
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Last Call ... Last Chance ... Last Choice ... Eternally

Before I forget, HERE is a great Christian site for news relating to Bible prophecy.

I often marvel at the lack of knowledge/interest that we in the West have for spiritual issues. Angels and demons are seen as fairy tales by most people in the U.S. while The East lives and accepts interaction with the spirit world, and has for centuries. Of course the spirits with which they deal are demonic - as indeed the ones we deal with are, without our knowing it.

We are told in the Bible to discern the spirits. Few would recognize a spirit if it walked right into their bodies, which is often the case. It's a matter for joking and nervous laughter here. This is a foolish and dangerous way to exist. This is one reason there is so little discernment even among Christians.

You may have noticed that many of the great men and women of faith in the Bible were quite well versed in discernment of spirits. Enoch, for instance, interacted with both good and bad angels, and he was given all of the ancient knowledge of science, the cosmos, mathematics, writing - receiving them from heavenly beings directly. 

The litany of names throughout the old - and new - testaments is full of people well-versed in the occult and hidden disciplines. Abraham, certainly, passed this knowledge down though his lineage. Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, the prophets ... it is literally a history of God's people being intimately familiar with the truth and the lie(s).

Why is this? Because one cannot engage in warfare without an intimate knowledge of the enemy. It is no different today. Christians should know the occult beliefs; they should be experts in it. Otherwise they are drifting in a sea of angelic beings, susceptible to every wind of doctrine. This is why we are in such deep trouble spiritually. Demonic activity and influence is allowed to run rampant throughout our culture and "my people perish for lack of knowledge." This is how the enemy now completely and utterly controls this people, this nation.

We are, for the most part, in a spiritual battle in which we do not recognize who the enemy is, nor what he believes, nor how he operates - nothing about his tactics or strategy is understood, or even considered. I have studied the occult for almost 40 years, and there are almost no Christians with whom I could discuss the subject.

Many do not understand or consider that angelic beings run the gamut of confusion and lack of understanding just as human beings do. Enoch talks about an archangel or two who wondered if God might have been harsh in handing down such finality of punishment on the fallen angels. I mention this only to point out that everything does not hum along in the heavenlies without discussion, consideration, meetings of the Divine Council. God communicates with his heavenly beings just as he does with us. They are not robots ... well, maybe some approach that level of lack of soul. Things are much more like they are right here on earth than most people can ever allow themselves to imagine.

Thus - the need for discernment.

For instance, demonic presence and possession were well recognized in Bible times. In modern America, demonic entertainment by humans is called "disease, syndromes, addictions," you name it. We 'treat' these things with drugs, psychologists (a phony profession if there ever was one). We have all manner of ploys devised to avoid the truth - it is spiritual, not physical. If your eyes are open you can see demon-controlled people everywhere. There is only one treatment, one solution ... intervention by the Creator. That's exactly why Jesus came - God manifest on earth. The Creator came down to mankind. And, naturally, He was rejected. Truth is never popular; never has been.

This world is nothing more or less than the story of God and his activity with His creation. It started with our first ancestors. They sinned, succumbed to the wiles of the one who introduced self - pride - arrogance onto the scene. From that time until this, it is the story of the Seed of Satan vs. the Seed of Eve (Jesus). And when the Bible says "seed," it means just that. There has been a lineage, a bloodline of the devil - the Nephilim - and that line, even though destroyed in the Great Flood, resumed again; it is the same "mystery religion" rulers who rule today. They are the blood descendants of Genesis 6.

The Seed of Eve consists of the people of faith in God. That seed, too, is a real bloodline. All that 'junk DNA' is not junk. A person of faith in the promise of Christ in the OT, just like a Christian who is born again, is given NEW BIRTH, actually, literaly, physically changed and transformed into the family of God.

The entire Bible is about this one saga. It started with Abraham, the chosen - not because of his race or anything special - but because of His FAITH in the promised One to come, Christ. 

When Christ did enter His creation, he certainly did not 'start a new religion.' He came in fulfillment of the centuries of prophecies given to the Jews. The early church in its beginnings were almost all Jewish people who recognized their Messiah had come. After salvation was offered first to the Jews, the Lord in His mercy and grace (and original plan) opened the doors to the Gentiles. And the story continued down through the past 2000 or so years. It is now ending, God's people will be removed, and judgment will begin to fall. For 7 years.

There is more, but that is enough for my purpose. I think the beginning of the 7 years of Tribulation is imminent - and the Rapture, of course. In the few hours or days I may have left on this blog I want to take one last stab at opening eyes to some who may yet have the opportunity to comprehend and choose. God chooses and speaks to each heart, after which a response is required by each person.

We are out of time. Listen for that still small voice giving you one last chance to choose salvation through Jesus Christ, who came to earth and voluntarily gave His life to redeem His creation. Your choice is eternal. Final.

This is the Big Enchilada. If you hear that call, get it right. It will be your final chance.