
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Event: Planet-X, War ON America, The Rapture?

Too much is happening too fast. I always try to post only the best; I know everyone is very busy. If you just landed here on my blog, it would be very helpful to you to scan through my July posts (left side of page, scroll down) on Planet-X to get a background. I have been researching this for two years or so, the most challenging subject matter I've ever researched. It's real and it's coming.

There are many pictures of Nibiru/Planet-X. Here is one from CFH Observatory in Hawaii, taken in July. It's 2 minutes, 51 seconds.  You can go directly to 2:00 before it is seen. HERE

Planet-X/Nibiru is far more than we have been told. It is an entire solar system with its own planets. It has come through our solar system periodically, is believed by many to have caused the great Flood of Noah, perhaps the parting of the Red Sea, and certainly goes much further back than those events.

The ancient Sumerians have written about it, and it's written of in The Kolbrin. Velikovsky wrote about it in Worlds in Collision. And I believe it is referred to numerous times in The Holy Bible. You may have noticed that God uses His own creation, weather and such to accomplish 90% of His judgments on Earth. He is now preparing for the end times, the beginning of His wrath on earth as judgments on those who refuse His Son, Jesus Christ.  We are about to enter the great 7-year period of the Great Tribulation on earth. I believe He  will once again use PX to initiate the Tribulation - and perhaps again at the end of the 7 years.

Somehow we Christians in the West seem to separate the Bible - the spiritual - from the 'real world.' And we have it exactly backward. The real world is the spiritual. Every single thing we do throughout life is spiritual. WE are spirit beings.  Well, now before I get off into 'preaching' let's just go into the discoveries of the past week.

John Moore is the best resource we have right now, and he is on the radio every week day. Pray for His protection. Going public is good protection, but not perfect. I posted some information from him on one or two of the July blogs. I consider him the first real current breakthrough as far as PX intel is concerned - and a lot more things coming.  He has several long-time sources of military intelligence, and more are popping up every day as the "regular people" in our military and elsewhere are beginning to see amazing and unbelievable things going on. And they are talking.

On this blog I am going to post his videos from the past week or so. Knowing that few have time to view all of this, I have loosely transcribed all of these (hours of work!), so you can get a brief overview of what is in each video. Then if you choose to watch it you can. The really explosive stuff starts on his video of 8-13. (His words below)

THE JOHN MOORE SHOW - 08-07-2012
Sun Activity: DHS is afraid of a “Carrington Event” …last one in 1859 … solar X-flash flare. No power grid then, but the telegraph cables acted as antennae and set fires in the telegraph offices. In 2012 it would hit half the planet and would take out the power.  The power plants are not in as much danger as the power grid. The transformers.
Nibiru/PX: Winds will be coming from West to East (jet stream). Dome-type structures are the most wind resistant. Refineries seem to be burning all over the world (explosions? Why? May be an effort to reduce the supply. Pretend we have a gas shortage…charge more…crooks make more.)

THE JOHN MOORE SHOW: 8-8-12           
Headlines from – Militaries appear to be evacuating bases near the coasts.  Worldwide rain torrents, volcanic activity (most are under the ocean), EQs, dead crops, endless fires, dead birds, etc. Gulf Stream has stopped (a while ago). Refinery fires. Solar storms. Ark/Missouri Ozarks is probably the safest haven.  Watch his DVD and read the 1000 pages he recommends on his website.
3600x4 = 144 generations since last time this occurred. We have collective amnesia. The knowledge has been preserved and written down. The Dogon have an oral history. Main stream media says nothing.  They may have a sound bite soon. Just enough to TERRIFY everyone.  
THERE IS NOTHING ON EARTH MORE IMPORTANT THAN THIS ………….. HE HAS KNOWN ABOUT THIS FOR 35-40 YEARS. Of course he was laughed at. Gulf Stream stopped June 12, 2010.
Faraday Bags can protect your computers, etc.

THE JOHN MOORE SHOW - 08-09-2012
The energy cleaner …  News from Stan Deyo…Weather disasters in Phillipines, Mexico, Snow in So Africa, EQs. … Armed troops in D.C. – report by Marine…

The John Moore Show 8/10/2012 (This one is a lot of miscellany, but I am posting my notes.
With Ann Morrison. Pineapple Express…stream of water riding the jet stream from Hawaii…rain rain rain.
1841-42 had to use boats to get around Sacto, had 41 straight days of rain. Atmospheric River (AR), 6 of them in the last 1800 yrs. California preparing for another one. USGS: says Sacto needs to prepare for this. California coast is already sinking slowly. She believes it’s from the oil drilling (sideways), especially around San Diego. The other problem is we have a methane (natural gas) column about 20 stories high, again off San Diego. Some of that oil drilling may be tapping into that column for the $$$. If the pressure gets higher in the methane it’s highly flammable and when you see flames that’s the top of the methane column releasing the gas. It has ignited and wiped out populations. If it doesn’t burn it rises and contaminates the atmosphere.  Up to 200 mph (PA), comes in like a monsoon. If it continues past California it could even impact the Midwest.
45 days of rain is bad because we have no retention bases here and it will flow into the rivers, which flood, cause erosion, landslides, MUD,  wipe out levees. Widespread effect. China has been having the same problems. So if you hear about a PA coming, pay attn. to what’s going on around you.
Caller: FEMA flood maps are no longer available online, it appears. It’s not even showing the old flood maps. They say they are being updated. But all other areas are available (except California). (end)
VIRUSES. H5N1 is 50% fatal in humans, 100% in chickens.  Other birds less so. They contaminate the waterways and are not a good place to go swimming. We are in a new world now. It’s endemic in Indonesia and Egypt. And they no longer report numbers of cases or deaths.
Two 4.5’s in Yorba Linda .. a ‘doublet’. Practically at the same time. They increase chances of a major EQ. There are now 225 EQ/wk in California (since April) and increasing. Nibiru causing … or other factors? SA Fault continues down thru Mexico (under another name).
Geo-engineering is being done on the sly (weather manipulation; chemtrails). All world powers are doing it. Some of the extreme hot and cold is a result of this.

JOHN MOORE 8/13/12  THE JOHN MOORE SHOW - 08-13-2012 Part 1
Deyo site reports:
New Zealand, Mexico, typhoon in Japan, Louisiana, California braces for power outages. MANY.
Rumor that we have moles who will rescue the US from what's coming (treasonous coup). John hopes so, but has no confirmation. 1930s there was a coup attempting to overthrow FDR but it didn’t happen. He doubts it will happen.
Military construction worker at 29 Palms 2000’ above sea levcl. Making gas turbines for electricity to be done by 11/1. Also digging new wells, new sewage plants and houses for Marine’s dependents. Not just 29 Palms. All bases on both coasts getting these gas turbine generators, 11/1 finish date on all. Confirmation 2 sources.
Ft Lee VA being abandoned. Near sea level.
Russians: 65,000 in Canada ready to come across the US border right now.  On 4/16 – 9/28. 25000 are Spetsnza special forces, fully armed, Their Mission Statement inside US: ”will destroy whatever the flyby doesn’t destroy.”
The flyby is referring to the passage of Niburu/PX. This troop movement of the Russians w/the turbine generators, being readied for completion on 11/1. He’s personally looking at the 2nd week in November as crunch time. He’s been tracking this involvement of Russian troops since May. The advance party is already here – at each major fort/port in the US. This has been verified multiple times from multiple sources. His friend, Sgt Major Page has been saying his sources are telling him that they’re all supposed to be here by Christmas. John thinks it will before that from what he is hearing now.
The pieces seem to be fitting together, with no inconsistencies.  Obviously and clearly the Executive Branch knows the Russian troops are coming, and they are coming WITH THE CONSENT of the US Executive Branch and the DOD. He doesn’t know what cover story they’re using; it doesn’t matter. They may be telling US soldiers the Russians are coming for training purposes or to help us out in case there is civil disorder.
He’s been saying for years that it won’t necessarily be a Red Dawn type of invasion, although he is hearing that at some point there could be some paratroopers to take over or destroy certain places.  
In comemoration of the complete failure of Republic Broadcasting (John's radio show) to be able to get rid of this spot you just heard, encouraging you to call a number that will do nothing for you, we’re going to take 15 seconds of silence – 15 seconds to commemorate the fact that RPC,  after a month, cannot get rid of that spot ad that tells you to call some place where no one is going to answer the phone. And therefore cannot get on the John Moore Show…
What we’re hearing about the Russians coming here has been … (continued below)


verified numerous times from numerous independent sources that don’t know each other.  Yes, they are here; they started arriving in May. Originally we were told it would be two dozen Russians for a training operation that would last a few days. At the Denver Airport where they were going to practice taking over the CIA HQ at Denver Airport. That, of course, came and went. It was only a couple of weeks later that we found out that was hundreds of Russians – coming to Ft Carson, CO, and hundreds of Russians coming into forts throughout the U.S.
And these are not regular soldiers, but Russian Spetsnaz – the mostly highly trained, most respected Special Forces troops on the planet.  It’s real; it’s in our face, and we need to be aware of it and be prepared to deal with it.
Now, a little bit about Russian Spetsnaz. The recruitment process begins in Kindergarten, if you can believe that. They go through the Russian kindergartens and they give diagnostic tests to find out what 5-year-old boys – 13 years in the future – will be very bright, very athletic and have the ability to learn new languages, and that they will think it’s perfectly normal to jump out of airplanes in the middle of the night and kill people. Once they pass these tests they are recruited into special schools where they start teaching these young men English at the age of five.
A friend of mine grew up speaking a Slavic language, and he escaped from the Czech Republic. I asked him how a native born Slavic speaking person gets to speak English with a neutral Nebraska accent. He said, “there’s only one way, John. You start teaching them when they’re five years old.” And these Russian Spetsnaz do speak English with a neutral Nebraskan accent. You can’t tell them from your neighbor. If he’s standing in line at WalMart you just assume he’s another American.They train in American uniforms. My friend, Page, worked with these men in Bosnia, and they bragged at what they were doing in Bosnia – going door to door collecting weapons as practice for what the would be doing in America.  They openly bragged and thought it was funny.
Caller w/update from Scott Air Force Base. Their runway is 500’ above sea level. They’re also building a new sewage plant, and this week they are having a “transfer of operations” drill. They are the home of Air Mobility Command. They control every flight in the world, and they’re having a drill to transfer all those operations to an unknown location. I got this from a dear friend of mine who works in Maintenance, and he has clearance to work in all the classified areas such as Operations Control.
John: …a bit of trivia, my fater and grandfather worked as plumbers there in the teens and 1920’s. That’s good information; if you get more please pass it along. (lost picture here….)
Caller Tom:  He has 3 independent sources on this. The kiosk guys right outside Dover, Delaware at the mall…Dover is a major mortuary hub where they bring in all the bodies..the guys in the kiosk are Israeli spies; they’re more interested in what you can tell them than they are in selling anything, so tell them nothing.
John: We had a number of reports earlier in the year from my Mexican source, Alexander Bachmann, talking about Mexico and the Chinese groups … Chinese heavy armor in Mexico being prepositioned to invade the US. John has known about this for a number of years. There is also a Russian presence in Mexico. In fact, his friend, Page, was at a Russian base in Mexico. They will be in the US, going door to door, disarming Americans. The Russian Marxist Communist beliefs and goals have not deviated at all, not one bit, since 1917. It’s always been to dominate the world economically, politically and socially.  The alleged collapse – which was a staged event – of Communism in 1988-90 was planned decades in advance.
John says Dover is a major drug center, along with being a mortuary hub. 

Caller Larry: Do you think the plan is that once Nibiru passes it would be a perfect time to take over?
John: That’s what this private confidential source is saying, and it certainly fits; it makes sense with everything else.
C: Sure, in times of chaos when everything is broken down. When you shut down communications from a national disaster it’s pretty easy to herd the sheep.
John: This would be the opportunity of 30 lifetimes.
C: With 25,000 Special Ops troops the American people would be at a real disadvantage even if they were armed, wouldn’t they?
J: Yes and no.  They may be tough, and they may be good, but they all bleed and die like anybody else.
C: You can always go for the throat. But, you’ve got to be prepared mentally. That’s what I’ve been trying to do. Spiritually. I know people here who read their Bibles, and they know how to lock and load
J: To go against any armed force, you basically run and hide, and you pick and choose where you make an attack. It could be one shot at a distance, preferably more than 300 yds. Only one shot. It’s very difficult to tell where one shot’s from. The 2nd shot they’ll nail you. You make your one shot, you take out a Russian colonel or captain or sergeant major – and you make a run for it and live to fight another day.
C: That’s the whole psychological aspect of guerrilla type warfare. You can use their own selves against them that way.
J: Absolutely. Get a big bag and a few dozen screen door springs. A Navy Seal friend of mine told me, go out in the bush – you want to do escape and evasion, and take a couple dozen screen door springs with you. Think about it … what you can do with screen door springs. Think about it. You know what I’m talking about.
Caller Gail: I just wanted to share a little more information about the unfolding fiasco down there in the Louisiana Bayou … A couple of nights ago on one of the forums a guy who said he was from the Louisiana National Guard posted: “Being prepped. On standby. Large postal event soon. A week to a month out. Trust my experience. I do not get the impression that it will affect the Atlantic or Gulf Coast. Refugees are expected. This will be bigger than the Mississippi drill that we were on last year, even tho I’m pretty sure this is not for this area. This will be my only post. I will not be answering questions. Duty done for both sides." 
Now getting back to this Parish Corne. This was on Fox, CNN, etc. this weekend and there was a general on there, retired military who said that these bubbling methane pockets are in the thousands, not just in a little isolated area that the official story would like for us to believe.
Caller Brad: This Soviet invasion is almost an act of treason, isn’t it?
John: There’s no ‘almost’ about it. Of course it is. It’s being brought in with the consent of our federal government, and they’re not here to help us – although that’s what we’ll be told.
C: When can we actually engage them when they’re here to do us harm? As a 2nd Amendment Keeper?
John: You won’t have to ask that question. You’ll know when it’s time. There will be no doubt in your mind. There will be something .. it may be the flyby of Nibiru or a false flag, but there will be something. When you see troops coming down the street demanding firearms there will be no doubt in your mind what you need to be doing.
C: Hypothetically, would we get prosecuted if we engaged them at WalMart across from Nellis AFB?
John: You don’t need to be going after unarmed men shopping at WalMart. There will be armed troops on your street at some point and they’ll give incentives for your neighbors to turn in people that have guns. It may be in the form of food or other supplies. That’s how bad it could be. That’s what they did in  Bosnia.  They got neighbors to turn in neighbors.
C: Do they have boot knives (in their boots)?
John: I wouldn’t worry about knives or any other weapons. They will primarily use firearms.
C: Do they have any weakness besides their over-confidence on our soil?
John: Their weakness is that they don’t belong here. We have what’s called territorial parity (? not sure of word..CMR)…that gives us a huge advantage. There’s nothing more dangerous than a man who 1) knows he’s right and 2) has no fear. There’s nothing more dangerous than that.
I do get updates every day. The updates I got Saturday about the Russians was very significant. It was a call I was hoping I wouldn’t get, but I did. Connecting the two matters. We’ve had no connection between the two prior to that. But we now have the connection between the Russians being here … an Nibiru. And it makes perfect sense.
So as the week progresses we will be giving you further updates. You all be safe out there, buy lots of ammunition, never give up your guns. If you’re behind enemy lines, the code words for today are “The crayons are blue.” Be safe, and God bless America.

The John Moore Show 8/14/2012
I’m developing a new contact who is at Ft Glenwood (?), Missouri. But first let’s do some EARTH CHANGE  headlines from and then we’ll get to the new information that I received yesterday from the new contact.
Iran’s hospitals struggle to keep up with earthquake victims, 3000+ killed. Over 1000 villages affected. Much livestock perished, thousands of people injured. China 6+ EQ, 6.2 EQ Alaskan Aleutian Islands. California mandatory evacuations fires. Louisiana 400’ deep sinkholes, trees sinking, danger of gas explosions and Oregon – experts say big EQ imminent. Flooding coulod close roads in California in 4 Corners area. Rare tornedo hits Long Island. Duluth, MN has first tornado on record. Torrential rains wreak havoc in New Zealand. More coming. Strongest winds in 6 yrs hit Sydney, Australia. 13 dead as lightning strikes Bangladesh mosque. New Zealand volcanic mudslides pose new risk. Pacific EQ swarms sparks underwater volcanos. China reservoir collapse; kills at least ten. 10,000 earthworms killed in China EQ (who slipped this one in?!).
Dozens of semi tractor-trailer loads of large plastic coffins that can hold 5 people each, being delivered to Ft Glenwood .  There is a frenzied, frantic push to teach the following skills due to the young solders there:  Carpentry, plumbing, and electrical.  Why? They know there’s going to be a lot of building going on. My contact reports awareness that the Mississippi River will soon be 50-100 miles wide when the Great Lakes open up and destroys all the bridges between Chicago and New Orleans.
My contact is aware that the FEMA camps, which are little more than refugee camps, are built on high ground away from the soon-to-be-flooded Mississippi Valley.
I hope my new contact has my DVD “Global warming: What the Gov’t Isn’t Telling You.” There’s a 'cut-out' between my contact and myself – doesn’t even know that they ARE my new contact.  That’s the best of both worlds. What I run into a lot is that people like this new contact they somehow, some way, either by having classified contacts or a fishing buddy, they somehow find out what will happen, but they don’t know WHY it will happen. Knowing why is an important part of the equation, by allowing the person to make more sense out of it and acquire details and be able to look for things that they otherwise wouldn’t notice. I hope that sometime in the next few days the person does acquire the DVD, which I did ask the cut-out to deliver.    Miscellaneous talk by John about being a radio host…..And how it has become a network of intel with all the other hosts, guests, etc…..they get to know a lot of people and a lot of stuff….
Once he determined that PX was real – and a real issue – he began focusing like a laser on that topic.
( at 11:00) I’ve been a criminal defense investigator for 40 years, and assigned to double homicide as a 25-year old…..(ends at 13:00)
We have a window of time.  2 weeks of August, 4 wks of September, hopefully 4 wks of October. That’s ten weeks. Then he goes into what can be done in the areas of Skills, Supplies, Training, Education, water filters, canned goods, freeze dried food, beans and rice, thrift stores, firearms training, outdoor clothing, electrical. Cash. Super foods like Chia. NIGHT VISION capability.
"Get a haircut at 2 PM" : code words for those in enemy territory today.

____________________OKAY. That's enough for today. I'll try to do these transcriptions in a more timely manner from here on.

So, I hope you are getting the entire picture here.  Nibiru/PX will be used as a chaotic opportunity for our government to turn loose foreign troops from the North and the South to disarm and kill as many people in the US as possible.  This could very well be the time "The Chosen Ones" are let loose on us, too.  This is 'our' Government's solution to the "Guns and Christian" problem. Now you know. For two years I have seen this as a time when the Rapture might occur. That is certainly my HOPE.

What should we do, you ask? All I can do is tell you what WE are doing. Nothing. We were prepared for Y2K almost 13 years ago. This time we are getting too old to cope with all this. If Russian or Chinese troops beat down our door with plans to mow us down ... so be it. Our hope is in the Lord and our lives are in His hands. It doesn't get any better than that.

I will leave this up two days before posting more on Friday, the possible date of PX's first fly by. It (with its planets) will fly past Earth, make a loop and come back around Earth on its way out sometime in the last week of September. It is what is causing all of the strange earth weather, and any time between now and late September can cause problems. So why is the military onslaught against us talking about late October? Either they are lying, or more likely they will wait until PX passes by both times, and then will commit a FALSE FLAG, over which they have more control, which will give them more - and assured - chaos.

In God WE trust. Those who don't are on their own.

 More Friday