For the Christian, God's Word is the truth and final authority on all questions. And - I need to wrap up this 2012 issue.. it will be history in a couple of days.
The Holy Bible is the only source that tells us in advance what will happen, and it has proven to be 100% correct. No other religious sources would have the audacity to prophesy because they know they do not have the ability because they comprehend that they are not God, a fact they do not share with their followers for obvious reasons.
The Bible does not give us specific dates. It tells us to discern the times and the seasons. God will not reveal His truth to anyone but His obedient followers, and even to those He will not reveal actual dates in advance. He clearly told us this. A person who insists on predicting dates always makes a fool of himself - and is always wrong. To those who are obedient to His Word he will give discernment of the times and they will not be in the dark, understanding and accepting that only He has the exact information. That is His prerogative ... because He is God.
The Holy Spirit has made it known to the true Church that we are approaching the end times, and that we are specifically at the very door of the translation of the Church of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the period of judgment upon the earth, known as the Tribulation - a 7-year period of hell on earth.
The Bible mentions The Destroyer and Wormwood. I firmly believe that these are references to Planet-X and its accompanying planets, which I believe God has used before, and is using now, to accomplish the solar system changes which have been going on for some time. I think He will use that mini solar system in increasingly devastating ways to bring the great earth changes during the tribulation period, causing the oceans to roar, huge earthquakes, massive death and destruction, poisoned waters, 1/3 of the earth burned, and all the rest. We have seen the blood red waters in numerous places this past year; this is caused by the iron in the dust blown in with the increased solar wind.
There is absolutely no question that 2012 is a tremendously significant year. Unprecedented, in fact. Every single religious philosophy predicts it because by reviewing the ancient records it is self-evident that the solar system and the earth go through regular cycles. I have read some of the Sumerian records, the Egyptian records, and a number of others. These predictions are not prophesies per se; they are predictions based on past historical earth and solar cycles. The end of most these cycles almost wiped out mankind. The Flood is a case in point.
This time, however, is different. This is the end - the culmination - of numerous cycles. While it will be increasingly devastating to humanity we know from the Bible itself that the earth has at least 7 years to go (due to the disobedience of the Jews in the Old Testament regarding God's law). We are indeed entering a very unique and special time - one like none other, ever. This time, at the end of this period, Jesus Christ Himself will rule and reign on earth after passing judgment on humans and others.
We know what these next 7 years will be like. The Bible provides an amazing amount of information about it. It will be disastrous - at the same time men are opining about "peace" and led by the greatest deceiver the world has ever known - the prince of this world, who has brought humanity to this sad state of affairs through his rule over the centuries. And he has God's permission (which is about to come to an end).
I do believe that we can see signs of God's great delusion descending on humanity, on those who refuse to see the Truth. It's possible that this 'new reality' - this 'higher consciousness' spoken of by Lucifer's cadres is related to 12/21/12. It would make perfect sense. I believe the spiritual leaders of the New Age have been given certain information applicable only to them, and it's possible there will be three days of stasis from which people will 'ascend' into a 'new reality' - a delusion. They also believe the Rapture will occur sometime during this 3-day stasis period ... I desperately hope they are correct! It's possible, in fact. God is, after all, the one who gives approval and sanction to these things. The devil and his league can do nothing without God's express approval. It's the agenda of the Adversary and has little to do with us (as far as we know).
Our task is to make certain that we miss no opportunity to spread the good news of the Gospel. It is for this that we will be held accountable. This is our primary job right now, to stand firm in the Faith and to follow the specific orders the Lord has for each of us in this final 'last chance' period.
We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, including the great people of faith spelled out in Hebrews 11. We are being watched. Let us not disappoint through discouragement and a lack of faith. This is our time to exhibit faith - a time of unprecedented trial and testing which prompted our Lord to ponder whether there would be faith on earth when He returns.
Yes, there will be faith on earth! The torch has been passed to us, and we must deliver. The magnitude of the testing here will be matched by the rewards that await us. Let us not falter or stumble, but keep close to the Lord and diligent in prayer and in His Word. We are the warriors of the last days, and those witnesses are cheering us on! It's real, and it's thrilling, and the Bible itself confirms our success and our rewards - gained not by any merit of our own, but through the grace and mercy of our Savior when He purchased our salvation at the Cross and rose again to His heavenly Throne.
Let's make them proud! Let's cross that finish line and fall at the feet of the Master, looking for the greatest prize imaginable - His voice, saying, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Oh, what a day that will be.
Come, Lord Jesus!