
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The United States IS In Bible Prophecy, Part 2

The world is made up of two types of people right now - 1) those who understand all of the occult symbolism that is literally everywhere in the U.S., in everything, and is shouting that we are welcoming Lucifer to rule the earth, and 2) those who have no clue. To understand the world we live in, we must understand the symbols surrounding us. These occult symbols are in company logos, sports events, movies, TV, the Olympics, just every place you look. Their origins go as far back as the Tower of Babel, and they have been passed down through all secret societies throughout history.

We cannot ignore them any longer. Too much is at stake. They reveal too much.

For years I have studied demonic activity, secret societies, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Bavarian Illuminati and Western Occultism, along with prophecy, angels, ancient myths of Greece, Rome, Babylon. You name it. It's next to impossible to know where to start, but for the sake of the time element involved, I'm starting at the end. These secret societies have recruited the elite from the beginning; the philosophers, scientists, politicians, artists. Their religion is Luciferian. Yes, they worship Lucifer. They are believers, and they are welcoming the Antichrist. It is a centuries-old dream. The United States is the vehicle they chose in 1776 to bring this to pass.

History has always been on two tracks. One track is the plan of God, and the other track is the plan of Lucifer. Side by side. It has been no different in the U.S. The great advantage the secret societies have always had is secrecy. Many people do not want to know the facts. No one is forced to read this blog. However, if you are a truth seeker, you are in the right place. This is for those with eyes to see.'

We need to return to the side of the Great Seal of the U.S. that has the pyramid, which is one of the most important symbols of the Illuminati/Freemasons. (Let me say right here that 95% of the Freemasons have no idea; they are deliberately kept in the dark, and this is well-documented all throughout their history.) The pyramid is composed of thirteen layers. The number 13 is a sacred number to them and is constantly represented in various ways. The bottom 11 layers of the pyramid represent the lower degrees of Masonry while the top two (2) represent the Illuminati – the “hidden degrees”, the capstone of the pyramid. This is where the “Truth” is revealed and where the decisions are taken. The pyramid, representing secret societies operating on every continent, is ubiquitous around the entire world, in all of the capitols of the world, dominating it (overshadowing it) and owning it.

Triangles also represent the pyramid symbolism and is a universally recognized symbol of Illuminism in pop culture. The most significant symbol is the Eye within the triangle. Note also that the Masonic symbol of compass and square also form a triangle. (There is however no need to keep this conspiracy hidden; the masses are too uninformed to understand what is happening. They visit and drive around monuments that celebrate the imminent arrival of an Illuminati-lead Lucifer-worshipping New World Order, but still deny its existence. While the elite laugh.)

The US Capitol is the spiritual center of the United States. Its structure, its art and its symbols all reveal the great plan of the ages and is a sacred temple to Freemasonry and the secret societies. The Capitol was the creation of a succession of architects who were almost all Freemasons. Originally designed by William Thornton (1759-1828), the work was completed by Brother Benjamin Latrobe (a pupil of the English architect Samuel Pepys Cockerell, 1754-1827) who also redesigned it after the War of 1812. The flanking wings and the great dome were added later by Brother Thomas Ustick

The cornerstone of the Capitol Building was laid with Masonic Honors on September 18, 1793, under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Maryland. At the ceremony President George Washington presided in full Masonic attire. Washington, D.C. was carefully laid out in accordance to ancient occult principles. The Capitol is a vital part of the design by its location and its shape. The Capitol’s most important feature is its massive dome which carries heavy symbolic meaning. This dome faces the Washington Monument, the 555.5 foot tall (6666 inches) replica of an Egyptian obelisk. This layout is a mirror image of St.Peter’s Square in the Vatican, where an obelisk faces a giant dome, both important symbols of rebirth found in all the capitols of the world.

The dome has been associated with the female principle, the womb, the matrix. Opposed to it is the obelisk, the ancient Egyptian phallic symbol representing the male principle. The union of those two principles gives birth to a third entity, an offspring, that can be described as “spiritual energy”. This spiritual energy is not only symbolic. It is a palpable reality.

The dome of the Capitol features in its inner dome a painting that reveals the philosophical, spiritual and political aims of the Founding Fathers. The mystical meaning of this painting called “The Apotheosis” (elevation to godhood) signifies the exaltation and elevation to godhood, of George Washington, who is surrounded by figures of ancient paganism. It was painted by Constantino Brumidi, an Italian artist who became famous for his paintings commissioned by the Vatican and Pope Pius IX. There is much, much more.

We will proceed to the predictive date which is in the seal, which shows the 13-step pyramid, with the date 1776 engraved in the bottom step in Roman numerals. The year 1776 was also a special year in the Mayan calendar; it was the first 'katun' in the cycle of thirteen. Without going into a lot of mathematical detail, let me just refer you to a new book by Thomas Horn, a minister and researcher. The book is entitled "Apollyon Rising 2012." According to his findings, and quoting other people who arrived at the same conclusion, the top of the pyramid, which is predictive of the arrival of the god Lucifer, the year is 2012.

All that I can say is that is extremely fascinating. There is much, much more to all of this, which I won't - and probably couldn't - accurately put into words. For more on Thomas Horn, his website is: His book is available there, and he has many podcasts for those who are interested.

Well, now I know someone will ask what I think of this information about 2012? I find it absolutely riveting that numerous pagan religions, including the Mayans, all arrive at that date, and now it shows up on our dollar bill. What I believe is that this has great significance if you're a Luciferian. Which I'm not! My assumption is that this is the date they plan to welcome Lucifer to rule on earth. Whether they will succeed on that date or some other one I do not pretend to know.

One thing I do know. I see the signs of the last days upon us, and I am a student of prophecy. I believe it's possible, subject to God's purpose and plan. He is the one in charge of all of this. I find it highly ironic that the great deceiver, Satan, and his followers, will end up being the ones who are themselves deceived in all of this.

To me, all of this just confirms that the time is very near and confirms my belief that Christians need to be aware of what's going on and be about our Father's business. The time is short.

Royal Heir