
Monday, March 29, 2010

Financial Armageddon

We have now reached the point of no return, in the global financial situation. You won't hear it on the news channels, of course, but if you follow world finance as regularly as I do you will know that we are about to enter catastrophic consequences around the world.

According to Christian global economist, Wilfred Hahn, "government debt levels around the world have risen 75% over the last two years." This is truly astonishing. This is true, not of just a nation or two, but of the entire world. This would be hard to accomplish if nations tried. This is truly an event of biblical proportions.

Bible prophecy does predict such an epic event. We are now heading at warp speed down the road to "troubles such as never was." (Daniel 12:1).

Why in the world would leaders descend into such lunacy? Everyone IN the financial industry knows why. It's simple GREED. Even at this historical time of such catastrophe they still do not accept blame, and there appears to be no consequences whatever for their actions. Typically, they accept no responsibility. None. And none is assigned to them. They get away with it because of their power to do so. They appear to be oblivious to the evil of their actions. This is their way of life, and it always has been.

They cheat on their income taxes, they take all their money offshore, they have no concern whatever for the people they rob. Graft and corruption are as normal a part of life as getting up every morning. They understand that they are untouchable, exempt. They believe they deserve it. They worship money and financial success. They feel entitled.

They produce nothing. Their love of money is such that they will stop at nothing to gain more. No one restrains them in their lust for wealth. They are the ultimate materialists. It is their god, their religion. Even as they bring the world financial system down, they are the very ones to whom we go for advice.

They live a lie, and it is an unwritten rule that no one speak truth. They would be immediately ostracized if they admitted faith in Jesus Christ. Everyone would turn against them. Their careers would be over.

It is the same in the world of science, regarding evolution or global warming. Grants would cease to come their way, funding pulled from their research projects, and eventually they would be squeezed out of their career positions. This is unwritten law. Of all the articles written, not a single commentator, economist or journalist ever mentions the cause ... greed.

Our government 'leaders' are caught up in the same mindset. Our nation is literally broke, yet they continue to come up with trillion-dollar spending plans. The self-deception and blindness is astounding. Bribes and threats are rampant, and it appears none of their criminal minds give it a second thought. They are all lemmings headed for their demise. Unfortunately, they will take us with them.

The Bible has a lot to say about wealth and the end times. Here are three of many:

"Now listen, you rich have hoarded wealth in the last days" James 5:1.

"Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. James 5:3.

"I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing." Rev 3:17.

We, too, as citizens have participated in the lust for wealth and material things. We need to repent and recognize how foolishly we have been caught up in their trap and in things that have no lasting value. Seek the riches that have eternal value.

Royal Heir