
Monday, April 1, 2013

The Blasphemy of the Eucharist

Let me say first that I believe there are wonderful Christians who have had to come out of both the Protestant and Catholic churches due to false doctrine. Now is the time.

“ ... Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues ..." Revelation. 18:4.

The deceptions are coming faster and more furiously than I had imagined. The installation of the new Jesuit Pope has triggered an entire program of what the Roman Catholic Church is calling "The New Evangelism," and it's origins are as old as Babylon's mystery religion from which most of Catholic doctrine comes.

Lest Catholics should get upset about this, remember how for several years I have fiercely revealed the Protestant deceptions.  Now, I turn to the new "IN" thing, the great deceptions coming from the Catholic Church.

BOTH CATHOLIC AND PROTESTANT churches have been infiltrated and taken over by satanic forces, beginning at various times in history. Right now I believe that the real Christians, the true Christians, the Remnant, consists of a very small percentage of all who claim the name of Jesus Christ. And this remnant will now be sorely tested. 

If you are not intimately familiar with God's Word, and are not in a church that teaches God's Word, your chances of ever being acknowledged by The King of Kings are dwindling by the day, and you will be one who hears, "Depart from me. I never knew you."  I do virtually nothing but study these things, and even at that, I must keep on my toes to recognize and keep up. 

This is a time of unprecedented spiritual danger. The distractions and misinformation will also be unprecedented, in an attempt to divert your attention from the important things. 

THIS IS A BATTLE OF THE MIND AND SPIRIT. It's the ONLY thing of importance.

Just because I need to start somewhere I'll begin with the Eucharist and "another Jesus" (aside from the real and actual Jesus). I will be covering many subjects - and quickly.  Until I am removed ... either by the Lord Himself or by enemy forces.

Start here. In addition to normal links I am including the actual URL addresses.

The Eucharist - A Biblical Review

Another Jesus - Deception In His Name  (Chapters 1-4)

The Mary Connection

Review of "The Passion" - The Movie

If you are not intimately familiar with the Vatican (which just undergone the last stage of a satanic Coup) and the Jesuits, you might want to browse through this.  CLICK HERE:

If you want to really know about the Jesuits read "The Secret History of the Jesuits" by Edmond Paris. It is free at 
At that same website you can get "Rulers of Evil" by F. Tupper Saussy, which is very detailed and connects the webs intricately with the founding of the USA. Fascinating book.