
Friday, September 21, 2012

Shocking, Rare and Poignant Statement of Truth

Of all people, I would be the last to ask you to devote precious time to watch this video if I didn't believe it was a voice that many want to hear and others need to hear. A voice that has almost been obliterated.  A voice that needs to be heard. One last time. 

Just a short time ago the words of this man represented the vast majority of U.S. citizens. Now, they are anathema. What in the world has happened? When did materialism and greed, sports and entertainment become the primary values in this nation? Who allowed their children to become mindless, arrogant, rude and ignorant of every spiritual value known to man? Who allowed rock music, blasphemous new "bibles," false prophets, 501(c)3 compromises, and mealy-mouthed Jesuit-controlled seminary graduates in the pulpits of Jesus Christ's churches? How low can Americans go? Apparently all the way to the bottom.

Former Hitler Youth member and World War Two veteran Hilmar Von Campe warns that America's abandonment of God Almighty is a rerun of Nazi Germany, but worse, because this government is arming to kill its own people in its insane and futile attempt to get rid of the Creator and replace Him with a god of its own - the lord of the Abyss, son of Lucifer: Nimrod/Apollo/Osiris etal. The end of this adventure will make Nazi Germany look like saints. Those voices who have been screaming that the removal of 'religion' is the answer to all the  problems of the world are about to learn their most wrenching lesson - for all eternity - that the One True God will not be mocked.

The American people are about to deal directly with live, visible demons from hell. Yes - literally!  For the first time in my entire life I find myself praying for the wrath of God to be poured out on those who have planned and perpetrated this satanic rebellion against God - and for the delusion God is about to bring - or has already brought - upon the minds and souls of those American people who have refused to hear, and to repent.

I found the voice of this dear gentleman so compelling that I have watched it twice ... so far. 

"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.  For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."

Royal Heir