
Friday, May 3, 2013

America's Secret Destiny Being Fulfilled


By Paul McGuire
April 29, 2013

As the economic condition of Greece declines, the neo- Nazi Golden Dawn party is rising in power and has plans to create cells around the world. The Golden Dawn has a Swastika-like symbol and it has established links with British neo-Nazis and has offices n Germany, Australia, Canada and the U.S. Golden Dawn is now Greece’s fastest growing political force. The Golden Dawn in Greece is descended from the same Golden Dawn that was in operation when Adolph Hitler rose to power under similar economic conditions. The Satanist and British intelligence agent Aleister Crowley was a member of Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn members believed they were in contact with a race of "Secret Chiefs": superhuman beings and entities who were guiding the destiny of the world towards a New World Order, through groups like the Theosophical Society and the Great White Brotherhood.

It is impossible to understand what is happening in America and the world today without fully comprehending the beliefs, organizational structure, and power of these occult secret societies like the Golden Dawn. The dynamics of these secret societies can only be understood within the context of a multi-dimensional world, along with the power, forces, and entities that come from what has been termed the Fourth Dimension, invisible realm, or what some call the spiritual world. 

Crowley called himself the “Great Beast 666,” who is the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation. The women he selected to be used sexually he called “Scarlett Women,” which is a direct reference to Babylon the Great Harlot in Revelation. Crowley was deliberately mocking the God of the Bible, not because he did not believe in God, but because he believed Lucifer was God and that is who Crowley chose to serve. When America was established Sir Francis Bacon was the head of the occult society known as the Rosicrucians. Bacon planned for America to be the “New Atlantis” and the head of the New World Order and wrote about this in the 1600s. It is alleged that Benjamin Franklin was a Rosicrucian and a Satanist, and that he participated in satanic orgies and rituals, such as the Hell Fire Club’s in England and France. There exists a secret destiny for America and Franklin played a key role in it. Franklin was also a member of the Order of the Quest and apparently supported Sir Francis Bacon’s secret plan for America to be the New Atlantis. The United States was intended to be an Illuminati Utopia and the Illuminati, as well as the Golden Dawn stemmed from the Rosicrucians.

The leaders of these groups were being guided by entities from another dimension, some of whom would later be called “The Secret Chiefs of the Third Order.” In the 1800s the British Ghost/Fabian Society was founded, along with the earlier Royal Society for Psychical Research which flowed from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. John Dee, one of the first Freemasons, had a founding role in the Royal Society and was a Rosicrucian who promoted America as the New Atlantis. William Wescott, who was once the head of the Golden Dawn, helped to form the Society for Psychical Research whose leaders practiced “astral visualization,” an early form of “remote viewing.”

The Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in California was a branch of the Society of Psychical Research, also known as the Ghost Society. The Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was part of the MKULTRA program and gave the novelist Ken Kesey, then a student at Stanford, LSD. The SRI was involved in mind control experiments, the space program, and remote viewing. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell ran a department at Stanford to experiment with psychic power.

The deeper teachings behind the Society of Psychical Research came from “entities” and from the Great White Brotherhood. The Russian occult teacher, Madame Blavatsky, a Rosicrucian, supernaturally received a plan from Atlantis about the creation of a New World Order. Both the Nazis and Blavatsky traveled to Tibet, where the Great White Brotherhood supposedly lived. Tibet is the general location of Shamballah, a mythical paradise on Earth, and Atlantis was supposed to have been connected to Shamballah. In one of the Dark Night movies Batman goes into the mountains of Tibet to be trained by the masters.

It is no accident that the Golden Dawn originally came from the Rosicrucians and has risen again in Greece. Nor is it coincidental that the Rosicrucian leader Sir Francis Bacon planned for America to be the New Atlantis and the center of the New World Order. This New World Order, which the Bible predicted in the account of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, was the fountainhead for the ancient mystery religions. In the Book of Revelation we read the account of the establishment of the New World Order through the efforts of the Antichrist and the False Prophet, intended to be the head of a coming one world religion. What allows the Antichrist to come to power is the release of a very powerful supernatural force called the Great Apostasy.

The Great Apostasy is a kind of cosmic downloading from the fourth dimension of high-level spiritual deception and occult technology carried out by Lucifer and his armies. We are seeing the initial phases of the Great Apostasy now, but it will soon accelerate. The occult rituals and practices of secret societies are not just irrational pagan ceremonies. Occult rituals involve the merger of the occult and science. The rituals open very real portals in the fourth dimension which allow “entities” or demonic powers to move through a gateway into our physical world. Babylon was called the “gate of the gods,” and was built for the purpose of creating an interdimensional portal.

Throughout Mankind’s history the power of God has come down upon the Earth in great force. Although the forces are different, there is a parallel truth at work. Occult rituals invoke demonic power. Releasing the power of God requires rituals, if you will, of a different nature. The power is not in the ritual. The power of God is released when men and women come into synchronization with the law of God, through faith. This is why a Christian church that has departed from the truth of God’s Word is powerless, because it is out of synchronization with the laws of God. Since this kind of church knows that it is powerless, or naked, it must cover its nakedness by clothing itself in counterfeit power. The fabric of this counterfeit power is human psychological and motivational theory.

Those who know how to access real supernatural power through occult rituals laugh at a church whose power consists of positive motivation. The reason they laugh is because they are operating with supernatural power and they know it is real. The primary reason that powerful and dark spiritual forces have been released in America and the world is because of a spiritual vacuum, or a “windswept house.” All spiritual power, like the laws of physics, works according to laws.

A simple way to understand this is to look at the account of David when he encountered the Nephilim giant Goliath. King Saul and the armies of Israel were highly trained warriors. Yet they were powerless in the face of Goliath, the champion of the Philistine army. The reason for their powerlessness is that they were relying only on human psychological and motivational strength. Goliath was literally superhuman; his DNA came from the B’nai Elohim mating with human women. The balance of power only changed when David stepped onto the battlefield to engage Goliath. David was accessing supernatural power from God, not mere human power; by doing so he defeated Goliath.

That supernatural power has been unleashed continually throughout the history of Mankind. In the Book of Acts the disciples are clothed with supernatural power from on high. It is through this supernatural power that the disciples turned the world upside down. In America, where we are facing crises from every direction, all human efforts are failing! Unless the present direction of America is changed, America as we know it will soon be gone. What is needed at this critical juncture in human history? Is there the possibility of a turning point? Or are we trapped in a completely fatalistic universe in which we, like actors in a movie, are forced to act out the script?

There are many people who deny the possibility of change because of what they perceive as Bible prophecy being unfolded. There is no question prophecy is being unfolded; it is everywhere around us. In one sense they are correct; a prophetic program is in place and it will unfold as planned. 

However, if you look at this from the perspective of God, assuming you believe He exists, the question has to be changed. You are now looking at reality and the prophetic program from God’s perspective. He is outside time and space, so He is looking at our reality from a completely different viewpoint. From the perspective of a finite mind it would appear to be a contradiction to suggest that you can change things and at the same time believe that the prophetic program cannot be changed.

The prophetic program cannot be changed within the context of space and time. But, living inside of time and space and having a finite mind, you do not have the ability to see the prophetic program unfold from the dimension outside of time and space, where God exists. What appears to be a conflict is not a conflict. You have two people watching the law of God unfold, in what is known as the prophetic program. One person is human and he or she views it from the perspective of a three-dimensional world. The other Person is God, who views it from an infinite mind, capable of processing numerous dimensions simultaneously, outside of time and space. 

We are in a time of extra-dimensional supernatural energies and soon there will be a quantum acceleration of Man’s ability to think and to act. You were chosen from the beginning of time to be here for such a time as this.

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Paul McGuire: radio talk show host, author, feature film producer and television commentator.
Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, The Day the Dollar Died and Are You Ready for the Microchip? Paul is the host of the syndicated television show, The Paul McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated talk radio show, "The Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years. Paul McGuire is a television commentator and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN.
Paul is the producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel did a 2-hour special with Paul McGuire entitled Seven Signs of the Apocalypse. Paul has interviewed numerous world leaders, Presidents and Prime Ministers. Paul lives in Los Angeles, California.
At fifteen years old, Paul was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and made an honorary member of the Black Panther Party. However, while studying Altered States of Consciousness at the University of Missouri, Paul had a miraculous experience hitchhiking in a remote area similar to the movie Field of Dreams. Paul re-thought his socialist and humanist world view and rejected it as completely false. Paul has devoted his life to communicating truth to people.