
Friday, April 30, 2010

Friendless Israel...As Prophesied

Many Bible prophecies predict a day, after Israel's return to her land, when she will stand alone in the world, having been deserted by 'friends.' These prophecies are being fulfilled with great speed and are emboldening her enemies.

"Thus saith the Lord God; Because the enemy hath said against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are ours in possession: Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Because they have made you desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a possession unto the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and are an infamy of the people." Ezekiel 36:2-3

On March 10th, Vice President Joe Biden was severe in his criticism of Israel's plan for a 1,600-apartment expansion in the Ramat Schlomo, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, as the Palestinian Authority said that the community had to be demolished so their plans for their capital could proceed. President Obama was said to be livid when he heard of the plans the Israelis had to expand in their own community. All of this has encouraged nations around the world to condemn Israel.

On March 25th, Netanyahu and his entourage made an emergency trip to Washington to restore talks and was publicly humiliated by the White House and it's rude treatment of the Israeli group.

The U.S. has also denied weapons systems to Israel, systems which are normally supplied, reflecting a change in policy by the United States, as reported by the Jewish Institute For National Security Affairs and revealed in a January report. At the same time there have been massive American weapons sales, $10 billion dollars worth, to Arab states of Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which has weakened the edge Israel's military has over its Arab neighbors. In the same time period, the latest generation of bunker buster bombs which were due Israel from the U.S. have been re-routed to other U.S. bases.

On April 3rd, the U.S. made a deal with China which set up potential UN sanctions against Israel, sending a strong signal that the U.S. might abandon Israel in the UN General Assembly. It is obvious to all of Israel's many enemies in the Arab world that the U.S. has been abandoning Israel in actions unprecedented in the Israel-U.S. historical relationship from the time Israel became a nation. The sharks are circling.

In addition to new threats of attacks on Israel from Gaza and Lebanon, the April 6th Wall Street Journal reported that Jordan's King Abdullah stated that he regrets his father's decision to make peace with Israel, saying that Jordan's relationship with Israel is at an all-time low. He also warned Israel that if it did not make peace on Arab terms very soon, its future would be at stake. This was an incredible statement from Jordan, long considered Israel's best friend in the region and a stabilizer of Israel's eastern border for years.

The next day, April 7th, Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan, charged Israel with being the principal threat to peace in the Middle East, another step downward in deterioration of relations between Turkey and Israel, who had enjoyed close military and political ties until recently.

On April 8th, Lebanon joined the chorus of anti-Israel actions and statements by saying that in spite of the U.N. demands that Lebanon disarm and dismantle Hizbollah, "We love Hizbollah." Lebanon insisted it had no intention of dismantling Hizbollah, that the terrorist militia has broad support among the Lebanese. At the same time, Lebanon's Prime Minister Saad Hariri, seen in the West as a moderate, went to Damascus to renew ties with Syria, announcing a new determination to work with Syria against "Israeli aggression."

In Jesus' parables of the sower, of wheat and tares and of the mustard seed, he spoke of various plants that would grow until the summer harvest when fruit and crops are harvested. Then Jesus explained, "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels." Matt. 13:38-9. He is speaking of the end of the current age of grace, and the coming judgment, the Tribulation period, when Israel will be totally alone in isolation; Zephaniah calls her "the nation not desired," in Zeph 2:1-3.

Micah 7:1-8 affirms Zephaniah's description of Israel's solitary state, saying that "the good man" is no longer on the earth, and Israel has no friends. Many who study prophecy believes this is a clear reference to the post-rapture period when Israel's only true friends - those in the Christian community - are no longer here, and Israel is truly bereft and without hope. Today we seem to be on the brink of this period. Those who follow the events of the Middle East should not be surprised by the turn of events. This has all been prophesied.

At the present, Egypt seems to be the only nation who has not abandoned Israel, but that day will come. Ezekiel prophesies in 29:5-7 that this will be the reason great judgment will fall on the nation of Egypt.

The latest news is that Netanyahu will not attend the upcoming summit on nuclear terror being sponsored by the U.S., again infuriating the Administration of the United States. Rumor from intelligence agencies is saying that the Obama Administration plans to have a 'peace' agreement by the end of August, even if it means forcing Israel's compliance. The situation is unprecedented - but prophesied. The friendship of the U.S. has been the only reason Israel has been able to survive this long. That friendship appears to be ending.

There will be peace in Jerusalem. On God's terms and on God's schedule. The Lord is in charge.
Royal Heir