
Monday, March 17, 2014

US Treasuries World Fire Sale / Flight 370 Answer + OTHER NEWS LINKS


1) FIRE-SALE of US TREASURIES is a warning of acute stress across the world

2) THE ANSWER TO FLIGHT 370:  FROM DAVE HODGES: These two events (Ukraine/Crimea/Russia & Flight 370) and many world events are part of a grand theater which is being played out in order to create maximum chaos from which the New World Order (& Ashtar) will be rolled out. ARTICLE : The Malaysian Airliner Is NOT Missing & Much More

 more news: 

Report: Al-Qaeda Linked Terrorists Planned '9/11 Style' Plane Hijacking in Malaysia

U.S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet


 "Come out of her, my people" applies to all true Christians who are in false churches - Catholic or Protestant ..... news below applies to the Roman Catholic Church:

YouTube: did the sun dance at a Divine Mercy event last year?

Remembering a Saint Joseph miracle