
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who Are You Voting For?

Vote For Romney

By all means, go ahead and vote for Romney! I don’t care why you do, even if it is for absurd reasons like you think Obama is a Muslim or a Communist. Vote for Romney and lets kick America’s class war into overdrive! Obama has been driving it for the last four years, but because he is a democrat, and because he has been so hated by the right wing, his fascist policies have been receiving a free pass from a huge swath of citizens who will be rudely awakened when Romney wins.

The following article by Norman Pollack does a great job of articulating what I have been increasingly feeling these last few months:

He writes, “Republicans sincerely criticize Obama because they are too ignorant to recognize, in their rush to antigovernment rhetoric, that he takes the same position as they smoothed out to please a base at best composed of pretend-radicalism and, equally, to ward off criticism from those who desperately want to believe his earlier promises. This comes down to political theater at its cruelest…

For the rest of the article CLICK HERE


Peter's new book is on the upper left of my blog - "The Second Coming of the Antichrist," and it is also available IN COLOR on Kindle.

I consider Peter a "Spirit Mate" of mine. He thinks outside the box, and he loves the Lord. While we may differ occasionally on some small esoteric point, I consider his writings essential reading for any serious prophecy student. His website is: