Revolt Against Vaccines Leads to Mass Exodus From Texas College
Hundreds of classes cancelled as ACC loses 10,000 studentsBy Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Infowars has talked to a whistleblower in a senior position at Austin Community College who has divulged that enrollment numbers are collapsing due to students refusing to comply with vaccinations they are told are mandatory in order to take classes.

When students are asked why they are dropping out or failing to enroll, huge numbers of them are citing the institution's aggressive vaccination policy. According to the administrator, a similar pattern of dropouts due to students revolting over vaccines is being witnessed across the country.
Our source did not wish to be named but expressed her desire to alert the general public about the fact that the situation had turned into a major crisis for Austin Community College, which is the second largest institution of higher learning in Central Texas.
This is yet another example of how the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, in its quest to profit from an ever growing number of vaccines forced on children and young people, is actually destroying an entire area of the economy. The process bears some similarities to how the travel industry has been ravaged by aggressive, invasive and pointless security measures directed against tourists by the TSA and other government agencies, measures that cost some $600 billion in lost revenue.
Concerns about the dangers of vaccines have been growing steadily in recent years. A September 2011 Thomson Reuters-NPR Health poll found that one in four Americans believe vaccines are unsafe. A 2009 Washington Post report found that college students were shunning the H1N1 vaccine because they viewed the virus threat as a media-concocted sensation.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
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If you can't say no to a vaccine, you won't be able to say no to much weightier choices.
Royal Heir