
Monday, May 20, 2013

BREAKING * Cyclical Comet Bombardment Ongoing - Caused By Planet X Presence

This is video received today - 5/20/13
From The00skyview - 6 min

This is the first video from about 3 weeks ago (short)

You can follow The00skyview channel HERE
(This is one of my top three PX channels)

Climate Risk Scientist Tells FOX News "Solar Flares" May Cause North ATLANTIC Tsunami May 20  thru June 4 min

Massive Earthquake Swarm in Russia, 
Volcanoes Awaken on Northern Ring of Fire
(Last report there were 33 - 4+magnitude quakes...
could God be unhappy??)

Violent Days On The Sun Continue -
Now CME Traveling At Speeds Of 745 Miles Per Second Approaches Earth

The active region on the Sun (AR1748) fired off four powerful X-class solar flares earlier this week and violent days on the Sun continue. On 5:24 a.m. EDT on May 17, 2013, the sun erupted with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection or CME, a solar phenomenon that can send billions of tons of solar particles into space that can reach Earth one to three days later and affect electronic systems in satellites and on the ground.

....and the storm in the Midwest. I could go on, 
but you get the point. Stuff is happening.
P.S. The 'dark side' reps are saying they plan 
to be here (en masse, I guess) by 5/25 ... of course,
they lie most of the time ... or just plain don't know. Still...