
Sunday, March 3, 2013

An Apostate Church Movement - NAR


The New Apostolic Reformation/Dominion Theology turncoats are running rampant throughout Christianity and leaving a trail of havoc behind them. Primarily Pentecostal and Charismatic, this rapidly growing movement is picking up new Christians and those who have had little or no teaching about the Word of God, and thus they are susceptible to whatever wind of doctrine floats their way, from anyone who claims to be a Christian leader, making them perfect targets for this movement of defectors from the traditional Christian doctrines.

NAR believes that man was given legal dominion over earth, that this legal dominion was transferred to Satan when Adam sinned, and that the Church has a mandate to co-opt the earth from Satan and physically build the Kingdom of God on earth – BY FORCE. This is another Inquisition waiting to happen. And it will.

The Globalists are all for this program. This NAR group, along with all manner of other religious flotsam, will comprise the Antichrist Religion – the New World Religion. Other groups coalescing under this umbrella are Roman Catholicism, liberal Protestantism, Mormonism, Islam, the New Age Church (Rick Warren etal), Wicca, occult spiritualism, all of the pagan religions – in other words, all world religions except the traditional fundamental orthodox Christianity of Jesus Christ, which will be the target of this religious conglomerate now coming together. When this New World Religion is completed, it will all fall nicely under the Hinduism umbrella.

For now, we'll address only the NAR/DOMINION groups, which have these general characteristics.

·        Dominionism. The Church must build the physical Kingdom of God to control the Earth. Jesus Christ cannot come back until it has succeeded in accomplishing this by physical force. They will declare literal war on the traditional Bible-believing Christian churches (if they can find any...).

·        Ecumenicalism. All churches and faiths under one worldwide umbrella.

·        Communitarianism – bringing church and government together.

·        Social Justice replaces the Gospel of Jesus Christ – socialism.

·       They believe the Great Commission is about physical dominion. You will seldom ever hear them giving the gospel message. You really must read their writings to discover this, because they redefine terms.

·        Pagan practices and beliefs, such as contemplative prayer (TM), yoga, labyrinths, mystic ritualism, including belief in the rhema word of God, revealed personally to their leaders (only) through new revelations of things which are not in the Bible.

·        Adoption of many New Age ideas, such as those of Alice Bailey, who predicted that the New World Order would come into being through the church.

·         A radical commitment to political activism and taking over political systems (such as the Republican Party).

·         KINGDOM NOW is another of their names.

·         Promotion of pragmatism (the end justifies the means). They like to say the first Reformation was about CREEDS (Christian doctrine), and the second Reformation is about DEEDS (signs and wonders).

·         New APOSTLES and PROPHETS arising and ‘laying a new foundation for the millennial church,’ according to C. Peter Wagner. This is completely unscriptural. The Christian Church has ONE foundation – and that is Jesus Christ himself. And God’s Word has specific instructions not to add to it.  Of course, NAR has ‘pet’ verses which they isolate and take out of context to support their actions. I will be doing a separate article about false prophets and false apostles.

·         Signs and Wonders, including actual raising of corpses from the dead (which they name, but can't actually claim:-). This is all bait-and-switch and slight of hand and plain falsehood. The prophets and apostles receive the glory. (These men love their phony titles.) With the real thing, Jesus Christ receives all the glory.

·         Commitment to spiritual evolution, meaning we can evolve into “super beings,” a new breed, “more than human,” i.e., GODS. Same hook used on Eve. You can be sure these apostates will be found involving themselves heavily into trans humanism.

·         Blatant hostility to true Christians who do not accept their doctrines and practices. They consider the true church to be their ENEMY, going so far as to claim it is under demonic influence, when they are the ones who are friends with demons. They plan to ELIMINATE us. They are already talking openly about their ‘army.’  They claim that they will outdo the early church in signs and wonders, which the Bible clearly teaches will be produced by demons in the end times. In fact, they plan to use witchcraft (they're the experts) on true Christians. Regarding our traditional Christian theology, they say that “the doctrines that have kept man in slavery will be eliminated” (Rick Joyner). They are referring to God’s Word and the doctrine of Christ.

·         Therefore, it stands to reason there is a lack of interest or commitment to studying the Bible in context through exegesis. Instead, they interpret the Bible through personal opinions, feelings and experiences – which is the practice of isogesis. They are experts, specialists, at taking scripture out of context. One of their favorites is “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” They take it completely out of context and its true meaning. 

There is a powerful spirit behind this movement ... and it's not Holy.


Royal Heir