
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How To Stage A Fake Epidemic

Rappoport is not a Christian for sure, but he is a great writer who covers cultural issues and the evil powers that rule the earth. He has a terrific imagination and hits on the truth more often than not. CMR
Ebola: how to stage a fake epidemic
By Jon Rappoport
October 7, 2014

Note: all my articles on Ebola can be accessed through my website, They provide extensive background for what I'm outlining here.

First, keep in mind that what I'm talking about is the creation of false reality.  

In 1988, as I finished my first book, "AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century," I made notes for an upcoming radio interview. Here is a relevant excerpt:

"It turns out there is absolutely no reason to say that HIV causes what is called AIDS. Once you subtract HIV from the official story, what are you left with?

"A number of people who present an array of illnesses and symptoms. But without HIV, the 'glue' that held them all together vanishes. So now you have sick people.

You have them in Africa, in New York, San Francisco, Haiti, and other places. Yes, they are sick and they are dying. But that doesn't make an epidemic, because the tiny virus that was supposed to be at the bottom of all this is missing from the equation.

"This tells you how to invent a fake epidemic. You take many sick and dying people, and you claim there is one germ that is causing all the trouble.

"You promote a few diagnostic tests that 'will confirm the presence of the germ' and you tell people they must be tested.

"But the tests don't really confirm the presence of the germ. They're deceptive and useless. Of course, the test will register positive in many cases.

"These positive people are said to be victims of the one germ that is at the root of the epidemic."

I wrote that in 1988, and it applies just as well to Ebola, as I've demonstrated.

The two primary diagnostic tests for Ebola---the antibody and the PCR---are completely useless for verifying the presence of millions of Ebola virus in a patient---which is what you need to begin to say that patient is an "Ebola case."

In 1988 with AIDS, and more recently with Ebola, I've explained the list of factors that would make people sick and kill them---factors that have nothing to do with HIV or Ebola virus.

In essence, this is how you create a fake epidemic. Real death, false explanation.

You tie together and link together people who are sick and dying for various reasons, and you claim they're all dying because of the One Germ.

That gives you a powerful psychological ploy, because people are always looking for the one unified thing that explains a whole host of disturbing facts.

You give them what they want.

They buy it.

In the case of "the SARS epidemic" in 2003, it was "the coronavirus." As I've mentioned before, a Canadian microbiologist working for the World Health Organization, Frank Plummer, inadvertently blew the whistle on the scam when he told reporters, stunningly, that the percentage of SARS patients who actually "had the virus" was shrinking from month to month.

In fact, finally, the percentage was approaching zero.

This rank absurdity was duly reported in the press by brain-dead journalists, and everyone moved on, unaware that a bomb had just exploded.

How could these people be called "SARS cases," when the one and only cause of SARS, "the coronavirus," wasn't present in their bodies?

In the case of HIV, it was even worse, because the people who were diagnosed as "HIV-positive," as a result of useless and misleading antibody tests, were given a drug called AZT.

AZT was a failed chemotherapy drug sitting on the shelves of the US National Institutes of Health. It had been there for nearly 25 years.

It was doled out to patients with orders that they take it every day for the rest of their lives.

To say AZT is highly toxic is a vast understatement. It attacks all cells of the body, including cells of the immune system. So when patients began dying as a result, doctors blithely assured one and all that "the AIDS disease had accelerated" and the deaths had nothing to do with AZT.

This gives you a clue about how medical criminals can target specific populations.

For example, gay men in America were heavily promoted to "take the AIDS test." The propaganda was relentless. Naturally, a percentage of the tested men showed up positive on, again, the useless and misleading antibody test.

They were dosed with what amounts to a chemical warfare agent. AZT. Many died.

In the late 1990s, I gave talk about HIV to a group of people in the community room of a park in Hollywood. I said to them:

Imagine that this park is suddenly called the epicenter of an outbreak of a virus. It's all a fake, but there it is. Health authorities order their agents to track down everyone who has been in the park in the last three months.

These park visitors must be tested for the presence of the virus. Of course, the test is fatally flawed. It shows positive results for a few dozen reasons, none of which has anything to do with the presence of a virus.

Those people, those park visitors who "test positive," are now given a drug which is so toxic it can kill them. It does kill many of them.

As they die, the health authorities count them as victims of the "Hollywood Park virus."

The circle is closed. The lies interlock.

After my book, AIDS Inc., was published in 1988, I interviewed a researcher attached to the largest HIV study ever done on gay men, the ongoing San Francisco Men's Study.

This piece of research tracked men who had been diagnosed as HIV to see what happened to them over the course of many yerar.

Of course, all of them were taking AZT. A huge percentage of them fell ill and died.

But there was a subset of men who remained healthy for 8-10 years and were still healthy. The common denominator? They never took AZT, or they stopped taking it.

I asked the researcher why the organizers of the Study didn't trumpet this fact.

She said they didn't think it was very important.

Not important? According to the conventional "science," these men should be dead. They weren't. They were healthy. They didn't take the drug.

This is the kind of "science" that is used to bolster fake epidemics. Real death, false reason.

A crime like no other.

Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at
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