
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WANTED: Spiritual Warriors

Experienced only need apply. Submit references with application.
Inquire ON HIGH.

 Born again, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross (who was subsequently resurrected)
 Familiarity with,  and working knowledge of, The Word of God
·         Intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and God, The Father
 Prayer warrior, humble spirit, trustworthy, faithful, fearless
 Discretion and discernment desired
 Willing to put job above every other consideration in life; absolute, 100% commitment necessary
 Power (from on High)

          JOB DESCRIPTION:                 
                    Spiritual warfare against the forces of evil
·                  Constant in prayer (on knees, preferable)
·                  Fasting may be required for hard assignments
Some rescue and intervention may be required
Able and willing to be the enemy’s intense target if so allowed; may include being attacked and/or persecuted
Tough circumstances - joy expected throughout 
Possible interaction with holy angels (without your awareness)

     FIELD MANUALS (Infallible)
·         Book of Acts
·         Books of Daniel and the Revelation of Jesus Christ
·         Additional Books may be required

    HOURS – 24/7 (No vacation while in mortal gear)

    PAY – Out of this world; awards probable at graduation

    BENEFITS – Eternal Life – Member of Royal Household