
Monday, May 6, 2013

Gov't Panel Discusses WH Coverup of ET/UFOs

Cover-Up Of Visitors From Outer Space Focus Of Discussion In Washington

While President Obama was promoting an immigration overhaul in Mexico, six former members of Congress gathered two blocks from the White House to consider what they see as the enforced government secrecy surrounding another kind of visitor: the kind who come from a lot farther away. 

Every day this past week, the former legislators presided over panels made up of academics and former government and military officials, who were there to discuss their research or their own eyewitness accounts of unidentified flying objects and the extraterrestrials who presumably would have occupied them. “Something is monitoring the planet, and they are monitoring it very cautiously, because we are a very warlike planet,” said Mike Gravel, a former Democratic senator from Alaska who ran in both the Democratic and Libertarian presidential primaries...

Read NY Times article HERE.   My Comments Below:

This is the beginning of a disinformation campaign by government (and soon, by the Vatican) to convince earth's populations that we are being visited by extra-terrestrials in UFOs. This campaign has been planned for years - centuries, actually. Do not be fooled! 

It is not ETs who are visiting us, but inter-dimensional demonic entities who can manifest in just about any form (including human, animal, UFOs, etc.). This is the beginning of the vast public indoctrination campaign; it is a great deception, which I began writing about several years ago. The ultimate goal is to convince you that your ancestors are ETs, and they will produce "foolproof archaelogical evidence" to prove it, followed by an alien savior who will enjoy the blessing of the Vatican. 

Incredible as this may seem, demonic entities have taken human form and are now running every government on earth. You may well have voted for a demon in the last election - or the last several elections. They are now in control of earth's governments, militaries (including the US), religions - including most of what calls itself Christianity, and every other bureacracy. 

You have been warned about this for a very long time. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. You can go back through the archives of this website for extensive information. You may also visit Tom Horn's website. He has been writing about this for years, particularly the Vatican angle.

This subject, and everything it encompasses, is a - if not the - great deception spoken of in God's Word. Demons are running this planet, which should not be in the least surprising, since Satan is the ruler of the earth. Fortunately, his reign has only a very short time remaining before his prophecied demise.