
Monday, February 4, 2013

The Nephilim Are Dwelling Among Us ... Exo Vaticana Cont'd Parts 7-10

Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing
exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior.
By Tom Horn & Cris Putnam

You only think you know what's coming...

I am posting only the titles and links to Parts 7-9. However, I strongly suggest you may want to read Part 9 for sure. Part 10 is posted below in its entirety. And more of the series will be forthcoming. I have long been familiar with everything written here, including the Collins Elite. In fact I have personally seen a number of these hybrids in restaurants, stores, etc. The average person unfamiliar with the subject would not recognize them as distinct from human beings. It is true. CMR
Close Encounters of the Skinwalking, Shapeshifting, Demonic Werewolf Kind (Pt 1)

Close Encounters of the Skinwalking, Shapeshifting, Demonic Werewolf Kind (Pt 2)

Fairies, Changelings … and The False Messiah From Magonia
Portals, Occultism … and The Collins Elite
(For pictures, go to above link)
Approximately six years ago, following the release of the book Nephilim Stargates, Tom Horn did a series of radio shows with Steve Quayle and later televised shows with J.R. Church and Gary Stearman for their Prophesy in the News broadcast in which the idea of supernatural “portals, doorways and openings” were discussed. The concept is actually an ancient one—that gateways between our world and other dimensions exist or can be created through which those entities described in previous entries can pass.
At one point the programs with Church and Stearman (available online at YouTube) focused on a theory Tom had briefly raised in Stargates involving infamous occultist Aleister Crowley, Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder Jack Parsons, and L. Ron Hubbard, Church of Scientology founder. A portion of that original material reads:
As is referenced in chapter 2, in 1918 famed occultist Aleister Crowley attempted to create a dimensional vortex that would bridge the gap between the world of the seen and the unseen. The ritual was called the Amalantrah Working and according to Crowley became successful when a presence manifested itself through the rift. He called the being “Lam” and drew a portrait of it. The startling image, detailed almost ninety years ago, bears powerful similarity with “Alien Greys” of later pop culture.
L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons attempted to do this very thing by inviting the spirit of Babylon [their magical working was called Babalon] through a portal during a sex ritual. Their hope was to incarnate the whore of Babylon—a demon child or Gibborim. Parsons wrote that the ritual was successful and that at one point a brownish/yellow light came through the doorway. At the same moment he said he was struck by something invisible, and a candle was knocked out of his hand.
It is interesting that following Crowley’s magic portal (which produced the alien-looking LAM) and Hubbard and Parson’s Babalon Working ritual, Crowley died in 1947—the same year as the Roswell crash and the same year Kenneth Arnold [a friend of Parsons] saw his flying saucers and sightings of “aliens” increased around the world. Was a portal indeed opened by these men’s invitations? [i]
J. R. Church was very interested in this idea, that men heavily involved in the occult with a strange UFO-alien twist and covertly connected with segments of this government’s aerospace endeavors might actually have opened a portal allowing the increase into our world of powerful demonic influences.
Several years after Nephilim Stargates was published and the shows with Steve Quayle and Prophecy in the News had aired, a book by Nick Redfern titled “Final Events” was released that repeated the basic concepts, but this time around had the backing of a secret government group that had been commissioned to get to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon and that ultimately concluded the mysterious manifestations are demonic and somehow directly connected to the government and Parson’s Babalon Workings. According to Redfern, these men are called the “Collins Elite.” ...
... Following this initial contact with Redfern concerning the government study group, we continued making significant efforts to verify the story concerning the Collins Elite. Tom also agreed to meet with a member of the Collins group and has been told a meeting could occur, though as of this date he is still waiting. Meanwhile our sources in the United States—which extends from US Military intelligence to National Defense employees with both DoD and Intel Top Secret Security clearances—at first came back empty handed. This included our friend Colonel Steve Bauer who served longer as a U.S. Government Military Aide than anyone in the history of the White House under five U.S. Presidents—Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush. Bauer had never heard of the “Collins Elite” and couldn’t locate a single intelligence resource that otherwise would substantiate Redfern’s claims. But we knew, having said that, this didn’t mean the story as detailed in Final Events was untrue. Counterintelligence, Majestic 12 level compartmentalization, and official denial is a well-established part of the government’s past and present protocols when handling questions concerning UFOs and so-called alien abduction activity—a fact that every significant investigator into this phenomenon has run into when trying to separate fact from fiction. So we moved on and checked with one of our international contacts—former director of Britain’s Military of Defense’s department for UFO research, Nick Pope—and was surprised when he cautioned against disbelief and even confirmed the existence of a Collins Elite-like group among Britain’s aristocracy (this is discussed during a Q&A with Pope in the upcoming book Exo-Vaticana). Following this, we reached out to Gregory Richford, a Ball Aerospace contact who works with Advanced Systems & Technologies for Space Control & Special Missions. He too cautioned against doubting the Collins reality and sent us a four-page document, ending with an ominous warning. Below are just some of the talking points from his meticulous outline.
• Security levels and Compartments
- Starts with the understanding that a Top Secret DOD (Department of Defense) or SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information; intelligence world) clearance is the first level of clearance required before one gets to SAP programs.
- There are at least four levels of Top Secret (TS) special access programs (SAPs) that currently exist in the US DOD/Intel world:
o Acknowledged top secret SAPs
§ (Security cleared) Congress (or staff) has access to full knowledge of program name, mission, budget, etc.
o Unacknowledged top secret SAPs
§ Cleared Congress (or staff) has access to full knowledge
o Unacknowledged/Waived top secret SAPs
§ Program, Budget, customer, and mission are all highly classified
§ Only two Senators and two Congressmen are made aware of the program, typically at a very high level only
§ Typically referred to as a “Black” program
o Completely Unacknowledged top secret SAPs
§ No acknowledgement or overview to the Congress
§ Accountable only to the agency that authorizes mission and money ostensibly related to a Presidential Order
§ Really known as “Deep Black” in the vernacular.
§ This level is itself not acknowledged; can’t be acknowledged for obvious reasons
§ Two agencies in particular make great use of this: CIA and NSA
o With more than 25 years in this world, I personally have experience with levels 1 through 3 only. Level 4 is outside my scope.
o Most of the high level UFO work is done at level 4. It is not acknowledged and specifically not even known except to those briefed into the compartment/program. Only leaks aid in the process of discovery.
o This is likely a strong reason why Nick Pope is reluctant to spell out unambiguously what by definition is meant to be concealed at an unacknowledged level.
• Formation of the Collins Elite
- A number of intelligence agencies looking at the UFO situation are drawn into the orbit of a larger picture held by the CIA.
o Army Intel; Naval Intel; Air Force Intel; Defense Intel Agency (DIA), etc.
o This seems consistent with how high level exchange takes place; they contribute to larger efforts out of their own agencies and budgets.
- A subgroup of this CIA-dominated and controlled compartment, informally sees things differently and begins to form a counterpoint voice to the research. They call themselves after a time the “Collins Elite.”
o This seems plausible based on the discussions and factions I have seen over the years. Independent thinking is valued. Like-minded experts gather around themselves.
- Over time, the Collins Elite position becomes more refined, more emphatic, more concerned.
o One notes that most of these guys are industry old timers, with an old Christian worldview, having been in this covert intel circle for 30-40 years.
- The Collins Elite seems to be an internal but informal collection of guys who maintain their independence of thought about matters in this highly classified and clearly controversial realm.
• Review
  • U.S. Intelligence agencies are trying to understand UFOs in early 1950s
  • - Same intel agencies also trying to understand the occult sorcery of two key figures: Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons—and how it could be applied as a National Defense asset.
  • - Deeply covert CIA-controlled intel group wants to pursue research on psychotronic weapons and remote viewing ‘technologies’ and embarks on a deluding journey, a perverted scheme and Faustian bargaining.
  • - After years and decades of incremental research in this arena, several deaths more recently occur to test subjects in these realms; things are going badly awry.
  • - A sub-group watching all this, loosely confederated, calling itself the “Collins Elite” begins to recognize this as completely occult, demonic/Satanic, and begins to organize itself as a counterpoint to the general research direction.
  • - The Collins Elite begins to see a much larger and terrifying picture of what this whole unleashed enterprise is leading to; the connection to fallen angels, the Nephilim, and a plan for taking over the world.
  • • Conclusion
  • - This unsettling story has every indication of being true; it follows directly from everything you and I know about UFOs and their ultimately nefarious mission tied to an end-time prophetic scenario
  • - Unraveling this further is loaded with known and unknown complexities—and that includes dangers.
DNA Harvesting, Genetic Manipulation
and the Seed of the Serpent
When former Christian college professor and BBC correspondent, Dr. I. D. E. Thomas, in his highly recommended book, The Omega Conspiracy, chronicled the burgeoning of so-called “alien abduction” activity in the 1980s, he made similar enlightening connections between the alien-abduction phenomenon and end-time prophecy concerning a return of Nephilim, something other writers have since built upon. Documentation by “abductees” worldwide and the stories of DNA harvesting by “aliens” reminded him of the history of biological misuse by the Watchers. Dr. Thomas told us personally that the special desire by the “aliens” for human and animal molecular matter could explain “why animals have been killed, mutilated, and stolen by the aliens,” a point Vallée repeated in his book, The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influences on the Human Race, when he wrote:
In order to materialize and take definite form, these entities seem to require a source of energy…a living thing…a human medium… Our sciences have not reached a point where they can offer us any kind of working hypothesis for this process. But we can speculate that these beings need living energy which they can reconstruct into physical form. Perhaps that is why dogs and animals tend to vanish in [UFO] flap areas. Perhaps the living cells of those animals are somehow used by the ultraterrestrials to create forms which we can see and sense with our limited perceptions.[ii]
Evidence concerning the collection of “living cells” from animal (and human) mutilations indicates something very unusual and unworldly. The precision by which the material is collected has often been compared to “laser-like” precision, but Lieutenant Colonel Philip J. Corso (1915-1998), who is best known today for his book The Day After Roswell (which disclosed his involvement in allegedly back-engineering extraterrestrial technology recovered from the UFO crash site at Roswell, NM in 1947), was working on a manuscript before he died titled “Dawn of a New Age” that described an unknown technology beyond laser accuracy used by unsympathetic Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) for tissue removal:
A study and laboratory reports show that the tissue taken from animals and humans by the alien EBEs also centers around celi structure. So delicate and perfected is their advanced approach that when they cut out the private reproductive parts (vagina, penis, testicles) and the rectum, eyes ears, udders, etc., they do not cut through cells. The cells are separated not cut through. Even the brain is taken in a manner where there is no cerebral trauma.
In their animal and human mutilations, the aliens have shown a callous indifference concerning their victims. Their behavior has been insidious and it appears they might be using our earth and manipulating earth life. Skeptics will excuse them that possibly they are benevolent and want to help, however, there is no evidence they have healed anyone or alleviated human ailments. On the other band, they have caused pain, suffering and even death. [iii]
As the Battalion Commander of European Air Defense in WW-II, the Chief of the Special Projects branch of the Intelligence Division under General Douglas MacArthur, and a staff member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council for four years, Corso’s unpublished work illustrates how the science and purpose behind the alleged modern ET-human-hybridization agenda is so clouded in mystery that not even leaders from the world’s most prestigious intelligence bureaus seem to fathom it (except -- as we will seek to document in the upcoming book Exo-Vaticana -- at above-top-secret levels there are Black Government Agencies participating with the alien entities in some sort of Cosmic Watergate wherein the breeding program transpires). Plenty of so-called whistle-blowers, books, and leaked files have suggested the same, but Vallée’s suspicion is that many, if not most, of these “sources” are actually concoctions by complicit government proxies, which are disseminated in order to so completely muddle the factual objectives of the program with duplicity, half-truths, and subterfuge that the public can never really know what is happening. “There is a genuine UFO phenomenon and it is not explained by the revelations of alleged government agents bearing fancy code names like Condor or Falcon,”[iv] he concluded in Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception.
Dr. David Jacobs, a historian specializing in popular culture at Temple University, has concluded from over twenty years of research that the overriding purpose of the UFO phenomenon is abduction with nefarious intent. He explains:
For example, the evidence strongly suggests that the majority, if not all, of "close encounter" UFO sightings are the beginnings or endings of abduction events. Even high-level sightings may be indicative of abductions. Statistics from Gallup Polls on UFO sightings have varied from 9 percent to 14 percent since the 1950s. If a percentage of these sightings mask abductions, then the number of abduction events is high.[v]
This proposes a more sinister agenda behind UFOs than scientific exploration. At the same time, that a modern “alien” program of breeding and hybridizing humans is covertly occurring similar to what the ancient Watchers did is something, no matter how absurd it may seem, a growing body of scholars, based on accumulative physical and eye-witness evidence, are coming around to.
In his book, Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions, Professor Jacobs combined scientific and investigatory methods to analyze the accounts of dozens of “abductees” including more than three hundred independently corroborated stories of such experiences, describing in unsettling detail the reproductive procedures that abductees claim were administered by “small alien beings.” Jacobs’ profoundly unsettling conclusion paralleled that of Vallée and others—that alien abductors are conducting complex reproductive experiments involving the conception, gestation, hybridization, and integration on Earth of alien hybrid beings.
Jacobs wrote:
[The aliens] want to use the ability humans have to recreate themselves. They want human sperm and eggs. They want human physical involvement with the offspring. They want complete knowledge of the reproductive physiological processes. [And this] abduction program appears to be vast. Abductees routinely report rooms with as many as two hundred tables holding humans in various stages of examination. The aliens hustle them out as soon as possible after the procedures are completed, presumably so that more humans can be brought in. The evidence suggests that this goes on twenty-four hours per day, month after month, year after year. The amount of time and energy invested in the breeding program is enormous.[vi]
Besides Jacobs and Vallée, other noteworthy scientists who believed something unearthly was happening in connection to alien activity included: Dr. Josef Allen Hynek, the United States astronomer and professor in charge of Project Blue Book (seen at right); Dr. Hermann Julius Oberth, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics; Lynn E. Catoe, senior bibliographer for government publication research by the Library of Congress for the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research; Dr. Karla Turner, an academic who gave up her career to speak out after discovering her own abductee status; and the late Harvard Medical School Professor and Pulitzer Prize-winner, Dr. John Edward Mack. After working with abduction “experiencers” including interviews with over one hundred people of various ages and backgrounds, Mack showcased the narratives of thirteen subjects in astonishing detail in his book, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, where he reached very much the same conclusion as his peers:
What is amply corroborated [is] that the abduction phenomenon is in some central way involved in a breeding program that results in the creation of alien/human hybrid offspring… My own impression is that we may be witnessing…an awkward joining of two species, engineered by an intelligence we are unable to fathom.[vii]
Yet, if demons pretending to be aliens are actually behind a fantastic breeding and hybridization scheme, what would be their purpose? Biblical scholar and prophecy expert Gary Stearman believes they are dark overlords, come forth to repeat what happened in the Days of Noah, to create a generation of genetically altered pseudo-humans for the service of Satan and Antichrist in preparation of Armageddon. He points to Matthew 24:37, which says, “But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Gary then goes on to elaborate:
Here, Jesus is clearly speaking of future judgment, the Tribulation, Second Coming and certain events that will surround it.
He says that His coming will happen at a time when social conditions will resemble those that plagued the world in the days of Noah. From Genesis 6, we now discern that these will include an invasion of dark forces from the heavens… The UFO abduction phenomenon is only a mask for fallen angels who have departed from their natural domain to engage in the filthy work of creating an alternate race that will act as their proxies… Now, as [in the Days of Noah], they pry into the forbidden areas of human procreation. Lascivious and power hungry, they seek to set up their own race, and their own province of control.
But only in the last fifty years have their activities acquired a speed and purpose that tells us what time it is, prophetically speaking. Jesus told us, in effect, that when we begin to see such things come to pass, His appearance would not be far behind.[viii]
On the Watcher website, our dearly departed friend and late Christian genius, David Flynn—whose early online research first broke many of today’s most popular theories regarding the alien-hybrid scheme as an end-times deception aimed at misleading mankind—reaffirmed the warnings made by Gary Stearman:
The Book of Enoch explains that the Sons of God descended first onto the mountain called Hermon… The rebel angels intended to thwart God’s plan for the earth by destroying the descendants of Adam. Satan’s goal in organizing the Nephilim/human hybridization program was to pollute the bloodline that would produce Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Kinsman Redeemer. Now that it is so close to the end times, Satan has orchestrated human/rebel angel interaction on a grand scale. The plan is now to prevent any flesh from being saved. By manipulating human genetics, whether through the guise of “alien abduction” or by supplying willing mortal accomplices with the proper technology…there is currently being created humanoid hybrids who are not-quite-human… The second wave of hybrid “Nephilim creation” is Satan’s last effort to destroy all Sons of Adam, so that none can be redeemed when Jesus Christ returns at the End of the Age.[ix]
One cannot read the conclusions by Gary Stearman and David Flynn without calling to mind Genesis 3:15, which says, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed [zera, meaning “offspring,” “descendants,” or “children”] and her seed” [emphasis added]. From the Middle Ages forward, church leaders believed this genotype or “seed” would provide for the mystical arrival of Antichrist and ultimately represent the return of Nephilim—the reunion of demons with humans. Back in 1976, Academician N. P. Dubinin, the first director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1957-1959) may have understood a key element related to how Satan’s “seed” would animate Antichrist on earth in the last days. He described by what means in his opinion the genetics revolution would lead to “an exchange of living forms” taking place “between the earth and other worlds.” [x] After reading his material, Russian Orthodox Archpriest Vladislav Sveshnikov expressed apocalyptic fears, saying: “We have to admit that contemporary science is preparing the ground for the coming of the Antichrist.” Why did Sveshnikov imagine the “exchange” of genetic material “between the earth and other worlds” leading to Antichrist? He saw something reminiscent of the Watchers advent being repeated in “the manipulation of genes in order to produce the ‘superman’ or ‘man-god’ of Nietzsche’s imagination, who will be at the same time the ‘devil-man’ or ‘Antichrist’ of Christian patristic teaching.” [xi]
The English theologian George Hawkins Pember agreed with this premise, and in his 1876 masterpiece, Earth’s Earliest Ages analyzed the prophecy of Christ that says the end-times would be a repeat of “the Days of Noah.” Pember outlined the seven great causes of the antediluvian destruction and documented their developmental beginnings in his lifetime. Like Stearman, Flynn, and Sveshnikov, he concluded that the seventh and most fearful sign would be the return of the Nephilim and the arrival of Antichrist—“The appearance upon earth of beings from the Principality of the Air, and their unlawful intercourse with the human race.”[xii]
Thus, it appears those social, spiritual, and academic intellectuals who now believe we are close to integration with intelligent alien life (and who also believe that this discovery could ultimately reconfigure established doctrines of science, religion, and salvation) may be closer to the truth than some of them have imagined. Events unfolding over the past decade portend a near future in which “alien influences” led by a man of unusual intelligence will arrive on Earth as champions of a “new” Gospel. Numerous Scriptures foretold the otherworldly leader’s coming for what he actually is—paganism’s ultimate incarnation; the “beast” of Revelation 13:1. As Jesus Christ was the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15), the Antichrist will be the “seed of the serpent.” But the prophet Daniel may have provided an even greater clue as to the identity of this coming false savior. He says in chapter eleven, verse thirty-nine of his book that the Antichrist will be a worshipper of the god of forces—a god whom his fathers knew not, a text that we will analyze later and show from the Hebrew how it can literally be interpreted to mean, an alien god.
Coming up next: Christians, UFOs, and Alien Abduction