
Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Final Election

Obama had to win. It had to be made to happen. The record of Earth required it, not-to-mention that it was merely a reflection of the corrupt state of the nation and its citizens. Americans still don't get it. They don't get that our immoral leaders are a direct result and reflection of the personal corruption of our citizenry. Apparently the majority of people actually believe that things would have been different had the Mormon been elected. They still fail to understand that The Agenda drives the nations. The US President does not - fail to understand.

There were Democrats - political operatives - who staked their very lives in dedication to see that BHO lost this election. It was they who lost.  And they will lose their lives. They made the mistake of thinking they were dealing with just another political foe - another political battle. This is a spiritual battle with spiritual foes, something few have ever understood, always trying to win politically, as though their votes counted ... their energies were spent on the wrong war. The United States was not overtaken by evil; it was given over to evil. Voluntarily.

This is a war that can only be fought on one's knees, so you can imagine how few people are in this battle. God, however, specializes in the weak and the few.

Everything that is happening, and will happen, in this 21st Century has been decreed by God. It is His will. There is a time of reckoning for all people and all nations. Everyone will receive his just reward. This is the law of God's domain. In light of this, we should accept it and give glory to God at the ways He moves nations and rulers.  His will is being done.

There will be little time to reflect on any of this, because things will be happening at warp speed beginning immediately. The 44th President, re-elected on 22 (11/6/2012) has 44 days until Dec. 21, 2012. That may carry no significance for you or me, but believe me, it is significant to the millions of disembodied demonic eyes watching, and waiting, waiting, waiting - just out of our view straining to get a crack at the land of the once free and home of the once brave - and once their nemesis. They know it's spiritual. And that is the realm in which God will now permit them to have the upper hand. And as always, the spiritual will be reflected in the physical. (See news article below re: UFOs)

Because God will soon destroy Israel's enemies in the Magog War in order to prove that it is HE - and not the IDF - who causes the enemy's defeat.  God's purpose in this is to awaken Israel, in order to fulfill their final 7 years (Daniel 9).

Some place right in this current time frame is the Rapture. I believe God's tool, Planet-X/Nibiru will be used to accomplish God's purposes in varying degrees for his various purposes over the next few years. We are experience amazing weather events, and they will be speeding up, causing millions to die.

God will also cause a great delusion to come over the rest of the unsaved people because they refused to believe the truth of the gospel and be saved. John 1:5 “And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”  They did not comprehend it because they did not want to understand; they are the willfully ignorant.  They plan to become gods. You ignore the Creator of all things at your perll. God will place the delusion on them and they will follow their foolish choices to their natural conclusions and will follow Antichrist.

Never forget that genuine liberty is found only in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of His creation.


Citizens' Grand Jury Indicts Obama and Biden

Read more here:

CIA Director Petraeus Resigns, Cites Extramarital Affair

 (Payback for Benghazi? Many believe the affair was a trumped up charge)

Over 100 UFOs seen along China border

ObamaCare was never about health; it's about bringing down the US

Syracuse Hospital Cuts 100 Nursing Postions    ...AND ...

Baboon 'Adopts' Kitten At Israeli Zoo (video)

Syria's Assad warns of apocalyptic war

Incredible UFOs Land and Launch Over Denver 2012 HQ 

Sandy Refugees Complain of Prison-like Conditions at FEMA Tent Camp

Under this 6 min YouTube video are links to three other excellent articles.