
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Inside the White House

June 1, 2012
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William Koenig

Inside the White House   (Excerpt)
By Bill Koenig

Bible prophecy, encouragement and our commitment to the Lord

As I mention frequently, Bible prophecy continues to play out at a breathtaking pace. And never before have there been so many final-day events in play.

However, we must not get so worked up about these times that we forget the world's only hope is in Jesus. Did we share Christ with others this week? We also can neglect spending time in the Word or in prayer. I have never been more aware of their importance.

My wife and I have been reading the writings of Andrew Murray almost daily for the last three years. The writings of A.W. Tozer and Oswald Chambers have also blessed us.

God’s purpose is to transform lives. He wants to use us, and we must not forget that He is also preparing us for eternity. So, when we do God's work, is it in our power and energy or through the Holy Spirit's?

In these days of so many distractions, what are we spending our time on that has eternal value?

I am amazed by how few people are aware of the seriousness of the times. I was in Houston, Austin and Dallas a few months ago, and I was very surprised how few Christians were aware, and understanding the significance, of what is taking place in Israel and the Middle East.

They are aware of some of the "dots," but not many. So, consequently, they aren't prepared for the times ahead, have trouble processing what they are hearing and lack understanding of what the Bible says about these times.

There is also much confusion within the Church due to doctrinal disputes, false teachings, programs, obsessions with signs and wonders and personal prophecy, and a liberal church compromising and opening the doors to unrepentant sinners, to name a few.

Christian TV as a whole is an embarrassment. My unsaved family members used to make it clear that they wondered, "Why would I want that in my life?"

Is the church repentant? Or has it lost its reverence for God?

Replacement theology leaders (who shepherd 100 million American churchgoers), are calling on Israel to leave the occupied land. They are wrapped up in social justice — which is the treatment of the symptom and not the root cause, sin — and they rarely speak of sin from the pulpit.

Many of the liberal Protestant churches are allowing unrepentant sinners to attend church, serve in the choir or be behind the pulpit. They also have zero understanding of Bible prophecy.

People talk of revival; but many who speak of revival are from the "Kingdom Dominion" camp, which teaches that we have a responsibility to usher in Christ's return by leading the world to Him instead of preparing people for the times we're living in.

We have a lot of Christian activists in the culture war, but where have there been any gains, much less sizable gains? At best, we're merely maintaining our ground!

The holes in the dam are being filled, but more and more holes are popping out every day. One day, the dam's foundation will collapse. The enemy has gotten Christians so involved in the culture war that they have forgotten our priority: Sharing the Gospel and leading people to salvation in Christ.

Meanwhile, secular humanists are totally entrenched in the government, media, universities and colleges, courts and other strategic places.

I especially appreciated Franklin Graham's answers to an interview at "The Gathering" (TG) a few years ago regarding our mandate.

Click here for the full interview

TG: To what extent do you think Christians should be involved in helping to usher in the kingdom of Heaven now, on Earth? Should we be trying to redeem our culture?

Graham: First of all, the Bible didn't tell me to do that. I can't Christianize this culture. The god of this world is Satan — this is his culture. He is the god of this age. I’m to preach the gospel…. God is calling a people for Himself. I don’t know whom He's calling, I just have to be faithful and preach.

TG: You really feel that there's an urgency surrounding the gospel. Why do you feel that it's so urgent that we share it?

Graham: Well, if you walk around this hotel, probably 90 percent of the people in this hotel are going to go to hell: the person serving you, the other hotel guests … so there is urgency. It's life or death. It's heaven or hell….

Many people have lost a lot of money investing in the stock market. Some people lost everything…. I look at investment opportunities related to how to win people to Christ — how a person can invest in such a way [not in regard to] financial return, but how to win people to Christ. There's only one commandment Jesus gave his disciples, [which]is: Go into the world and make disciples of all nations. It doesn't say anything about going into the world to create a Christian culture. It says, "Go and make disciples of all nations."

We live now in a culture that is anti-Christ. The spirit of anti-Christ is here today. It's in our government, it's in Europe, it's in Asia, it's in the Arab world, and it's in China.… The spirit of anti-Christ has permeated the world today. So, how much longer until the Antichrist himself appears on the world stage? I don't know. But it's urgent. We have the opportunity to invest right now in the souls of men and women. That is what's important.

Koenig: In closing, let's get ready for the Lord Jesus Christ's return, share the Gospel as never before, spend time in the Word and prayer each day, and be open vessels that the Lord can work through for His honor and glory.

The above is an excerpt from the weekly Koenig newsletter. You can sign up for free newsletters HERE.