
Monday, October 28, 2013

If You Can't Stop Buying At Amazon ... Could You Die For The Lord?

BY Sarah Reinhard

Amazon is a huge supporter of gay marriage.
Before I continue, I would like to make something abundantly clear: I have nothing, nothing, against the people with same sex attraction (SSA). My heart goes out to them. I pray for them frequently. They are my brothers and sisters, and the pain they bear is close to my heart. It is not my intent to discuss or attack SSA in this piece.
It took me one Google search to find out that yes, in fact, Amazon’s support of gay marriage is a well-documented fact, and one loudly lauded throughout the interwebs.
Jeff Bezos, the billionaire founder of, and his wife, MacKenzie, have agreed to donate $2.5 million to help pass a same-sex marriage referendum in Washington State, instantly becoming among the largest financial backers of gay marriage rights in the country.
With the gift, the couple have doubled the money available to the proponents of Referendum 74, which would legalize same-sex marriage in the state by affirming a law that passed the Legislature this year. Courts or lawmakers have declared gay marriage legal in six other states, but backers of such measures have never succeeded at the ballot box.
Proponents of the effort in Washington State called it a game-changing gift that gives them a fighting chance in November.
“That’s it,” my husband said when I read this aloud to him. “They don’t get any more of our money.”
Which made me do a little calculation, because not only am I a long-time Amazon Prime subscriber, but I’m also an avid fan of the services Amazon provides to me. I live in the country, and what I save in shopping time and gas is more than made up from the convenience and beauty of two-day delivery.
Read the rest of the article HERE.