
Friday, July 13, 2012

The Bizarre Truth

A man by the name of Ron White (pseudonym?) wrote this, and the article came to me via renowned Israeli journalist, Barry Chamish. This puts our entire world situation into perspective, including who the antichrist might be. I believe he is right about almost everything. I have written about most of this ad nauseum, but he puts it together with the new Putin twist. Is anyone paying attention? My comments in brackets [ ].

by Ron White

I honestly don't know how to write this in understandable or acceptable ways, but I will begin (by faith) and try to explain in summary form what we in North America are facing. Bear with me as I "try" to explain -- keeping in mind that in making the below comments, I'm making them in seeming "round about" ways and in ways that most non-intelligence operatives won't completely understand.

What I'm about to "attempt" to explain will likely seem so far-fetched, so "far out there" and over the top, that it will seem like some kind of bizarre science fiction movie. It's not! It's as serious, accurate and truthful as anything I've ever written. This speaks volumes!

Also, as a preface, I may not have all the minor dots connected and entirely accurate, but this one thing is certain: This is perhaps as close to the actual truth as anyone I've ever known, read, or heard of. The below "summarizes" info from at least 700 pages of other info written by yours truly, including my 230-page book, plus volumes written by others.

A three-part discussion (bear with me as I tie each point together):

Point #1. Most of you know that most humans around the world believe a man named Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated US President John F. Kennedy in 1963. At least, that was the "spin" in the news and the pseudo conclusions of the "Warren Commission" -- every member of which are/were CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) members who have given their oaths of allegiance above all other oaths, including above their oaths to their God and above the US Constitution. My belief today is that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated JFK, has about as much truth to it as flying pigs. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Good intelligence analysts and operatives don't act on conspiracy theories.

As a movie portrayed, the Lee Harvey Oswald that supposedly "returned" to the USA with passport and credentials was "not" the same Lee Harvey Oswald that went to Russia and returned with a Russian wife. The person who actually returned in the "real" Oswald capacity was a trained Soviet (Cold War) agent, trained from infancy to hate the west and work for the USSR. (The actual Lee Harvey Oswald was probably murdered in about 1959 or so.)

Russian Communist propaganda and 24/7/365 mind control indoctrination of their Cold War trained agents is beyond anything any American has ever experienced and cannot know, much less, understand. [I have studied this extensively; many of these are the 'chosen ones' - millions of them - who are just waiting to become part of antichrist's army and be 'triggered.' This is the Black Awakening I have written about.] The USSR trained thousands of such agents to infiltrate every part of American society, and some are in the highest capacities of our government today -- the FBI has only "caught" one such team of agents since the end of the Cold War in 1991 and in the 21st century -- only one team of hundreds of other hostile agent teams.

Many of those agents trained from infancy thru adulthood are offspring of very intelligent parents, many of whom were murdered or had unexplained deaths. Their agent handlers told them a cock-and-bull story about their parents deaths, in order to gain young children's trust and confidence, then to get those children to compete in highly competitive environments and advance to become some of the best spies in the history of mankind. They become so "good" that they can easily pass themselves off as Native Born Citizens of the USA and convince the most skeptical FBI and counterintelligence agent! They're that good! [I think many of these are now embedded in our city police departments and are the ones who are doing outrageously brutal things to innocent citizens who they stop on the streets. Indoctrination so we will adjust to this new reality.]

The intentions, goals and missions of those hostile agents are the overthrow of the US Government and to take control of our government "from within" our own government! This was especially true after JFK embarrassed them over the Cuban missile crisis.

Their "ultimate" goal is to destroy the USA as a super power. This is not mere "Russians" but are Russians working for an international secret organization, all of whom work for the New World Order globalist elitist cabal. The ultimate goal of that secret cabal and its top elitists is the destruction of all super powers, so they can install their own world dictator [antichrist] to rule the world.

If Soviet agents weren't already successful in penetrating and gaining a position of trust and security clearances within the CIA, State Dept, Commerce Dept, FCC, Fed Trade Commission, Congress, GSA, and other federal agencies, then Obama appointed as many as 44 Czars (all CFR-globalist-Marxist-socialists, many crooks of the worst sort) to make sure every agency of the federal government is infiltrated and has spies to keep elitists and Obama's handlers informed (Czars = insurance policies), plus to implement EO's and mandates of the New World Order, Illuminati, Bergermeisters [Bilderbergers :-)], CFR, etc. All such Executive Orders (EO's) were "signed" by Obama, but they were written, crafted and "directed" by NWO globalist elitists. [Most of these new top level appointees are embodied demonic beings.]

Obama's EO's are, like Obamacare, written by NWO elitists whose goal is the destruction of America as a super power.

The Lee Harvey Oswald who came back to the USA (as a spy) was a flunky, a patsy fall guy, to be set up and blamed for an act impossible for Oswald to do single-handedly. Oswald wasn't even a good marksman with a rifle, much less, capable of an act to shoot such accurate rounds from a three-story window with an old WW II relic bolt-action rifle! Even expert Vietnam snipers have said emphatically that such a feat is an impossibility for Oswald to have done what the Warren Commission and media claimed!

Point #2. I am about 99.999% convinced that Barack Hussein Obama is one of those Soviet-trained Communist spies. A fraud. [It has long been known that Obama was in the CIA.]

That Obama is a spy and enemy of the USA is one reason why so many CFR members in the US Congress, CIA, State Dept, DoD, SCOTUS, and elsewhere in our government are supportive of Obama as a Native Born Citizen and are overlooking what citizens have proven and documented to the contrary. (Sheriff Joe in Arizona is a patriot -- CFR members are enemies of the state, enemies of the US Constitution, enemies of founding father intentions, enemies of America's traditions, enemies of Judeo-Christian values on which our nation was founded!)

The lack of any Federal or Supreme Court "justice" (I use the term loosely) to even "hear" legit cases about Obama's citizenship status (on the "grounds" that Attorneys General, former governors, attorneys, mayors, etc., lacked "standing" to bring such lawsuits) supports this thinking. This, combined with "Justice" Roberts siding with leftist globalist socialists on the SCOTUS, is supportive of all SCOTUS "justices" (except Justice Scalia and three other members) are living up to their loyalty oaths to the CFR, and are not there to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, as they swore under oath to do. Supreme Court members "may not" realize this fact, but they are as much a Communist spy as Lee Harvey Oswald and Barack Hussein Obama as any other hate-mongering spy -- not consciously, but in actuality, by action, and by their CFR oaths! Such "oaths" to that globalist-elitist-secret-organization is very similar to a religion of sorts -- they actually "believe" in what they're doing! But their actions are as evil as anything any American has ever known!

That Obama is one of those USSR-trained-during-the-Cold-War Communist spies is also why millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man-hours expended; officials bribed, paid off, children/families threatened; to keep Obama's background a secret and shrouded in mysteries, contradictions, and psycho-babble. Obama was and is a "master" who excelled greatly in his Russian training years -- those years when no documentation can be confirmed about his attendance to get a law degree, but others have provided accounts of his being in Russia during those years! Plus, known, trusted missionaries narrated their discussions with Russians as early as 1993 that soon, America would have a Russian Communist elected as President of the United States, a black man, and his name is Barack!

Obama's obtaining his Social Security Account Number belonging to a deceased person from Connecticut and fabricating the rest of his bona fides, discrepancies in his travel status, passports used to travel, (plus his ghost-written book by an American-hating terrorist), is right down line in concert with Cold War spy training that I personally received! (My formal govt training was an 8-week "orientation" course to show how spies are trained by both the USA and Russia; I was formally trained to train agents as an "agent handler" and never worked in that part of intelligence, but worked with many who did!)

Scrutinized closely enough, a spy's bona fides will fall apart at the seams -- as Obama's is!

(Parenthetically - I was a good student, too! In counterintelligence agent training, in cloak-and-dagger spy training, in being among the best intelligence operatives and intelligence analysts on the planet -- as recognized by Her Majesty, the Queen of England; as confirmed by the best and brightest in Vietnam by flag ranking officers; as confirmed by the best and brightest NSA, DIA, CIA intelligence analysts available in the 1970s; as confirmed by the earth-shattering studies I wrote that got US and other Presidents', prime ministers', and chancellor's rapt attention -- documented studies that caused US Presidents to make significant decisions concerning pull-out of troops from Vietnam, re-establishing strong presence in NATO, among other national/international decisions. Plus, while serving as Chief, Soviet Section in Heidelberg for almost three years, working an average of 92.5 hours per week, plus attending undergrad university and graduating in three years -- all were done simultaneously. I'm not boasting here, but just stating facts.)

A primary difference between Russian-trained spies and me -- I remained loyal to the USA and to the US Constitution that I swore to uphold and defend. Plus, I didn't join the CFR as others tried and tried unsuccessfully in recruiting me to join! Thus, contrary to CFR, NWO, Bergermeister members, Illuminati members, Federal Reserve members, globalist-leftist-Marxist-socialists in our govt and populace, I have NO divided loyalties and NO allegiance to globalists or their goals, missions or objectives in any manner, shape or form!

The only loyalty that reigns supreme over my loyalties to the USA and our US Constitution is my loyalties to Almighty God the Father YHVH Yahweh, His Son Jesus Christ (Yeshua haMashiach), and the Holy Spirit -- one day soon, I will personally choose to engage in civil disobedience to US Govt authority, when they attempt to force me to renounce my belief in Almighty God, His Son, and my religious beliefs!

Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Boehner, Supreme Court justices, most in the US State Dept, DOD, CIA, and other agencies of the US Govt cannot honestly or accurately make such claims! Most of them have divided loyalties, and most "fell" for the name-dropping recruiting scam, as I almost did! (Names of CFR, NWO and other globalist-elitist members are among the most powerful, richest, most influential in the USA and on the planet! "Name-dropping" is an effective recruiting tool.)

(Parenthetically - anyone who says/thinks/believes that my comments here are based on politics, political persuasion, or being a racist bigot -- I'll give such folks credit for having at least one functioning brain cell, but not many more! If the shoe fits....)

Point #3. Obamacare. When Glenn Beck was still on Fox News network, Beck documented 40-some pages of brand new, unheard-of-before organizations, agencies and new Marxist-socialist-Communist government departments -- all included as part of the Obamacare document.
Obamacare was passed in 2010 when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.

Congress holds the "purse strings" of the US Govt, and since passage of Obamacare, NOT ONE THIN DIME HAS BEEN APPROPRIATED BY CONGRESS TO FUND THOSE 400+ NEW AGENCIES OFTHE FEDERAL GOVT! Much less, appropriated a half trillion or so required each year to double or triple the size of govt!

The only funded mandate included in Obamacare that has been funded and implemented is the addition of some 400 new IRS agents to enforce Obamacare and to "tax" or penalize those who don't have medical insurance and those not in compliance with the Marxist-socialist-Communist Obamacare law.

So, unless the Federal Reserve Bank has illegally funneled illegal money to fund all those brand new agencies of the federal govt (which the Fed Reserve has been documented to do with foreign banks and foreign countries, providing them trillions illegally and dishonestly, so that most of Europe is also bankrupt, like the USA), Obamacare and all those 400+ new agencies have not only gone UNFUNDED, but also nobody in our entire nation has made a peep about their organization, implementations, or how or where they will serve or under which agency or what buildings or new buildings under construction! NOT ONE!

Why? Why is nobody in Congress or the administration not asking for funds, hundreds of billions, to pay for those 400+ new govt agencies, construction of their buildings, staffing, personnel, organizations, functions, and so on -- NONE of this funding for personnel, buildings, etc. are stipulated in Obamacare! In the Obamacare law, the statements simply state the new organizations and agencies will be developed to implement and enforce Obamacare, including a large percentage of Obamacare that has nothing to do with medical care!

Everyone knows that any element of govt must be funded to exist.

So, why hasn't anyone funded these brand new departments and govt agencies?
Could it be that they know Obamacare was never meant to be implemented, that "other" circumstances would over-shadow Obamacare, and passage of Obamacare law was a mere "distraction" or "feint" or diversion to get the media, politicians, the public, and others all riled up, when NWO elitists have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of ever implementing Obamacare?

Why? Why would Obamacare law, by design, NOT be funded, never to be implemented, but to be a mere diversion?

Could it be that NWO elitists know about their own concocted "terrorist" attacks on our cities; combined with more civil disobedience such as Wall Street Protesters; combined with other events such as lawsuits against sovereign US states; combined with getting minority groups stirred up to the point of instigating nation-wide insurrection worse than LA after the Rodney King verdict; combined with natural disasters, dozens of major fires in western states (of suspicious origins, possibly started by foreign or domestic agents); foreign troops and agents (including Russians) pouring into the USA and conducting joint operations for "suburban ops" in the USA; illegal aliens being allowed to invade the USA, defy laws, and be treated better than citizens; combined with attempts by this administration and its puppet masters to foment race wars, gender wars, political wars, and VP Joe Biden stating multiple times that "this is war" and Biden specifically declaring war on US citizens who oppose their Marxist-socialist-Communist agendas; combined with the Federal Reserve purposely bankrupting the USA and most European countries; combined with govt lab-concocted swine flu and other contagious viruses to be purposely released and spread....

All of these are unnecessary to be implemented, for Obama to have the basis for declaring a national emergency and declaring martial law by Executive Order!

These are among the "possible" reasons Obamacare is a mere diversion and was, by design, never to be funded, never to be implemented, never to see the light of day in its fullest form -- SOME or PARTS will undoubtedly be implemented! But if the bill and those 400+ new agencies go unfunded, it's impossible to develop those agencies without funds! Impossible! [I have never believed Obamacare was planned to actually be put into use, but rather as a distraction. And it has been a superb one.]

Thus, the "why" question about these subjects is well-founded and a cogent, valid question to be asked and answered! [All of these things have been designed to create utter chaos, so that the answer man - the antichrist - will be welcomed with relief.]

This is the only "type" of logical realistic answer I can fathom, given the many other considerations not mentioned here!

Based on the economy after the GWB administration, and/or based on our current economy, it's a literal and physical impossibility for Obamacare and all those new govt agencies to be funded! Impossible! The money ain't there! We can't even pay the interest on current debt, much less, invent more money, more debt, which simply inflates the dollar and makes the dollar near worthless!

However, this is evidently what our illustrious govt officials and Federal Reserve globalist-elitists plan to do, print more money to pay for these evil monstrosities!

A biblical reference supports this money-printing-inflationary result in Revelation 6, which indicates inflation will be so severe, that a loaf of bread will cost a day's wage!

Soon after this severe inflation, millions will die, and one means of death will be by starvation! At least 1.67 billion people of today's earth's population will die. Simultaneously, and for the same and different reasons, at least half of the US population will die!

I don't know how to conclude this three-point article, except to say that we're in for a wild ride.

Plus, anyone who is in league with Marxist-socialist-Communists like Obama, Federal Reserve members, CFR members, and most of the entire leadership and rank and file members of the democratic party, are also in league with evil, with Satan, with the devil, the fallen angel!

I'd like to suggest that readers take the time to read this article more than once, on more than one day. If anyone can grasp, understand the implications, and piece all these together in one reading in one sitting, I'd certainly like to meet you!

All the best to you! All of us are going to need prayers like never before in the history of mankind! God is the only answer! Most are going to die!

This series of thoughts is bizarre, but they are not science fiction! They are real! Denial is not the healthiest of choices for intelligent citizens!

Ron White

P.S. For those readers who conclude that this article is bizarre and closer to science fiction than truth -- the boss I had in an American Embassy, a US Navy captain who committed espionage against our nation and the officer who was my "recruiter" to try to recruit me into the NWO/CFR, said this to me:

"The more bizarre we can make the circumstances for anyone who tries to blow the whistle on us, the less other rational humans will believe the whistle-blower! We don't have to defend ourselves! All we have to do is sit back, smile, shake our heads negatively, and everyone else thinks the whistle-blower is a nut case deserving of a padded cell." [This is their #1 strategy to handle those who speak the truth.]

He then laughed hilariously while I was standing at attention in front of his desk!

P.S. #2. Obama, all his NWO/CFR minions will one day receive their "just due" and it will be worse for them than 25 years to life behind bars. The very CFR/NWO folks to whom they've sworn and given their oaths of allegiance will one day have them killed. This applies to a point in time in our near future when six G-8 leaders will die, and the Russian G-8 leader will become the international dictator. Those same very rich, highly influential, powerful globalist-elitists have no conscience, because it's the same people who foment wars without a care in the world for the hundreds of thousands who die in wars -- elitists make money off both sides of every war. Those same elitists fomented WW I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, as well as the attacks on the World Trade Center to "justify" two wars.

Every major news organization in the USA is owned and operated by NWO elitists; you and I watch their spoon-fed "news" daily, those filtered things they want the public to believe. They hate the internet and alternate forms of getting truthful news out, which is why Obama and his puppet-masters want to shut down the internet, so citizens can't learn the truth about them or who they are.

P.S. #3. At this point, I'm highly skeptical that we will have elections in November 2012, [I have thought the same thing for at least two years, but don't say anything because people will think I'm crazy....] in order to keep the non-US citizen spy in the oval office by hook, crook, false-flag terrorism, or other means. If puppet-master NWO members allow November elections to go forward without declaration of martial law before January 2013, we'll have passed a major hurdle!

Holy Writ describes these times, stating clearly that citizens will be given "strong delusions that they will believe the lie, because they did not have a love for the truth." Those who voted for Obama the first time, then plan to vote for him a second time -- mark this down as 100% factual: Such voters are among those who are grossly deceived and believe lies over truth! Those same people shall end up in Hades, hell, the place of the dead and (without repentance and genuine change now) shall burn eternally in the lake of fire -- by their own choices!

I can't prove this for obvious reasons, but Obama is not only a fraud, not a citizen of the USA, but is a Russian-trained plant who went through many years of training to "live" and breathe the very status he's now serving. His fake diplomas, fake birth certificates, fake biography penned by someone else as part of his "cover" or "bona fides" and supported by other CFR/NWO members -- Obama is simply one step apart from the team of Russian-trained spies caught by the FBI a couple years ago. Who but Obama released those comrade spies back to Russia without penalties? They were his own brothers and sisters in training!

Who else might be other plant-spies serving in govt today? Eric Holder? The FBI knows all of the above, but can't do anything about the spy, because Eric Holder is their boss!

The only way a loyal FBI agent could do a successful investigation (like Sheriff Joe of Arizona is doing) is to get a federal judge to approve actions in a federal court to prove Barack Hussein Obama is a Russian-trained spy plant who received years and years of training -- training "as if" he were the President of the United States! But we know this won't be done, because the CFR/NWO owns the US Supreme Court, most federal judges, most state supreme court judges, and most circuit appeals courts -- all such folks must be CFR members before receiving their lifetime appointments!

Russians trained Obama well! He fooled over half of the US voting population and is continuing his ruse with so many "other" distracting subjects, that hardly anyone is focusing on "why" all these distractions are necessary or are being done!

This, too, is simply an intelligence operative's MO to detract from the "higher" goals and objectives.

Evidently, the single, most important CFR/NWO goal is to ensure that Obama remains in office by hook or crook, so America becomes a worse Marxist-socialist-Communist nation than the former USSR and worse than China, Cuba, Venezuela. This goal is the primary reason for all the "distractions" being spoon-fed to US citizens, the media, and the world. (Obama's live microphone statement to Russian Prime Minister Medvedev, that Obama would wait about making decisions about missile defenses until after November elections, was essentially telegraphing CFR/NWO goals and intentions!)

Obama's being in the oval office, his being groomed and placed there by enemies of the USA, is the single most successful intelligence coup d' etat in the history of mankind.

(A coup d' etat is a French term used here to mean the successful overthrow of a government and its leadership. The same CFR/NWO who groomed Obama for years is the same organization who has toppled governments and leaders in Egypt, Libya, etc. and is the same organization that has bankrupted most nations in the West, including Europe and the USA. The USA, the most powerful, influential free nation ever to exist, has received a coup d' etat, it's government virtually overthown and enemies installed in office, and the global populace doesn't even recognize what has happened!)

The CFR/NWO has us by the short hairs! Plus, the CFR/NWO always has back-up plans to back-up plans, contingencies for every act, every decision, for anything that doesn't go according to exact plan or planned date!

Short of a divine miracle or series of miracles, America and Western Europe as free nations are toast! Burned toast!

If prophetic Scripture is to be believed (which I do believe), the USA will collapse (economically first, then politically and militarily), throwing all nations into international chaos and anarchy, then all nations of the world will be organized under ten confederations of nations under a single world dictator. [The Club of Rome designated these 10 zones years ago. They are publicly available.] Then, that group of nations of the world comprising ten regional leaders will destroy the USA by fire, presumably by nuclear means.

How do I know the above? Because I was formally trained and worked in the intelligence business for a career, plus I've devoted the past 40+ years studying these subjects. Few others with a similar background has the intestinal fortitude to write or share these conclusions, although thousands out there know most of these facts.

Suggestion to readers: Get this info to every talk radio and conservative TV host in the nation! Plus, I request everyone maintain contact with me, to make sure I'm still alive and free after this expose` [me, too]. I've forgotten the newer terms used to describe assassinations of enemies -- the old term was "eliminate with extreme prejudice."

America's greatest individual and collective weaknesses are apathy and lack of truthful knowledge! Denial (the "Ostrich Syndrome") is preferrable to most citizens. [This is the most amazing thing to me. I just don't get it.] One day very soon, the apathetic and ignorant will be screaming bloody murder, looking for a scapegoat to blame!

(Added note: In the news today, FOX News, July 9, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed most all his Russian ambassadors serving in foreign nations around the world. Putin said, "Western nations' economies are on the decline, spawning a global economic crisis and reducing power of the so-called West powers. We must be ready for the most severe situation and prepare for worst-case scenarios" (meaning to "exploit" them to maximum advantage and re-assert our super power status -- Putin knows the CFR/NWO goal is economic collapse of Europe and the USA, and he just alerted all ambassadors to this fact).

For those who don't know, Russian President Vladimir Putin will likely become the globalist world dictator in a few years, shortly after the Roadmap for Middle East Peace is confirmed and following the economic collapse of the USA.

A recent article (unconfirmed) written by a retired US military officer here at Fort Carson, Colorado (here in Colorado Springs) indicated the retired US officer needed some assistance with his vehicle and (longer story shorter) bumped into a man in uniform who was walking from one of the military installations. The retired US officer said "Excuse me" and the man he bumped into responded in Russian language. As they continued to walk their separate ways, an evidently senior Russian angrily told his compatriate in uniform, "SPEAK ENGLISH, YOU IDIOT! ENGLISH, NOT RUSSIAN!"

If anyone thinks the US military will step in and save the day for America, forget it! Military patriotism and support of the military in today's times is also being exploited, to make every service person, leader, Joint Chiefs, and Dept of Defense to toe the Obama line, regardless of gutting and ignoring our Constitution in the process. [ Or suffer the consequences. That's why there are so many suicides in our military.] Russian troops integrated with our own military will result in their firing on US citizens under martial law!

Plus, Sec of State Hillary Clinton will sign a UN Treaty (part of Agenda 21) on July 27, 2012 that usurps the Second Amendment to our Constitution, which will outlaw private ownership of firearms! If the Senate doesn't specifically reject the treaty, the Obama administration will have taken a round-about way of making private ownership of firearms illegal in the USA! (FOX News, July 9, 2012)

Excerpts from World Affairs Brief by Joel Skousen...(below)

Americans are creatures of habit, including the outdated notion that we are still free and celebrating the 4th of July as if it were still the days of Madison, Jefferson, Henry and Washington. With the Supreme Court defaulting to the pro-government position on socialized medicine, there should have been uniform mourning in the streets. Instead, it was fireworks as usual, burning down millions of acres of dry land in the West. 
[How are we different than the Germans in WW II....?]

Devvy Kidd, America's toughest lady constitutional commentator said "...we must bear a large part of the blame. From the institution of the Patriot Acts, to the utilization of the FISA domestic spying bill, to the latest monitoring and cataloging by the DHS and the Federal Reserve of private internet activity, we have stood by and done little to nothing in response.

"The argument put forth by establishment proponents has always been that the government's task is to keep us safe. In order to do this, they say, there can be nowhere for "evil doers" to hide. Therefore, the privacy of every individual must be sacrificed for the greater good of the greater number. This argument is unabashed nonsense.

"Governments do not keep people safe. Governments are historically predisposed to ending far more lives than they protect, especially when they have strayed from their original mandates. When a government goes rogue, or has been honed as a tool for control rather than defense, its directives lean towards self preservation, not the preservation of the public. That is to say, the government and those who directly benefit from its manipulation set policies that ensure their own safety, and no one else's.

"Without a doubt, all the anti-4th Amendment legislation that has been passed over the course of the last decade is focused not on some sinister force, foreign or domestic. Instead, it has been focused on average American citizens, because, whether we want to admit it or not, the government sees US as their greatest enemy.

"Now it's drones flying over our heads as well as troops on the streets of America. All made possible by slimy politicians like Speaker of the House, John Boehner: He voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. He voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. Boehner voted to renew the freedom killing, "Patriot" Act, as did Eric Cantor, Darrell Issa and Steve King - all Republicans who claim to fight for our constitutional rights. Hogwash. The majority of Congress has been passing bills since 9-11 crushing our freedoms and liberty to live our lives without government snooping.

"Those three mentioned have allegedly won their primaries. Unless something goes wrong, they will win the pretend election in November and go right back to Congress in January 2013, to pass more bills beating us into the ground so we can't even walk out the door without breaking some law. Privacy issues mean nothing to the vermin in the Outlaw Congress in their quest to "keep us safe." It's all about control and monitoring our every move 24/7.

"But --- the biggest consideration when dealing with "laws" signed by some puppet president is jurisdiction. A legal issue so many of have been writing about for decades, but so few pay attention to or even understand. We know about activist judges and the toxic decisions they've been making for decades. The gutless cowards that serve in the Outlaw Congress refuse to impeach them.

The powerful thunderstorms that took down power in Ohio, WV, PA and Virginia may not be common, but it only took a 25% increase in normal storm ferocity to send transmission towers into a tangled mess. That isn't easy to repair and has left millions to adapt to life without electricity.

One of the interesting things, however, is the relative lack of looting. I think that is only because the outages were not completely widespread and people could drive to other communities where services were available until the fuel ran out. Here are some lessons learned from a contributor to Jim Rawle's Survival Blog:

"Today is Wednesday, July 4, 2012. I am writing from a small town in central West Virginia and I would like to share some thoughts, observations, and lessons from the recent Derecho windstorm experienced by the mid-west and east of our great country. As I sit here, we are in day six of total power outage caused by a freak storm that came with little or no warning. Power may not be on for another four days.

"I have been a long time reader of your blog and have lots of lists and plans but sadly my preparations for hardship were found lacking. We here in West Virginia are used to disasters such as floods but the mountains tend to shield us from tornados and high winds are rare. Within an hour span power was knocked out to 50 of the 55 counties in the state. The towers of major transmission lines were twisted wrecks. And then the 'fun' began. This incident has galvanized me and my neighbors. My observations will be preaching to the choir in this forum but here goes:
* Gasoline was gone within 24 hours. Lines were just like the 1970s fuel embargo.
* Ice became the chief commodity and was in short supply or no supply.
* Water was out for most people at least for the first two days.
* Most big box stores and gas stations were up on generator power by day three.
* A new shipment of 250 generators was sold in a few hours.
* Temperatures in the high 90s added another layer of difficulty.

"Most people kept their cool and neighbors helped each other. Many are much better neighbors now. With all traffic lights out it was hectic but for the most part people were safe and courteous. We used to have a tourism commercial about West Virginia that showed four cars pulling up simultaneously to a four way stop and each driver motioning for the other to go first. The tag line was "Traffic jam, West Virginia style." I am happy to say that was true in most cases

"The holes in my preparedness were:
* I needed good high quality kerosene lanterns with reflectors and extra wicks. The cheap Chinese red ones at Wal-Mart are toys.
* Batteries, Batteries, Batteries.
* Propane, Propane, Propane.
* I needed a good tough portable radio with multiple charging sources. I was reduced to listening to a car radio and risking battery and gas.
* I should have had several barrels of water on hand
* A couple of deep cycle marine batteries would have been nice.
* A generator and fuel reserve have moved from the nice-to-have list to the have-to-have list.

"Lesson learned: don't wait for the big one to prepare. Let this little crisis motivate you to get at least some things done now. Generators are cheap and will get back in stock at stores soon. Even though these inexpensive 5K watt gasoline generators are not the best for long term survival, everyone needs at least one for short term emergencies like these. [END]

The time is very short.
We need prayer more than anything else.
(I am so tired.....)