
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Haiti, Voodoo & Catholicism

I'm not a particularly zealous fan of Pat Robertson, but he was correct in saying that Haiti has been "cursed by one thing after another" since they "swore a pact to the devil." Naturally, the 'news' media jumped all over him, claiming that no such pact was ever made.

It is pretty elementary to state that the media always makes a mistake when it attempts to comment on Christianity. Most of the media hasn't the foggiest clue what Christianity is about (the same could be said about most "Christians"). They always make fools out of themselves when they attempt to comment about it. Bill O'Reilly is repeatedly a beautiful example of that.

A Voodoo worshipper has inherently made a pact with the devil by virtue of serving him. As a matter of fact, from what I've read, the Haitians themselves have been espousing some version of what Robertson said, fearing that maybe their independence from France was born out of such a pact. There has been much consideration among them whether perhaps they need to have a new basis for faith. They understand better than others what evil comes out of their religion(s).

During the Jan. 12 earthquake, there were few cries of "Ayibobo," the Voodoo calling of the gods. Instead, everyone seemed to be calling on Jesus, according to many people interviewed. Religion in Haiti is a hybrid of Catholicism and Voodoo, as is the case in...guess where else? New Orleans.

These poor folks don't realize it, but there's not a dime's worth of difference between Catholicism and Voodoo in the true sense of the word, since Catholicism came directly out of pagan worship, and all of the rites and rituals remain pagan to this day. The Catholic hierarchy is well aware of this, and it still knowingly worships its god, Lucifer - while carefully hiding this from the people, of course. I'll be writing in some detail on that subject soon. This is yet another example of why I continue to say that in the neighborhood of 80% of all who label themselves "Christian," aren't.

"...strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Jesus Christ.

The many Christian missionaries who have flocked to Haiti since the earthquake say their goals in the country are strictly humanitarian. And therein lies the problem. The job of a missionary is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, is it not?

So, they're either: 1) lying or 2) telling the truth. Either way, it's not Christian. And #2 is far worse than #1, because if they're telling the truth they are wolves in sheep's clothing and should not be saying they are missionaries - and that makes them liars again. With all this double-talk going on it's no wonder people have lost all interest in all this pseudo-Christianity they are surrounded with. They may never have seen a real Christian.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave ... when first we practice to deceive.

With all this worshipping of Catholic pagan gods and pagan Voodoo gods going on, it's no wonder the poor Haitian people are in such a state of confusion.

Perhaps the REAL God is sending them a wake-up call while there is still time.

And...just maybe He is sending us wake-up calls ... Is there any evidence in your life that tells people that your life is different because you have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe? Or do you?

A Child of The King