
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How Can I Be Thankful ... In A Time Such As This?

How can it be possible to be thankful when we are on the cusp of God's judgment - a time of His wrath unparalleled in human history, in the nation ... the world ... the universe ... the cosmos?

In my (long) life I have never seen such things. Bringing it down to the personal level I have never seen a time of such family tragedy, such utter disregard for the patterns God has set down for family life, such total and complete lack of respect of the young for the wisdom of their elders. It is truly unprecedented in history - as the Bible has told us in advance. The foundation of our society - the family - has crumbled.

Is it possible to give thanks, then? Not only is it possible, it is essential. I know a little secret. If you want the Lord to bend His ear in your direction start thanking Him. Morning, noon and night. It's a habit of life. Begin each day counting your blessings and thanking Him for them. Then continue to specifically tell Him the things for which you are thankful - every little thing - and do it intermittently all day long. There is nothing the Lord loves more than for us to praise and thank Him for all of the many blessings He has given us. You will be surprised how many things there are for which to be thankful. This habit keeps you in constant touch with the Lord, and it turns you into a joyous person.

To get you started, listen to this!

Allow the Lord to draw you nearer to Him. Give thanks!