
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eternity is Now

People seem to have the idea that eternity starts when they die.

Actually, though, we need to realize that eternity began when we were conceived in the mind of God or in our mother's womb.

Here are three dictionary definitions of "eternity:"

1. infinite time; duration without beginning or end.
2. eternal existence, esp. as contrasted with mortal life: the eternity of God.
3. Theology. the timeless state into which the soul passes at a person's death.

If we understood that we are now in eternity I think it would help us to understand a thrilling fact. That is, there's no reason to wait until we die to reap the benefits of our faith.

Charles Stanley tells a story of an elderly couple who could barely eke out a living. They lived in a dilapidated old house and couldn't afford to keep the heat on all the time. Shortly after they both died, a huge deposit of oil was discovered on the old property. All their years of poverty were lived out sitting on top of untapped wealth.

Unfortunately, many Christians go through life just like that elderly couple, thinking that some day when they die they will have an abundant life in eternity. No! They have the abundant life available to them right now - they just aren't living it.

I don't mean to suggest that life won't be infinitely better in the heavenly phase of our lives, but this earthly life could be infinitely better for most Christians right now. They are not tapping into the incredible power to which they have access.

It's a shame, too, because the next phase of life will be even better if we take advantage of this life's available riches of God's grace. This is an extremely important point for a Christian to understand.

Listen. Our rewards and our positions of responsibility in the next realm are in direct proportion to our investments of time, energy and obedience to the Lord in the fleshly life.

A Christian who is exactly the same today as he was 20 years ago in his spiritual walk is in trouble. We should see consistent growth - spiritual maturity - as we progress through this life. Otherwise, we will pay the price now ... and then.

Think about it.

Royal Heir