
Sunday, September 9, 2012

The King Is In The Field

We are in the month of Elul, August 19 - September 16, 2012, the last month of the Hebrew Calendar year, a time set aside for repentance, prayer and searching our hearts. It is a time representing special Divine grace and mercy.

It was on the 1st of Elul that Moses, after the golden calf incident, ascended the Mountain and stayed there for 40 days, descending on Tishri 1 - the Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur, with the second set of tablets of God's commandments.

The great Jewish sages called Elul the time when "the King is in the field." Normally, the King is on the throne, in the royal palace attending to the duties of a king, where all official visits and appearances are according to protocol and law. He cannot be approached without advance scheduling which proceeds through the layers of court bureaucracy.

When the King visits his fields, however, the peasants can approach him easily. He drops all official requirements and happily visits with those who work in his fields, giving them access that is seldom available even to the officers of his court.

The month of Elul is when the King is in the field. 

In a spiritual sense, too, we see only glimpses of the Lord. The majority of the time He is physically unapproachable, seems far away and this is the test of his disciples. "Blessed are those who believe and can't see," Christ said. We have our times of Elul, when we do have real fellowship with the Lord and know that we are in communication with him, when we know his great mercy and grace. That is when the King is in the field. Those are the times that sustain us through the mundane things of this life on earth. 

As Christians the entire year is Elul. God is always approachable and available, a constant help in time of trouble.

We enter into the time of the Jewish High Holy Days in just a few days - Rosh Hashana, Sept. 16-18, and Yom Kippur, Sept. 25-26. 

Rosh Hashana - referred to by Christians as the Fall Feast of the Trumpets (Yom Teruah) - is observed by the sounding of the shofar, the ram’s horn, to bring in the New Year, and which also represents the trumpet blast of a people’s coronation of their king! People greet each other with “Leshanah tovah tikateiv veteichateim,” “May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.” Rosh Hashana marks the beginning of the "10 Days of Awe" which last through Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, is the holiest and most solemn day in the Jewish year, a day spent in fasting, prayer and worship.

My heart is heavy and grieves for the Jewish people right now. It appears they are now truly alone in the world of politics, just as the Revelation tells us. Even the US seems to have forsaken the Israelites. God will use this impossible situation to show His power and glory to the entire world, after which He will complete the Covenant with Israel and set up the Kingdom of David in Jerusalem; it will govern the entire world. But there are seven horrific years under the Antichrist before that comes to fruition. 

Many, if not most, of the pre-trib Christians, believe the Lord will rapture the Church on the Feast of the Trumpets (the exact day and time is impossible to predict due to the rules governing this feast). Isn't it also interesting that this year we just might see the effects of Planet-X around that time? 

For an excellent explanation of these things by a Christian, go HERE. It is a fascinating study. I haven't had time to really properly check out the entire site, so use your discernment (which I trust many of my readers do have). THIS SITE of Pastor Mark Blitz I can vouch for, too.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

P.S. Israel consists of two separate groups of Jews: 1) The Synagogue of Satan, members of the NWO, and 2) the orthodox and the secular. Just like the U.S. This is a big, complex subject which I may write about some day, but not today :-)