
Friday, August 3, 2012

New World Order = Antichrist World Order

Raise your hand if you realize that the Illuminati Elite NWO Powers That Be are the same as the ET Alien Fallen Angel Deceptive 'Rescuers' who will appear momentarily. 

If you raised your hand, you get 5 stars - and you know everything you need to know to figure out what is about to happen. But only if you understand the following.

Democrats = Republicans = Anonymous = Obama = Romney =  Ron Paul = the Supreme Court = most lower courts = Congress = World govt powers = United Nations = British Royalty = phony polls = predetermined 'fixed' elections at all levels = WORLD ANTICHRIST NAZI FASCIST SYSTEM

New Age = Occult = Buddhism = Taosim = Islam = Roman Catholic Church = Emergent Church = Hinduism = Gnosticism = The Nine = Ascended Masters = St. Germaine = Channeled messages = Most Protestant churches = TV religious programming = mass healing = "Christian" yoga = martial arts = labyrinths - centering prayer = almost every "Christian" publishing company, seminary, college, minister, layman = almost every "Christian" book published within the past 25 years = "Christian" rock music = Voodoo = Tattoos = THE NEW WORLD RELIGIOUS SYSTEM

Stockton School Shooting = 9/11 = 7/7 = Oklahoma Shooting = JFK Assassination = All "lone gunmen" shooters = Colorado fires = Aurora shooting = 50 million abortions = Bohemian Grove = Reagan shooting = WW1, WW2, all wars = MLK shooting = Bobby Kennedy shooting = Pearl Harbor = the bloodbath to come =  RITUAL BLOOD SACRIFICES TO BRING ANTICHRIST TO POWER

DOD = NATO = Local SWAT MP Units = ET = Aliens = DRONES = UFO's = Fake Disclosure = NSA = DHS = most local police = IRS = US military UFO's (90%) = ANTICHRIST MILITARY POWERS

Radio and TV talk shows = all news media = Hollywood = movies = TV movies = the internet = Disney productions = video games = History/Discovery channels = the public school system = psychiatrists and psychologists = all your favorite comedians = MIND CONTROL OF POPULATION

GMO foods = chemtrails = HAARP = Pharmaceutical Drugs Poisoned water = Vaccinations = Poisoned air = AMA = ObamaCare =  PLANNED GENOCIDE

All of the above pretend to work in opposition to each other. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic. Divide and Conquer. It can, and has been, proven beyond any doubt. Now that the world, and specifically the United States, is in a total chaotic state - HALF of the above will appear and claim to be here on our behalf - to arrest the other HALF, to return us to sanity, law and order, the Constitution, and bring PEACE to the world. Does that ring a bell?  And all of the above doesn't hold a candle to the greatest deception of all ... which is about to begin.

A relationship with Jesus Christ = Knowledge of God's Word = Obedience to His Word = Peace = ETERNAL LIFE

My phone is being tapped. And, no, I am not afraid. It doesn't matter how I go - what matters is where I go. And that has been secured.  I am a scriptural literalist, you see. 

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28

Get right with the Lord. The time is very short, indeed.