
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Is The Government Afraid Of The True Christians? ...

It would seem so .... however, I can see how government might be confused (or at least using confusion as an excuse) because of the many, many types of groups which incorrectly identify themselves as "Christian."

I just ran across this article (click on title to read): 
Military warned 'evangelicals' No. 1 threat ...Christians targeted ahead of Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, KKK

Within the article was this Military Threat Chart showing "Evangelical Christians" at the top of the threat list!

My research shows that every one of these "Christian" (the non-Muslim) groups will coalesce and become the Antichrist Religion, i.e., the partner of the world government! I am speaking of the organizations - the bureaucracies - such as the Roman Catholic Church (which literally owns the Government), the Mormons, the JDL, the Army of God. I struggle to imagine by what colossal stretch of the imagination the Ku Klux Klan or the Christian Identity (despite their name) could be considered remotely Christian; they certainly are not following Christ's example. Rather, they are among those who 'live by the sword," and the Bible says they will consequently die by the sword. I know nothing about the Hutaree, but they, too, are no doubt mislabeled in the above chart as "Christian."

Bottom line. Almost every organization labeled as Christian on the above list is already secretly in bed with the fascist world state and is the budding new world religion - chosen for this dirty work before the foundation of the world.

That leaves only the Evangelical Christians, who are Number One on this enemy list! My research shows that about 80% of these Evangelical groups are also a part of the Antichrist Religion, since they are being led by false teachers who are either apostates or heretics to begin with, and therefore not a part of Christ's true remnant church - and yet I suspect it is this within this tiny 20% (if that) - in other words, the "fundamentalist Christians" - who are the true targets of the new world fascist Luciferian State.  

Why would that be? Because this small but spiritually stubborn and powerful group will stand alone (as did Daniel) in refusing to bow to the Beast. These Christians care nothing about anything on earth except worshiping Jesus Christ and following His example

And what exactly is that example? We can find it in the Garden of Gethsemane the night Jesus was arrested. Jesus rebuked Peter for "living by his sword" and Christ then healed the soldier's ear, which Peter had lopped off in his typical impetuousness. After that incident, there was no more occurrence of militant action of any kind by the disciples and followers of Jesus, who Himself raised no objection when He was arrested. He respected the civil law and the "powers that be," and He has given His followers that same mandate. 

True Christians know that the Bible clearly teaches that all government and civil authority - no matter how corrupt and evil it may be - is sanctioned by God Himself. He has a program being carried out to accomplish His purposes, and we are not made privy to every detail of His eternal plan, but we do know that He has instructed us to respect whatever civil authority we find ourselves under, and we intend to be obedient to His Will and His purpose.

So ... the government will find no obedient Christian lifting a finger to 'cut off its ear.'  I believe government knows thisGovernment knows, and we true Christians know, that this war is not a physical one - it's a spiritual war - and their leader, Lucifer, desires to win spiritually. At any cost. That is what this is all about. Physical violence against the government by true followers of Jesus Christ is not the issue here.

The issue is the same one that Satan and his minions (in government and religious bureaucracies) find maddeningly unacceptable to their antichrist system led by Satan himself, and whose primary goal is to be worshiped as God - to sit in the place of the Most High

Here is the real issue they have with us. They want our hearts, our souls, our worship, and therein lies their problem. The issue is this:

WE WILL NOT BEND THE KNEE to anyone but Jesus Christ, our Lord! And that is what they will not tolerate.  The military will kill anybody and everybody to get to those few remnant Christians in order to eliminate all worship of the One and Only Creator, the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Our citizenship is in Heaven, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, and God will give us exactly the amount of grace needed for this moment. Like Esther and a long line of saints, we are here for such a time as this!
  Praise the Name of the Lord!
 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea." (Psalm 46:1-2) 

Let's make Dave Hunt, Ron Graham, J.R. Church and the faithful saints since Abraham proud of us! I can't wait to see them and hear about all this from their perspectives! Daniel and friends are watching all this with great interest ... Let's not disappoint. What an honor for God to have entrusted us with His program at this climax of all of Earth history. It's a thrill beyond words.