
Monday, December 10, 2012

The Seed of Satan Can NEVER Ascend

This was decreed by the Divine Creator millennia ago, and reiterated by Enoch in his writings.

I see channeling messages which try in a tortured way to explain this away. However, it is not possible and never has been.

This is where the rubber meets the road. 

From Genesis, the LORD put enmity between the Seed of Satan and the Seed of Eve (Jesus Christ). This is now coming to fruition, and there is no remedy for reptilian seed.

One must be REBORN (BORN AGAIN) in order to transmute - or ascend - and this has never been possible for Satan's seed from the beginning. The Creator was manifest on earth in the Person of Jesus Christ, who willingly died on the Cross in order to redeem His creation - humanity. It was never possible to redeem Satan's seed. He (and his fallen angels) had a choice, and egotistically turned against his creator, thus causing his own complete death and destruction - and that of his seed.

If you should hear a still small voice calling you to accept the salvation offered by Jesus Christ, respond to Him and accept His offer. That voice does not speak to reptilian seed. The vast majority on earth are not Satan's seed, despite the channeled rhetoric, which is nothing but deception to rob you of your redemption provided by Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and THE LIGHT. All else is darkness masquerading as 'light.'

God is placing a great delusion upon all who do not choose to bow to their Creator, and they will be completely destroyed - body, spirit and soul - at the final judgment.  Satan and the fallen angels have always been well aware that their offspring have no chance of survival. They were destroyed at the Great Flood and those alive now will likewise be destroyed. Completely annihilated forever.

This has been decreed by the Creator from the beginning.