
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We Can't Be Good

It is impossible for us to meet even the most minimal of God's goodness. The Bible says that the heart of man is continually evil. We may not think we're quite as bad as the next guy, but the measurement for eternal life isn't calculated by percentages. One iota of a lack of perfection misses the boat just as certainly as 100% misses it.

If we think there is any good in us, all that reflects is how adroitly we deceive ourselves. Not only are we not intrinsically good, but I am amazed at how many people labor under the idea that their good works will be their salvation. They need to read the account of the rich young ruler in Luke 18.

So, we were born sinful, and there's nothing we can do to correct it. Only God himself could correct it, and that was what Jesus came to earth to accomplish as the once-for-all-time blood sacrifice on the cross. That sacrifice was our ticket out of sin. As Christ himself said, there is only one way to heaven: "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:5-7.

The next important thing to know is that, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8). Even when we believe that Jesus died for our sins, even that faith itself isn't initiated by us, but by God's grace. Even though we were born in God's likeness, the sin passed down from Adam was inherited by us. We are bound by sin, and helpless, but for Christ's sacrifice. It's all about God - not us.

Not only that, but Jesus said, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him.” (John 6:44a). We can't even come to him unless he draws us toward himself. When our spirits feel him drawing us toward him it is dangerous to neglect to respond. There may not be another time, another opportunity. Every time the Holy Spirit tugs at us and we reject him, our hearts can grow a little harder. A time might come when it is too late to respond.

If we think we are good, or that our good works will 'get us into heaven,' or that anything at all that we do results in salvation, Satan chalks another one up under his column and has a good chuckle. We are an easy mark, and deceive ourselves. The Bible warns us not to resist the Spirit or to grieve the Spirit.

Salvation is simple enough for a child to understand. When we respond to the Holy Spirit in humility and a broken heart, and believe and rely on Christ's sacrifice for us, and follow him in thanksgiving and obedience, then we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. We are new people. The Holy Spirit resides in us and changes us from the inside out.

How can anyone say no to the offer of eternity?

A Child of The King