
Monday, April 21, 2014

Rome & Rick Warren United in Ecumenism

Did you know that the KJV is the only Bible version that Satan and his deputies hate with a passion? They will tolerate - even promote - all other versions. Why do you suppose that is?

Rick Warren’s Ecumenical Pathway to Rome Continues
News Alert
Understand The Times International: Roger Oakland Ministries
In February of 2013, Understand The Times published a commentary on our website titled What's Next For Rick Warren.

In this commentary, we provided evidence to show that Warren and Tony Blair were partnering together with the Roman Catholic Church in the formation of a P.E.A.C.E. Plan that leads towards the formation of a global religion in the name of Christ for the cause of peace. Documentation for this premise can be supported by numerous statements that both Warren and Blair have made publically from messages they have given or articles that have been written explaining their ideas. 

While many who read that commentary doubted or denied such a Warren-Rome connection, a new YouTube interview with Rick Warren and Raymond Arroyo of EWTN (published and posted on Apr 11, 2014), reveals the statements we made about the Warren-Rome partnership were accurate prophetic warnings with regard to what would happen in the future.

The YouTube description of the interview with Warren and Arroyo states:
“Part II of our exclusive interview RICK WARREN, pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California. Rick talks about the expansion of his ministry abroad, the Vatican delegation that recently came to Orange County to study his church's style of evangelization, and which television channel he finds himself watching most often and the show that draws him.”
The interview can be viewed by clicking on the following link:
We highly recommend you watch the entire 30-minute interview, which was done at Saddleback Church at some date previous to the publishing date of April 11, 2-14. The interview is loaded with information that provides further insight into Rick Warren’s pathway to Rome that he has actually been supporting for quite some time. For instance, in 2005, Warren created the Purpose Driven Life Catholics program as you can see from the image below (which is taken from Rick Warren’s website)
And in his best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life (released in 2002), Rick Warren makes several favorable references to well-known Catholics: page 88 (Brother Lawrence, a Catholic mystic), page 108 (he mentions Catholic priest, Henri Nouwen and Catholic panentheist St. John of the Cross), and twice he mentions Mother Theresa (pages 125 and 231).

But in this EWTN interview, Warren takes his views of the Catholic Church to even “greater” heights and admits he is in favor of the Roman Catholic New Evangelization program (set up to win the “lost brethren” back to the Mother Church). 

In the near future, we will be breaking the interview down into smaller segments, providing written transcripts and comment based on the words contained in these shorter segments.