
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Does This Redefine Reality? Incredible ...

I can't remember where this came from, so my comments are in red; the rest came from somewhere else. Please don't miss the 2nd video below (if you would rather just read my notes on it, they are right beneath the video). These are critical concepts. cmr

A scientist from The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science ‘locked’ himself in his office for 3 weeks trying to understand what was presented (at 2:33 minutes in this video) to him in this experiment. It is a Russian experiment with plasma and dust particles conducted out in space. The experiment structured a ‘black hole’. Why was it so difficult for this man of science to come to terms with?

MAKE SURE YOU ACTIVATE THE CAPTIONS SO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DISCUSSING (On bottom right of video) ... Video can also be accessed HERE... But if you leave this site, be sure and read the rest of the article, which is amazing beyond words.

With the adherence to a 'mechanical universe' model, what is presented in this video concerning a 'black hole' may be difficult to understand properly for any of us. Why? Because, what is being viewed is not a 'hole'. It is not a 'doorway', it is not a 'portal', it is not a 'gateway' is not a 'hole'.

It is an area in reality that is 'non-material' (spiritual). There are no particles within it. There is NO movement within it. You are literally seeing the non-material, which to material observations is completely 'invisible'. What the man from Planck was shown is direct evidence that forces which are invisible within our material dimension will form designs from the particles that are shaped into a design that literally appears to be a hole in the ‘fabric’ of material reality. Again, though, it is not a hole. It is an area of material reality where there is no movement, no particles, and therefore - to our ‘senses’ – the area is ‘invisible’ as there is nothing material to see. (It's spiritual.)

This ‘non-material structure’ can shape material structures (plasma and dust particles in this instance).
That’s right…our non-material reality has the ability, with ‘invisible forces', to shape our material reality. It - the non-material - is the foundation of the structure/function of our material reality. (This is not news to the Christian, but it's thrilling to hear one scientist admit it.)

This stuff is so deep. It is like new ways to look at reality that the human mind struggles with. We think that there is a hole, but it's not a hole. It is still right there within our inside, no 'down' into the hole, etc. It is still the same exact 'place' of aether, they are just accessing a different way of perceiving that area of aether - of the fabric of reality.

It is like perceiving different layers of reality that exist in the same place (space). And the layers have different rules for structure/function of energy. If the structure/functions of an area of energy begin following the rules of a different layer, it begins perceiving and interacting with that different layer. The layers are all superimposed within each other. Specific structure/functions of energy determine which layer is perceivable. But, rules within the layers prevent types of 'existence' from manifesting specific structure/functions of energy within certain layers.

Something I thought of on the drive home the other day thinking about this, is Eric Dollard's ideas about the sun. He said that the sun is hollow.
Eric Dollard is the only man known to be able to accurately reproduce many of Tesla's experiments with Radiant Energy and wireless transmission of power. This is because he understands that conventional electrical theory only includes half of the story. More about him below.

Maybe, the interior of the sun is similar to what we are seeing in this experiment. Imagine this experiment if the plasma/dust particles were not formed along a horizontal plane. What would happen? It would form a sphere with the plasma and dust particles completely surrounding where the 'hole' (sphere) is. In other words, you would not be able to see through the plasma/dust shell to see that the interior is actually an area of non-materiality...or, our little perceptual viewing of a place in space that is invisible to our material/mechanical senses...the non-material. Though we can see the effects of these non-material 'forces' (I think there are two foundational ones), we cannot see the cause of the effects which we can see.
MY NOTES ON ABOVE VIDEO: The video is with scientist Eric Dollard who is basically living out of his car because the world power elite do not want his information out … they have 'suicided' hundreds of scientists in the past ten or so years (I have many of the names). 
So ... Dollard says the sun is not a nuclear furnace at all.  It’s going dead. The ionosphere that you need to communicate to the rest of the world is dissipating, right now it is at about 50% what it was, and that’s now, when it's in its maximum; how dead will it get in the next 7 years when it goes into its minimum? He says to read Jupiter Effect, which is fairly accurate. The sun controls all the frequencies; so if you don’t know what frequency to use, there goes communication …  
He says the sun Is hollow. There is no fusion in the sun; only in the flares do you get fusion. NASA etal do not know how the sun works, but it is a converter only – and it’s converting light from another dimension. You cannot see the sun out in space; you can see the planets and the moon – but NOT the stars or the sun – you cannot see the source of light.  
The sun is not a material object -  all the talk about time delays and light years is meaningless, foolishness – there are no time delays, nor are there light years. When you can’t see the light – the stars or the sun in outer space – all their theories collapse.  (My immediate thought: that’s why they have these pyramid transformers all over the earth) … he says nuclear fission is a religion. (My thought: I was thrilled when I listened to all this; numerous biblical applications came flooding into my mind as I now understood many things in the Bible which had previously been elusive.)
Just the thought of what is going on, trying to understand that we may be perceiving the non-material reality that is structuring all of this around us (and 'in' us), is not a 'separate' reality, but an integrated one. You don't 'punch' holes in space/time. It is a very different way of perceiving reality. (And one that makes a tremendous amount of sense to me in my paradigm.)

That is why the observer has been known to change the outcome of quantum experiments

END NOTE: I'm the one who understood nothing when it came to science. However, when I discovered that science had a spiritual aspect to it, I began to understand everything. In Carole's World everything is spiritual..and the cosmos is not made up of dust and ice balls ... it is electromagnetic. Period.