
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Is Our Savior an Alien - And About to Return?

Is this related to a new pope? 

I transcribed the material below from a 3-hour interview of Tom Horn and Steve Quayle by Hagmann and Hagmann, so this is a labor of love, but this is so critically important that I did it for my readers, most of whom do not have 3 extra hours in their lives (You’re welcome :-) 

Tom’s new book, EXO VATICANA, about the Vatican and the next pope, will be out April 15th. You can read more about it at his website HERE 

The interview itself (audio) may be heard here:

(P.S. I respect Steve Quayle’s expertise in the field of giants and archaeology but don’t care to hear him talk. 90% of the video is Tom Horn, but I did include Quayle’s relevant input.)

I have inserted numbers throughout to identify the point on the video so that if a person wants to hear it themselves they will know about where to go.

My comments are in red.


Tom was invited to Italy to talk about his new book, and declined for security reasons, but instead went to Arizona to Mt Graham, the world renowned Vatican observatory (VATT). People worldwide vie for time on their advanced telescopes, including the LUCIFER infrared technology, which picks up things which cannot be seen with other scopes.  The Vatican website has a curious description, saying LUCIFER is for the purpose of looking at Nibiru/Nemesis (This is PLANET X). This planet is connected with wars between Lucifer and God…and destruction of Rahab (planet).  Is Rome using this device to see things others cannot see, and which represent that war or the approaching fallen angels? They’ve already said they are expecting alien beings from space.

Guy Consolmagno from the Vatican has said the world will soon look to the aliens for its salvation.  The Jesuits will deny any part in the naming of LUCIFER; we accept that, but what they don’t point out is that they are an integral part of the entire complex and are part of the consortium with the German astronomers who did name it – and who are connected to the Nazi scientists. The Vatican, US, Italy and Germany are all connected to this and have access to VATT. 21:57

Is Mt. Graham the location of a dimensional portal? The American Indians seem to think so … it traditionally has had to do with ancient giants. The highway that goes up to Mt Graham is known as the Devil’s Highway, 666. And naming it LUCIFER is a coincidence?!
Mountains (high places) are universally connected to the gods. 30:00

St Carlos Apache has an ancient tale re: a race of giants who were ‘judged and destroyed by the Great Father.” One day they were invaded by these giants and nearly wiped them out. Has remarkable likeness to Gen 6. The mountain is also linked to the Indian creation stories…they also talk about the Owl (occult symbol) linked to it. Also a dragon who talked like a man and tried to make deals with the Indians for their women…many legends like this….connecting genetic material, etc. 35:00. According to Indian lore the giants ate the children of the Indians in exchange for knowledge. 38:00

Now we wait for Petrus Romanus (“Peter the Roman,” and the name of Tom Horn’s previous book)  to appear, the final Pope, according to St Malachy’s Prophecy. He can appear at any moment.
The intellectuals at the Vatican are formulating doctrine about what they secretly know and believe: that we are close to integration with aliens, and that this will reconfigure established doctrine and salvation. Alien influence will be led by a man of great intelligence, who will introduce a NEW DOCTRINE. They have written and published about this. Bible prophecy talks about such a man, who will arrive at the end with fearful great signs and lying wonders…God will send a strong delusion so that they will believe a lie. Daniel 11:39 says that the Antichrist will be a worshipper of the God of Forces … an alien god?

42:00   VATT is using LUCIFER technology to study either 1) a series of planets under the control of Lucifer himself, or 2) they are watching something like an alien armada on a trajectory to earth. This goes back to Fr. Malachi Martin when he hinted that alien disclosure would be soon forthcoming. He said that more than once. This was in 1997,  on Coast to Coast. Art Bell asked what the Vatican’s interest was in Mt. Graham. Martin said the mentality at the highest levels of the Vatican know what’s going on in space and what’s approaching us. He later said it was coming from the north; some who know him think he was talking about aliens. [Martin, an ex-Jesuit, worked at the highest levels of the Vatican and was a friend of popes for years; he wrote 6-7 books, all of which I have. Martin died over ten years ago; it is believed that he was murdered because he revealed much.]

46:00 QUAYLE:. We are talking about a global agreement to welcome Lucifer back to the planet with all their technology – and to do everything possible to get him here to rule on earth. What’s coming in is an alien armada, says Quayle’s sources. Governments all over the world have black assets looking for this. 49:00

Tom: There is a mass, or something moving toward earth, with a definite arrival destination. It can only be seen using Lucifer-like infrared technology, and it’s being monitored by Mt. Graham and several global governments.  Remember Phobos? [Evidently one of Tom’s sources] Years before this infrared technology, and a couple of years before the Vatican spokespersons started talking so much, Phobos had said that when you see the Vatican start talking about this, know that the clock is ticking down. Shortly after that Fr Guy Consolmagno put out his little book, talking about our space brothers. Years before, Phobos had told me something that I had speculated about, which was that the world gov’ts were secretly using infrared to monitor a hidden UFO armada beyond the view of our technology. It now seems to be set to unfold this year 54:00.

Rome is paving the way for an alien savior, and there are reasons they are doing that which are beyond their control. [The aliens are in control.] They also believe this will lead the masses to believe that God is going to use these aliens in a way that he used them once before. In other words, they are interpreting them as angels (good angels) – God’s angels in creation. And according to the Vatican’s top theologians this is going to be presented in a way that does not immediately require us to explicitly renounce our faith in God but it is going to require radical reinterpretation of Christianity. It’s also going to be useful in establishing a global system of religion, another goal the Vatican has emphasized lately. The ripple effect is going to eliminate any discernible obstacles to articulating a global religion that honors the cosmologies of all faiths united by an Extra Terrestrial influence. 55:44

We are facing a massive deception that’s being planned. What the people of the world are about to see is a false Second Coming. The Vatican is promoting the idea that aliens can be redeemed, that they are going to spring at the right moment, that God is an alien power, and that Jesus was either a hologram or a genetically engineered super alien who came to save us. It’s not a false rapture; they’re going to substitute the alien god in place of the real God, and people will be deceived. They are also saying that aliens may be closer to God than we are – morally superior – and they will be coming here to evangelize us, to show us a ‘better way.’ That’s why the Vatican’s top theologians are saying we won’t immediately have to renounce our faith in God, but once we understand the gospel as they do, we will accept it, that they are closer to God than we are;  we fell - they didn’t. They’ll be led by some type of a leader who I guess will be held up as a savior.

There is a doctrine called “many Christs.” This is very popular to Vatican astrobiologists, that Christ might have been manifested in many ways on many worlds, to all kinds of beings, but those who haven’t fallen have remained fully in His grace! Unlike us – we are fallen. And since they are morally and spiritually superior to us, they are coming to evangelize us and show us this ‘better doctrine.’

This is the great deception. And it is imminent. 60:00

Most of the world’s people are going to be looking to traditional world leaders to put the revelation of aliens into context, and the Vatican believes it is uniquely positioned to fill this role. They’ve been actively preparing for this moment for years. Msgr Balducci has been the senior mouthpiece of the church considering the reality of aliens on earth now. Balducci said the Vatican is closely following the alien presence on earth now, and using its embassies around the world to quietly compile material evidence on the aliens and their mission.

Remember the high profile attorney, Daniel Sheehan, a very high profile attorney on famous cases. He tried to crack open the secret UFO files that are being held in the vaults of the Vatican library. He was also the general counsel to the US Jesuit HQ in Washington, D.C. He made a request at the behest of the US Government and President Jimmy Carter to the Vatican to get those files. Carter in 1977 had asked to have evidence of the existence of alien intelligence that was being held in the Vatican, and Sheehan got permission from Fr Bill Davis, and an official request was submitted by the Jesuit HQ in the US, by the US Library of Congress, and by the President of the United States. Both Sheehan and Davis were surprised that not even they would be allowed to see this secret information. They were flatly turned down by the Vatican. 74:00

(Discussion by Steve Quayle of the American Southwest and alien skulls being found that are ancient; they were the ones who influenced and were worshipped by the ancient American Indians.) [Quayle has written the definitive book on archaeological proof of giants throughout history, and is considered the expert on the subject.]

We’re all familiar with the Smithsonian cover up of relics of giants. We live in a time where it’s becoming more and more impossible for the powers that be to do what the Smithsonian did, by hiding these giants so that the public won’t find out about them and reveal true history, the true date of the earth, etc. But now, with the internet, all these things are coming out due to all the private researchers and armchair astronomers. It’s getting more difficult to hide the truth. We know without a doubt that they existed on earth, and also that they exist on earth right now, and I’m talking about alive and breathing.

And if you’re a biblical literalist (like Tom Horn) we know that the Bible predicted that at the end times this would be one of the signs of the times - the return on earth of the Nephilim. The ancient Hebrews who translated the Septuagint into Greek understood that the prophet Isaiah (in chapters 13 and 14) was predicting the return of the giants with monsters, at the advent of the destruction of Babylon. We’ve talked about that before in ch. 13: “Open the gates ….giants are coming to fulfill my wrath..” etc.  The 16th chapter of the Book of Enoch writes of the deceased offspring of the Watchers as being released at the end of time, and will bring slaughter and destruction upon man. This is a part of the great tribulation, God’s Day of Wrath, when Satan and his angels punish the unbelieving world before they are assigned to the pit. Watchers will rise for judgment, but the spirits of their dead offspring will rise ahead of them, and will be re-manifested on earth to wreak havoc. [NOTE: Pember talks about this, too.] The Book of Jubilees also talks about this.

God is opening the eyes of men and women in these times just as the Book of Daniel predicted.  Isaac Newton also predicted certain people would understand in the end times. There was also an advance scouting space armada that was reported, and apparently God’s forces stopped them from entering our space. People have a hard time wrapping their brains around this stuff, which is understandable because it’s so out of bounds, but people who live and work in the space area see it all the time; we are now living in that time.  It will soon be impossible to ignore when the people are being told to worship these new gods. People need to make sure of their salvation through Jesus Christ because the deception will be unprecedented.

While the Vatican will be in the forefront of controlling the flow of disclosure information for the religious communities, they’re certainly not alone among consulting academia. For instance, there are astronomers who are working to pinpoint the alien home bases. This is part of what Is a real mystery to us right now. A lot of this is being funded by the Templeton Foundation, a philanthropic organization that’s interested in genetics and trans humanism as the path toward hybridizing humanity into post-human. They’re the ones who have been funding the series of lectures at Arizona State University, about trans humanism, religion, science and technology. In 2009 that led to a second project, The Sophia Project, named after the Greek goddess Sophia because this goddess is the one who they believe helps us make contact with them. It says this right on the ASU website.

There’s another university which we suspect could be involved in the cover up of the – now when I say ‘alien’ you can just insert the word ‘demonic’ (says Tom Horn here) – the cover up of the aliens, artifacts and/or mysterious technology. And this is Penn State. The story seems to go back to 2005, when suddenly a story shot across the web about a giant Leviathan-type creature that had been discovered in the polar ice of Franz-Josef-Land, reported to have horns, was an incredible length, and body was covered like an armadillo [this whole story is at 85:00 if you want to hear the rest of this….lts very interesting, but too much to type].  Ends around 95:00.

{{ This story has new life…helicopter pilot who filmed it – other evidence unearthed that suggested that there was a much deeper mystery. A senior lecturer, P.J. Capelotti , who just before the hoax this guy had been conducting archaeological studies at Franz-Josef-Land and he applied to the UN for archaeological funds to study this… “aerospace archaeology’….Capelotti wrote a book “Human Archaeology of  Space” … he discusses this leviathan and admits making two trips up there and talks about an enormous spacecraft that the Russians had tried to hide and bury.  How would it have the power to alter humanity through technology? (91:00)…was the pilot paid off for his silence? This happens over and over again in our corrupt gov’t. }} This story ends around 95:00.

Anyway, what we have right now is a breaking through in archaeology, relics, etc. I’m afraid Christians are about to have their entire paradigm shaken to the core.

Guy Consolmagno sent Tom a 70-page PDF outlining the alien issues by the top thinkers in the Vatican. He refers to Jesus as someone we might think of as a child of one of these alien races .. is he suggesting that the impregnation of Mary – something very sacred – was an alien abduction phenomenon?

Archaeologists in 2003 discovered an electrical anomaly in the ground by the Euphrates River, and it turned out to be the lost tomb of Gilgamesh. When that was found, Quayle was in touch with a group of people in our government whose sole goal was to secure that DNA. The whole purpose of the Iraqi invasion had nothing to do with WMD. They pilfered all the excavations. One general told him point blank that everything in the world of Black Ops is either to secure antiquities, or to acquire the weaponry and technology to integrate into our battle plans. If anyone doubts any of this they can email Tom Horn and he will send them the information of where the stories remain online, the Syrian Int’l News Agency, ABC, BBC. This was mainstream news. [I’ll never forget the day of the Iraqi invasion…the first thing the US did was to ‘secure the Library of Antiquities’ (loot it). I remember saying to my husband: “Why would the library be the #1 thing they do?? ]

Why is that important? Because Gilgamesh was Nimrod, and in the NT this is the same personality that is described as the Antichrist. (He that was, and is not, and shall be … ) Apollyon. Gilgamesh to the Sumerians … one god-man was named numerous names in all the numerous nations, but they were in reality, all the same god. In our country’s high intelligence, they are fully aware of these prophecies, and when somebody finds the legendary tomb of King Gilgamesh, a few seconds later you have American troops surrounding the place. It’s interesting that the discovery is the same location that’s mentioned in Rev. 9 when John describes the bottomless pit opening up. The gateway to the underworld is located near the Euphrates where ancient Babylon stood, and that’s where they discovered the tomb. Within hours the US military secreted it away to places unknown.

According to Graham Hancock, the US blocked independent investigations around the Sphinx. Why? Some think there’s a hall of records and an ancient library containing the history of Atlantis and the like.

We tracked down a forgotten secret report by the Brookings Institute (it will be included with the book, Exo Vaticana, for those who purchase it) from the 1960s, written for NASA, in which they argued in favor of NASA and other agencies withholding evidence of alien artifacts because it might upset the balance of society if it wasn’t introduced in the right way and at the right time. What’s interesting is that they were PARTICULARLY concerned about fundamentalist Christians, and that these Christians might even DEFINE THE ISSUES through broadcast and print media…[Ya think?!]
104:00 … and further they said that these institutions should be infiltrated and gradually steered toward a particular mindset.

But WE’RE TALKING here about the One True God, The Lord of Hosts. These governments and such may find themselves in a battle that they cannot win.  A General told Steve that all of their high tech, etc. is designed for one single purpose: Satan and his minions, and his willing dupes in the Illuminati. ALL BELIEVE LITERALLY THAT THEY CAN MAKE WAR ON GOD. [Talk about your great delusions…]

[This is why I took the time to transcribe some of this radio show. THIS IS INFORMATION CHRISTIANS SIMPLY MUST WAKE UP AND KNOW ABOUT.] 107:00

There is so little discernment in the church that they could put the devil in a tutu and everyone would think this is some new rock star. That  may sound silly, but we’re seeing very brazen stuff. We’re already seeing Hollywood selling their souls to the devil and openly admitting it…and Satanic rituals at worldwide events such as the Olympics and the Super Bowl, and people are accepting and applauding it.

The Giza Plateau … it’s not what’s above ground; it’s what’s under the ground that’s important. Again from the military: those guarding it are starting to see giant sarcophagi floating out due to the flooding after an earthquake.18-24’ tall. People just can’t imagine this.

Native Americans… Quayle has never seen so many multi-tribal accounts of 40-80’ tall entitites…We’re talking about the end of everything; we’re surrounded by so much evidence, all telling the same stories. [Steve Quayle wrote ‘the book’ on giants; I have it. All the archaeological evidence, pictures, etc., going back centuries. It’s the definitive book on the subject.] The Indians knew how to work the star gates. They did it with flutes.


Question: Are you saying there are aliens on earth today that could be connected to the Illuminati, and that the Illuminati believes they are descendants of the giants, and they’re waiting for the return of their ancestors? Are there people in power across the world who believe they are related to alien life forms so that when the aliens come back they’re going to re-gain their power, saying they are part of the alien bloodlines? And part of the bloodline of the Messiah? Jesus? So you will worship us ….?

Answer: If you read Nick Redfern’s book, The Final Event, he talks about the Collins Elite, a group of people who are ex-gov’t, who have a Christian worldview, who have studied the UFO phenomenon, and they believe it is demonic and is leading to deception. I (Tom) will be sitting down with them and interviewing them…I talked to Nick Pope, the former Director of Military and Defense out of Great Britain, who ran their UFO investigations for many years. I interviewed Pope, and it will be in the book, but he assured me that there is among the aristocracy in Britain, certainly those who are occultists and they very much do believe that they are descendants from a reptilian race. Now that sounds just unbelievable, right?  But these people do believe this. They do believe they are of particular bloodlines, and they are very much committed to an occult world view regarding UFOs and aliens.

And Tom told something else here that he’s never discussed on radio before. One of the biggest secrets in the new book, EXO-VATICANA, has to do with part of Tom’s family. He’s kept it buried all of his life. A member(s) of his family, & state and federal gov’ts, have a binding agreement; and one of his relatives was an atomics top secret worker doing research into nuclear and biological warfare at General Atomics in San Diego. At one point he was transferred to Los Alamos where he was involved with top secret projects, the details of which at that time the family was oblivious to. It was the lab that coordinated the Manhattan Project, but more sinister is that this lab has been connected to secret alien underground facilities on the New Mexico border near Dulce, to do genetic experiments on humans, to investigate UFOs, even to five alien bodies (ET biological entities) that were recovered in 1947 from Roswell and were purportedly sent to a safe house there at Roswell.

It was during that time that this family member was at Los Alamos doing top secret research; one night he came home and got drunk and started talking about the lab, including information about how it was involved with the alien agenda, and he started bragging about stuff that I (Tom) won’t discuss on this show or any other show, but there’s an entire chapter about it in the book. This has been concealed since the 1960s. What happened following this relative’s admission speaks for itself because he disappeared never to be heard of again. There’s a whole story about that. And the story even covers government counselors and what can only be described as highly placed covens within national agencies that direct alien abductees according to certain protocols, the most explosive of which was uncovered when a federal investigator worked with a member of his family concerning a particular state that then connected to numerous other states, and they finally had to settle with this member of his family and other ‘experiencers’ – as alien abductees are called – in which an agreement was reached for their silence. Tom personally attended two of those meetings in which the investigators and the attorneys for both sides, and the federal investigator, were in attendance. It was held inside the state building where the agreement was reached. And once people know that story which has been buried since the ‘60s they will understand why it has been kept under wraps until now.  It had to be. And, also, why I’ve had an interest in understanding the alien abduction and hybridization scheme. 

But the bottom line is that there is definitely a very, very powerful and organized aspect to the whole so-called alien abduction phenomenon, in which you have people who are members of the US Gov’t in high profile positions, and they definitely believe they are dealing with an intelligence from a hyper-dimensional reality, but which I would call demonic and deceptive entities that are leading these people down a path toward destruction. The chapter I am writing for the book will, he says, be absolutely shocking.

[IS THIS WHY TOM’S HOUSE WAS LIT ON FIRE AND BURNED TO THE GROUND LAST YEAR, and he and his wife were inside and barely escaped with their lives?]

122:40.  In researching the book, Chris (the co-author, Chris Putnam) found a book by Fr Malachi Martin that we didn’t know existed. It’s only published in French, 300 pages. In it he named certain popes who were Freemasons, and he even talks about how the Vatican Secretary of State had documentation of them in their rituals. All of this information will be available with the book.

Q: That is so ‘in your face’ to name that telescope LUCIFER. How will that impact Christians; could they get “knocked off the rails” in their faith?
A. Knowledge is power. There is no reason for people to be knocked off the rails.
But it’s very important for people to be devoted to Christ and to biblical DOCTRINE. I was a pastor for 25 years, and I had to be willing at some point to face the fact that some of the things I was indoctrinated with in seminary was incorrect – such as the “Sethite” view (that the “sons of God” in the OT were not angels that came down to earth, married women and created giants), but were descendants of Seth - and of course that view doesn’t explain anything. It was a lay person that came to me to discuss what the Bible actually says about this, and I started rethinking it, and studying the issues honestly, and my logical mind in the investigation led to the “angel view” which all the early Christians accepted without question. It was only in the 3rd century that someone came up with the Sethite view, for political reasons, and no one ever questioned it, apparently.

People who are honest and can listen to what we are talking about need to judge for themselves. And I think they’re going to have a very difficult time, if they read Exo Vaticana, with all of the interviews and documentation, government people, world experts … they will have a very difficult time dismissing that there is something unusual going on, and part of it is at Mt Graham with VATT. When we went to VATT, we didn’t go with preconceived answers. We went with questions for the astronomers and theologians.


We talked with Guy Consolmagno, a top astronomer and theologian, Vatican spokesman, works with NASA, taught at MIT, who has studied this for years and officially represents the Vatican, and he discussed all this from a theological viewpoint, saying society will soon look to the aliens for ‘truth’ as the saviors of humankind, that humans are not the only intelligent beings in God’s creation; nonhuman life forms are described in the Bible, and then to illustrate the kind of aliens we’ll be in contact with, he references the Nephilim specifically.

You have to ask yourself where these people are coming from, especially when they start talking about Jesus potentially being the child of another race, which is alien abduction by any other way of thinking about it. Bottom line, the Vatican scholars we talked to (and we didn’t talk to them all), the ones who are dealing with astrobiology, they believe that Jesus may have been a star child of an alien race, and the virgin birth in reality may have been an alien abduction. Now they may not use that language, but all you need to do is read what they’re saying; that’s exactly what they’re saying. She was impregnated by ET, gave birth to a hybrid Jesus,

The Star Base, as the local Indians call Mt Graham, includes the VP of the Observatory, Dr Christopher Corbally – he says that our image of God is “going to have to change” when disclosure of alien life is made and confirmed by scientists [so-called], including to devolve from the concept of God we now have, into a broader entity - meaning the earth is not special, humans are not special, there is intelligent life all over the universe – some of them morally superior to us – and  God is the broad entity that created all of them, and they’re coming here. They are going to teach us a better way.  Fr. Jose Funes at the Observatory says that they are going to confirm “the true faith” of Christianity and the dominion of Rome. When the Vatican-approved newspaper asked him what he meant by that, he said, “How can we rule out that life has developed elsewhere, and just as we consider earthly creatures as brothers and sisters, we would consider them as extra-terrestrial brothers; they’re part of creation. And believing in the existence of such is not a contradiction to CATHOLIC doctrine.” In other words, it’s definitely going to be a contradiction to guys like me (Tom). So they really are positioning themselves to be the answer source for the world’s religious communities when official disclosure is made. Now, they’re either putting themselves in that position because they know something we don’t know – or they’re putting themselves in that position because they suspect something.

135:00  Quayle talks … to 140:07

Tom: (Miscellaneous talk)…Back when I was a young preacher who knew EVERYTHING ON EARTH J and had my dispensational prophecy map on the wall that would tell me when everything was going to happen,  I thought the whole idea of angels marrying women was the craziest thing I’d ever heard, but over time I came to realize that it’s the only thing that really explains things. In fact, I’m at the place now - kind of like Chuck Missler says - that unless you understand the angels marrying humans phenomenon you cannot understand most of the OT. Until you get to the point where you understand what happened in that one single scenario you can’t understand most of the OT. You definitely can’t understand the war between genetics, the seed of the woman and the seed of Satan. You can’t understand what’s even being talked about.

But the question is - not just, was there an early vanguard of fallen angels … or did it happen once before … but is it happening right now? Are there on earth humans that are only part human genetics and part something else? This is a question that raises a significantly distressful question. Are there human-like creations on earth that do not have a redeemable soul in the Judao-Christian sense? That is, the soul of a human is different than that of any animal, or that of angels, and that man alone was made in God’s image, and within the essence of the human person is the capacity of a union with God and transcendence from mortal to redeemed immortality after death. There is a debate over this question that right now probably most people on the internet may not know much about, but it is a furious debate that is going on among some scholars. It extends as far back as the early Christian fathers, throughout the Middle Ages, especially during the Inquisition. The question is whether hybrid humans can be redeemed. This is a question that resurfaced not long ago.

I was having lunch with the State Superintendent of the Oregon District Assemblies of God and he leaned forward and said, “Tom, I just read The Ahriman Gate that you wrote. It was good, but one thing really bothered me. That part where human genetics were combined with what the scientist in the book thought was alien DNA, and this led to the revival of Nephilim. I never liked talking about that subject when I was a pastor because I hate the implications. There could be mutant humans that cannot be saved.”

Well, his abhorrence of the issue is shared by all people of good will. Me, too. But whether we like it or not that doesn’t change the fact that Nephilim, as described in the O.T., and in the Book of Enoch, were devoid of redeemable souls and spirits. Gen 6;9, ONLY Noah and by extension his children, are found “perfect in their generations.” The Hebrew word means “without blemish, or healthy.” They’re the only ones that can be saved from the flood. The same word is used in Leviticus to describe an unblemished sacrificial lamb, and of course we certainly know that it doesn’t mean that Noah was morally perfect, but that his genetics had not been contaminated with Nephilim descent, as apparently the rest of the world had been. And so in order to preserve mankind as He had made them, God destroys all but Noah and Noah’s family in the flood. And the ancient records, including those of the Bible, consistently describe the cause of the flood as happening because all flesh became corrupted. Both man and beast. That’s what the Bible says.

Now, the question of whether corrupted or altered humans had redeemable souls, this is a very difficult subject to talk about, but note what happened. When the angels asked the prophet (Enoch) to beseech God for the salvation of their children, “then I went and spoke to them all together, and they were afraid, and fear and trembling seized them, and they besought me to draw up a petition for them, that they might find forgiveness, and to read their petition in the presence of the Lord of Heaven. From thence forward they could not speak with Him, nor lift up their eyes to Heaven for shame of their sins for which they had been condemned.”

Now Enoch takes this petition to God. He informs the Watchers afterward, and their hybrid children. He informs them of their situation, whether they can be redeemed. “I wrote out your petition. And in my vision it appeared thus, that your petition will not be granted you throughout all the days of eternity and that judgment has been finally passed upon you. Yea, your petition will not be granted you, and from hence forward you shall not ascend into heaven, but unto all eternity and in bonds of the earth the decree has gone forth to bind you for all the days of the world. And that previously you shall have seen the destruction of your beloved sons and you shall have no pleasure in them, but they shall fall before you by the sword and your petition in their behalf shall not be granted, nor yet on your own, even though you weep and pray and speak all the words contained in the writing which I have written.”

So, therefore, based on the Book of Enoch and reflected in the Bible in Genesis, Jude, and 2 Peter, redemption was not possible for any of the fallen Watchers or their hybrid offspring even though the Nephilim were part human.

Now in that sense, Nephilim, maybe they’re compared to an extraordinary primate, intelligent-like men and angels maybe even possessing human genetics, but not homosapien, as fashioned by God in His image. There’s further confirmation of their status as irredeemable, and we also learn from the strange narrative that there was this primeval belief that’s reflected in the OT concerning two types of resurrection from the dead – one that’s strictly terrestrial; that is, a dead Nephilim can return from the grave to inhabit another corruptible body of flesh; but a second future resurrection in which eternal glorified bodies are only for those who sleep in Christ. And Isaiah makes it very clear that the Watcher offspring, in Ch 26:14 he refers to them as the Raphaim – that they cannot participate in the latter resurrection. “They are dead. They shall not live.” “They are deceased. They shall not rise. Therefore thou hast visited them and destroyed them and made all their memory to perish.” The word that’s rendered ‘deceased’  from the Hebrew there is ‘shades or ghosts of the dead.’  So, we see echoed how the term Raphaim is used in two senses: 1) for human and Nephilim, spirits in the underworld, 2) but in another sense, terrestrial giant.

We’re going to write something that’s never been written before, in EXO VATICANA, in which we take the text from Northern Syria, in which there are Canaanite rituals for summoning the Raphaim from the underworld, how to bring them forth so that they can be manifested in bodies of flesh. 150:16   (Quayle goes off on a tangent about redeemable…)

155:38  Talking about the Canaanites beckoning the dead. While they did that, though, the Prophet Isaiah actually described those shades greeting the defeated King of Babylon within the infernal region. Is 14:9 says: “Hell from beneath is moved to meet thee at thy coming; it stirreth up the dead,” and that Hebrew word for ‘dead’ is Raphaim…”it stirreth up the Raphaim for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth…” The passage is actually mocking the King of Babylon as spirits of dead royalty – according to their belief system – welcoming him to the underworld. But this also prefigures the final fall of Babylon, like you read about in Rev. 17 and 19 … at the defeat of Satan, as in Luke 10 and 12. It also even looks back on the fall of Nimrod (Gen 11), who was also believed to be a giant. So, it’s clear that the term ‘Raphaim’ designated earthly giants, because in Numbers 13:33 the sons of Anak are said to literally be descended from children of the Nephilim. And these Anakim are described as “Raphaim” in Deut. 2. So, the ancient Hebrews translated the Septuagint into Greek, understanding that Isaiah was using ‘raphaim’ in this second sense to predict a return of these giants with monsters as we said earlier, at the advent of the destruction of Babylon. But it also describes dead Nephilim; that’s the way the Amorites looked at it, and Isaiah seems to go along with that idea that dead Nephilim in the underworld are used by the title “raphaim.”  And under some extraordinary circumstance they have the ability to rise back up into a temporal, a corruptible, body. [I think this is where the idea of reincarnation came from; the Nephilim were able to come back into bodies, and they used the idea to deceive humans.] And that goes along with all of these other various prophecies we were talking about, that in the Last Days, like Enoch 16, the deceased offspring of the Watchers are released at the end of time to bring forth slaughter and destruction upon man. Enoch 1:16 says “For the days of the slaughter and destruction and the death of the giants, from the souls of whose flesh the spirits have gone forth, shall destroy without incurring judgment. Thus, shall they destroy until the day of the consummation, the great judgment, in which the age shall be consummated over the Watchers and the godless; yea, shall be wholly consumed.”    

So there are all these various prophecies that the OT prophets in the canonical scriptures seem to agree with, that tell us that the last days are going to be accompanied with a return of these giants. But my bigger statement was: based on the documentation that we are working on right now [on his forthcoming book] there is a persuasive argument that there are genetically altered humans on earth now. And in fact, by the way, I already know that to be a fact because of the research that we’re doing for the documentary on trans humanism – Super Soldiers.

1:59:50 … Quayle interjects: I’ve been told that every time there is a giant find or a mummy of a giant, the DNA is preserved and they are using that. Can you imagine having some of the worst entities in the history of the world in a new body or container being built for them, and then the spirit’s being loosed, coming and reanimating those things?

Tom: Yeah, I got a bunch of emails lately from people concerning the third season of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, and in particular, one edition that looked into human-animal hybrids that supposedly have gone beyond the petri dish with rumors of a real live planet of the apes being created (that’s a quote from their website). What the people who are emailing me don’t know is that the producers contacted me late in 2011 with a request for help. They wanted to know whether scientists had secretly crossed the Rubicon with regard to human/animal genetic experiments. I spent days, numerous hours, as a consultant, but turned down repeated requests to be a part of Season 3, Episode 4, called Manimal, but you can go to Jesse Ventura’s website and read about them.  … But I did set them up with a scientist at Stanford … there are DARPA budget line items, and other proof that this has been done. Splice-like creatures in labs of human/animal chimeras is simply no longer science fiction. I can pinpoint 8 national primate research centers. Human/chimp hybrid has been born. Then supposedly destroyed.


Today’s genetically modified humans are now in their early teens… and the problem is that they are are now going to pass forward those altered genes. Reproductive work was being done at the St. Barnabas Lab in NJ. These kids are now about 13 years old, and their mitochondrial functions have all been altered. Organ Health and Science University repeated these tests in 2008 and 2012 to produce genetically engineered super babies. There is information that I can send to anyone interested; it’s on the OHSU website, and it’s happening all over the world. In fact, this year the Olympics underscored the science. A Chinese swimmer, remember her? Super human type performance. John Leonard (?) The Director of the World Swimming Coaches Assn described this 16-year old as suspicious and unbelievable. This story is still out there on the internet. You can Google it. And he said that the authorities that tested the girl for drug abuse should have been checking t see if there was something going on genetically.

Human prenatal doses, screening fetal genomes, designer children…those were just the first cracks a decade ago, and experts are now finally beginning to admit it. Is there a place where this also has a connection to the alien agenda? That’s the big question.

Quayle: And the answer is yes, from science and military sources. The whole Human Genome Project was never about genomes in the first place; they conquered that a long time ago. It was to identify the Nephilim/fallen angel genetic markers and infuse it into the human race. The goal is to destroy the entire human genome, and create a wonderful new trans human automaton. [I remember 15-20 years ago reading that this was being done in hospitals to fetuses or newborns without parental consent…how do we know when it started and who is really 100% human EVEN NOW? Even our own offspring could have altered DNA if hospitals were doing this unknown to parents. Is this why the Bible predicts the horrific children….

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”             2 Timothy 3:1-5

Tom: Yes, you and I know that to be a fact. When we have done shows and interviews in the past we’ve had every agency in the USG listening in. Ask yourself why did the World Economic Forum in Davos…why in their new report, “Global Risk 2013” are they calling on governments to do two things: 1) Genetically alter humans 2) Prepare for extra terrestrial life contact. I have the full report, and it’s astonishing. Why would they be combining genetically altered humans with the need to prepare for extraterrestrial life
contact?  It’s because they ARE connected. In fact, the British Royal Academy of Engineering and the British Royal Society produced a narrow joint study in 2012 called “Human Enhancement And The Future of War.” They documented the alarming trend aimed at augmenting humans, cognitively and physically; and they warned that we’re now entering into a hybrid age. There’s an example from page 26 that highlights how people are going to be engineered in the near future to have SERPENTINE qualities. [Any time the Gov’t says something is in the near future, that means it’s been done for 20-30 years already.]

Here’s a short excerpt: (172:30) … The report goes on to assure that tomorrow’s snake people can not only see in the dark, but that they are appropriately plugged into the end times groove, they’ll have borg-like physical digital enhancements like cybernetic implants and advanced machine interfacing technology – all this according to the leading and oldest scientific body in the world, The Royal Academy. 

So, it’s coming, and the world better get ready for it. And we’ve only barely scratched the surface. All of the documentation, audio files, etc. that we will be providing in the 4/15/13 investigative report called “Exo Vaticana” is highly documented, well researched; it’s not speculative. I’m frankly not sure that people will be ready for what we’re going to publish, but we’re going to do it, anyway, just like we always do.

174.50. Steve Quayle: (Recap) They can insert serpentine DNA through chem trails, GMO food, vaccines, electromagnetic radiation (smart meters?) They are working overtime to destroy the last human seed of Adam, and that was the whole point. This entire thing is about the war between the “seed of the woman” vs “the seed of the serpent” according to Scripture, and this is Satan’s last shot at total destruction of humanity … VERY FRIGHTENING.  177:00.

Tom: It’s revealing that many of the technocrats that now envision the recalibrating of humanity into homo superior admit in their own words to being influenced by Nietszche (God is dead), Goethe and the like. So it’s the ancient Watchers again. But if a person knows who they are in Jesus Christ, I believe that there can be supernatural protection, supernatural intervention, something that preserves our genetic makeup – that it won’t touch us. It’s like the plagues of Exodus, how the angel passed over the houses with blood on the doorposts. I believe we’re in that same situation, and true Christians may have to learn again pretty soon about the supernatural intervention that can occur on our behalf when we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.

End of article ……….

HAS THE LORD SEALED US? Is our DNA immune from this? Tom believes we have supernatural protection. So do I. It cannot touch us. We will be PASSED OVER. We are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. The Book of Revelation says:

Revelation 7:3 "Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads."

Of course, I believe Rev. 7:3 refers to the 144,000. My personal belief is that the arrival of the Nephilim and the Rapture will occur at approximately the same time, that God’s Planet-X (referred to by Tom in the first part of this interview), the arrival of the aliens, and the Rapture will happen at or near the same time. Regardless, I believe that those who are born again (re-born) experience a DNA change at that time, the seal of God, which can never be removed.  God has everything covered.
