
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Planet-X & Prophecy - Coast to Coast Video - EXCELLENT

 This is the best & most comprehensive information
I have seen yet - that is because it is getting closer ...
.... and he is an expert on the subject. Fascinating. It's long, but worth watching in segments if you need to.
The Video begins with an ad, which you can skip.
First Hour is Chris Putnam re: Vatican & ET Disclosure (0:08:00 - 0:37:25)
The rest (0:37:30 to end) is Marshall Masters re: Planet-X 
(Summaries of each is below, plus my comments)

Author and publisher Marshall Masters specializes in Planet X and ancient civilizations. He discussed evidence for an object on the other side of the sun, which could be Planet X, and how this ties in with Hopi and other types of prophecy, as well as ancient texts including the Kolbrin Bible. He also related his research to that of the late Zecharia Sitchin known for his '12th Planet' theory, and a US Naval Observatory astronomer named Robert Harrington, who died suddenly after coming forward with information about possibly sighting Planet X. The Kolbrin contains an allegory about how a celestial body flies by Earth, creating a large amount of volcanic activity, and leads to the destruction of Atlantis, Masters detailed. The so-called Lost Book of Nostradamus includes a prophecy about a harbinger of doom that will appear in the constellation of Ophiuchus, he continued.
Masters believes that an "object of interest" captured in webcam photos of the Turrialba Volcano in Costa Rica is possibly a harbinger to the arrival of Planet X. He nicknamed the object "Bluebonnet" because of its bluish color and said that it appears before sunset near the ecliptic of the sun. Bluebonnet, he reported, may be planet-sized but can only be observed from high altitudes above the cloud cover during certain times of the day, such as sunset. He further suggested that this object could be the Blue Kachina prophesied by the Hopi that will be followed by a far more destructive Red Kachina.
The topic of Planet X keeps coming back because it's the only thing that explains all the extreme climate changes we've been undergoing, he contended, adding that he's concerned about seabeds rising and falling, and undersea volcanism. While Planet X won't hit the Earth, the biggest problem will be its interaction with our sun-- we may see catastrophic earth changes such as the pole shift. Further, he believes Planet X could be arriving this year. "2012 was the warm-up band, and 2013 is the headline act," he commented. His website is:

Vatican & ET Disclosure

First hour guest, biblical prophecy expert Cris Putnam talked about the possibility that the Vatican is preparing for an ET savior. He cited the research being done at the Vatican Astronomical Technology Telescope in Arizona, which may tie in with a Vatican announcement about the existence of ETs, and he also noted that the Vatican astronomers in Arizona are members of the Jesuits, just like the newly elected Pope Francis. In their new book Exo-Vaticana, Putnam, along with with co-author Tom Horn, lay out the case that ET disclosure will part of an end-times deception prophesied in the Bible. More here.

Marshall Masters is a recognized expert on PX. He is, however, not a Christian so keep that in mind. That doesn't affect the truth of PX. His interpretation of its meaning is somewhat different than mine, although not as much as one might expect.  Also, he often refers to 00SkyView, whose short PX videos I frequently post. The elites have known about this for years, and they will not warn us. I have read many reports that they are scared out of their minds about this. They, too, have read about the rich men of the earth hiding in the rocks of the earth.

There is one - and only one - solution to this, and that is to be in a right relationship with Jesus Christ. Then there is nothing to fear.