
Friday, August 22, 2014

CRITICAL News ... New Constitution, Pope, Bible Ban, Ferguson, More

NEW US CONSTITUTION...all ready to go the minute Martial Law is official - they will never call it "martial law" 

(I do not endorse religious views of this channel CMR)


(I do not endorse religious views of this channel CMR) 


TRANSCRIPT: Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America

Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan!

ISIS IS HERE! CNN Caught Staging 'ISIS Psyop In Ferguson'


Get Ready! Paid Mercenaries Being Deployed to Ferguson!

....and HERE

Exposed! Ferguson Captain 'Ron Johnson' Throwing Up 'Kappa' Masonic Hand Sign! 


Dahboo's website link ... always full of news 

Pray for Dahboo - he is on the front lines.  In fact, pray for us all.

A Spiritual Warrior of King Jesus