt in 1441 BC., and again when the children of Israel were released from Babylonian captivity when the Babylonian Empire fell in 539 BC.

Go ahead and try this out for yourself using Google Earth. If you want to seriously study this you need to get "Temple at the Center of Time," by David Flynn. The implications of this phenomenon are staggering.

If the Holy of Holies is Point Zero for measurements taken on the physical earth, and the advent of Christ's birth is Point Zero in time, then what does this say about the identification of Jesus Christ? When considered in the context of unified time and space, the meaning becomes clear. This is a sign written by God on the earth for the benefit of everyone, but especially to point the Jews toward a revelation of Jesus Christ as their Messiah. The sign was waiting to be discovered until the Jewish nation was restored to its land in an age of technology that would make it possible for anyone to verify the sign.

The significance of this connection is also allegorically illustrated by a prophetic event recorded in the Torah where Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac, on Mt. Moriah, the location of the Holy of Holies and the place where Jesus was crucified. Abraham was obedient, and just as he was about to slay his son he was stopped by the Angel of the Lord. God had provided a substitute - a lamb who was caught in a thicket. This was a picture of what God would do later by sacrificing his beloved son, to reconcile man with the requirements of His divine justice.

In response to Abraham's action of faith, the Angel of the Lord said: "By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son - blessing I will bless you....In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice." Gen 22:15. The symbol of a lamb being sacrificed in the OT was a symbol of what could only be ultimately fulfilled by God Himself. Only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, being fully God and fully man, was Jesus able to meet the requirements of God's justice, allowing us to enter into a relationship with God Himself.

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