
Saturday, June 8, 2013

This Is Why I Love Quantum Physics ....

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An article from Chuck Missler's eletter - you can sign up for a free subscription on his website.

Ignore the Man Behind the Curtain

from the June 04, 2013 eNews issue

Ever since the birth of Quantum Theory there has been speculation—some privately held, some very public—of what the implications of the existence of quanta really means. As measuring devices improved dramatically, they provided more clarity to the issue. Today it is an accepted “truth” that everything is quantized. Energy (as well as length, time, and mass) exists in discrete quantities, divisions if you will.
There are also other side-effects to this discovery. Everything is “connected.” All particles on the quantum level know what the other particles are doing, regardless of distance, instantaneously. Let that sink in. Also, there is a size at which, when dividing the particle in half, it becomes “non-local.” It is nowhere and everywhere. Every measurement of the universe in which we reside has a “quantum limitation.”
Since what we know of reality is based solely on our perception (what we see, hear, feel, taste and smell), it appears there is a foundational structure upon which all of the details “hang.”
If we entertain the idea that the Universe is not gravitationally based but is electrical, it certainly would fit even our most common understanding of a computer-generated simulation. Because of the many difficulties with the gravitational model of the universe, many physicists are being convinced of an electrical model. Many of the issues concerning missing mass, celestial interactions, black holes and the abnormality of temperatures on our own Sun dissolve with the electrical theory.
There is a movie from a few years back (The Thirteenth Floor) in which the simulated characters of a simulated world are confronted with the fundamental limitations of their “reality.” Because of the limitations of structure, they were forced to conclude they were living within a “program” created by an outside source.
Ironically, this is where the physicists of our time find themselves. Disregarding what the Bible has said all along, of course, they are seeking to quantify and confirm the obvious, yet unwanted, conclusion to where the evidence is leading them. Like all good “scientists” they are trying to creatively foster any explanation other than a Creator that loves them and has been trying to inform them in every way possible.
The more they learn about the foundations of our reality, the more the idea of an underlying structure to space/time is confirmed. Millions of dollars are being spent in preparation for the design and construction of experiments to “test” the simulation theory.
Right now at the University of Bonn, nuclear physicist Silas Beane and some of his colleagues have come up with a test that exploits this feature of simulations; their need to be discretized, or quantized.
Beane and company believe we can test to see if the universe behaves the way we expect from theory, or the way we’d expect in a discretized model like a computer simulation. If the latter is true, it would provide evidence that we are all stuck in a simulation:
“In our universe, the laws of physics are the same in every direction. But in a grid, this changes since you no longer have a space-time continuum, and the laws of physics would depend on direction. Simulators would be able to hide this effect but they wouldn’t be able to get rid of it completely.”
Beane and company are testing by creating their own simulations. They are presently simulating quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which is the fundamental force in nature that produces the strong nuclear force among protons and neutrons, and to nuclei and their interactions. In place of the space-time continuum, they have designed tiny, tightly spaced cubic “lattices.” They call this “lattice gauge theory.” After observing their models, they then compare them to real world observations.
Interestingly, the researchers consider their simulation to be just a beginning. As computational development takes place, they envision more powerful versions in which molecules, cells, and even humans themselves might someday be simulated. But for now, they’re interested in creating accurate models of cosmological processes — and finding out which ones might show evidence of an underlying lattice.
On the possibility that we do live in a simulation he says, “There is a famous argument that we probably do live in a simulation. The idea is that in the future, humans will be able to simulate entire universes quite easily (approximately 500 years). And given the vastness of time ahead, the number of these simulations is likely to be huge. So if you ask the question: ‘Do we live in the one true reality or in one of the many simulations?’ the answer, statistically speaking, is that we’re more likely to be living in a simulation.”
The interesting analysis that drives them is that we have “noticed” that our reality has limitations. It is not a foregone conclusion that if some alien culture is behind this simulation, it would be constructed in a way we could understand it. Since we can, at least so far, understand its limitations, this means one of two things; either the designer is like us or it is constructed for our discovery. Either scenario causes secular scientists headaches. How could “they” be like us when they are capable of such technologies? And why would they care that we can discover limitations that should be invisible to the participant?
Many are seeing this edge of reality as an obstacle to be overcome. They talk of entering into the “real world” by their own intellect and effort. This is vaguely reminiscent of the Tower of Babel. As man stumbles forward, the higher probability is of misstep. If God acted at Babel to halt their development capabilities, what more could He have in store for us now?
Related Links:    •   Physicists Say There May Be a Way to Prove That We Live in a Computer Simulation - io9
  •   Physicists May Have Evidence Universe Is A Computer Simulation - Huffington Post