
Saturday, May 5, 2012

To Lightworkers - ETs Are Part of the NWO

"UFO's and Aliens are part of the New World Order. They are benevolent beings which will aid mankind in attaining the goal of becoming one humanity. They will appear at the proper time to enable mankind to make that Quantum Leap of Collective Consciousness -- when the The Christ appears."  This quote came from the New England Director of the House of Theosophy speaking on the New World Order, at his seminar on August 18, 1991.

This theme has been prevalent in New Age literature for many years; it is a religion for many people who have been caught in the lie of the New Age. There have been in the neighborhood of 3,000-3,500 movies and TV programs featuring ETs and UFO's in the past few years. It is obviously conditioning. But why? What is so urgently important about aliens and UFO's that decades of conditioning is called for? It's because, as one New Age author says, "the Christ cannot appear until and unless a significant proportion of the world's population is pre-conditioned to accept him."
We are all aware that we are living in the Last Days, the time of the Rapture, the appearance of antichrist, the Great Tribulation, and the return of Jesus Christ. By now, everyone is also aware that the signal hallmark characteristic of this era is prophesied to be unparalleled deception

It is impossible to comprehend the times in which we live, or to understand the New World Order, without knowledge of Bible prophecy and doctrine.

Paul had to address the misconception in the church at Thessalonica that the Day of the Lord had already occurred.  He says in 2 Thess 1-3: "Let no one" Jesus, too, stated the same warning against deception in Matthew 24:24, saying that "false Christs and false prophets will arise...and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, the very elect." 

The unparalleled deception has a distinct purpose - to introduce the Antichrist. This is the whole point of all this.

Paul continues, verse 9, "The coming of the lawless one, [the antichrist] is through the activity and working of Satan..." The source of this End Time delusion will be Satan. The supernatural power he has at his disposal will produce the most incredible deceptions the world has ever seen, even to transforming himself and his demons into human and non-human forms.  And he hides behind a persona of light: "..Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." Sound familiar? Oh, my...

Paul, continuing: "... and will be attended with great power and with all sorts of pretended miracles and signs and delusive marvels.. all of them lying wonders -- and by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they did not welcome the Truth, but refused to love it that they might be saved."  This deception of the unsaved takes on tremendous significance because of the next verse, "Therefore, God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false". God Himself gets involved at this point, deliberately hardening the hearts and minds of those people who have rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If this is you, don't resist the call of the Holy Spirit any longer.  Time is almost up! Turn to Jesus Christ before God sends this tremendously-powerful delusion upon the unbelieving world.  This could happen at any moment.

And the final intention of this strong delusion sent by God, "In order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe in the truth, but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness." This strong deception will be part of God's judgment upon the wicked...for all eternity,

Everything is being done through our children, and has been for over 20 years; and now, that first generation to be so conditioned, is having its own children, who are also being conditioned. What is the purpose? The #1 objective is to successfully stage the appearance of Anti-Christ. He will claim to be an Ascended Master and will seem just as friendly as those movie aliens, one who has our 'best interests' at heart, bringing peace to the world, the total package.

The Bible says to test the spirits, "....believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world..."(1 John 4:1). How can you tell whether they are from God or Satan? Simple. Ask one question: did Jesus Christ come to earth as God in the flesh? verse 2:   Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God." The verse also carries the negative connotation as well - that those spirits which wlll not confess this are evil. Evil spirits will never admit to that, but rather they "seek to sever Him" from being God in the flesh.

The time frame context of this passage is the time of Antichrist; these spirits will deny that Jesus Christ actually became a man and came in the flesh,  instead seeking to sever the historical, fleshly Jesus from the Divine Jesus Who was and is God. They will obfuscate, lie, hide the answer in a plethora of wordiness...but they will never admit that Jesus Christ is God in human flesh (much less that he was a willing sacrifice on the Cross for our redemption, and His consequent resurrection ... a pattern all of His disciples will follow, i.e., ascension).

Just as Christians are known by their "fruits," so can the nature of spirits be determined.  Consider the teachings of the ETs according to French scientist, Jacques Vallee, in his book, "Messengers Of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults:"
  • Out-of-Body Experiences
  • Spirit communication
  • Automatic Writing
  • Trance channeling
  • Use of crystals for power (even for powering their space-crafts)
  • Spiritual transformation; an increase in psychic awareness
  • Thought transplant (which they call 'raising human consciousness' or 'ascension'). It is actually nothing more than a form of demon possession.
  • Seances
  • Doctrines of superior races, of people with chosen missions, references to Atlantis and ancient astronauts..."  ETs are bound to Nazism in their belief system, which is only to be expected since the New World Order is Nazism re-born. You don't want to get mixed up in that.
Vallee says: "The expectation of higher intelligence is beginning to look like a form of worship...(p.66)


Aliens use standard New Age terminology when communicating with human contactees, teaching that "the Ascended Masters of the Hierarchy" are preparing to intervene again in world history, to lead mankind to a higher level of consciousness.  David Lewis says in UFO: End Time Delusion: "They will select a human person and endow him with superhuman powers and knowledge. This man will lead us to world government and world peace."  The man described will be the antichrist (Maitreya). You will notice that the "guiding spirits" for the New Age writers are the very same "guiding spirits" for the aliens...or, are the aliens the guiding spirits instructing the New Age writers? Of course they are.

Hypnosis, also used by ETs, is very dangerous, and many New Age hypnotists are using it. When a person undergoes hypnosis, they are surrendering their consciousness to the hypnotists. They can be programmed in any number of ways, especially to the point where they will respond to certain actions, in response to specific commands (even similar to MK-ULTRA). People who report being contacted by aliens are being asked to undergo hypnosis so that they can "regress" back to the scene and "recall" their experiences with the Aliens, memories which have been repressed by their conscious mind.  

However, this is not what is happening. What is really happening is that the hypnotist is implanting scenes in the mind of the person who has been contacted. This person then "remembers" what they have been programmed with (!), and the "memory" seems so real to the contactee they really believe the lie themselves. In this way, they then become very effective witnesses that can and do convince other people. (I think of poor David Wilcock.) Stay away from hypnosis.

These practices are simply classic occultism! Further, as Christian author, David Lewis states in his book, UFO: End Time Delusion, "Without exception, every person claiming an [Alien] contact...had one thing in common. Each had a prior connection to metaphysical activity or cults. Some had been in devil worship, witchcraft, psychic phenomena, New Age, channeling...Those involved in direct contact with aliens already had a connection to the dark side of the supernatural world." Thus, people today who have given themselves over to Satanic activities in some degree are the ones who are being used to deceive people further into believing. 

Then, Lewis adds this comforting statement, " Christian..has ever had a direct encounter* with an alleged E.T."  Thus, God is already protecting His followers from this Satanic deception, for which we praise His Holy Name. {*Numerous other Christian UFO researchers say the same thing; it's well known in the UFO research community.}

Take a look at the stated goals of ETs compared to the printed goals of the New Age Movement seeking to establish the New World Order.

1. NWO/ET: Abolish all established Government
2. NWO/ET: All religion must be abolished (especially Christianity, of course).
3. NWO/ET: Establish One-World Government
4. NWO/ET: All world's religions are equal and will one day be combined into one.

Remember the Apostle Paul's prophetic warning (2 Cor 11:14): "...Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." To condition people to believe in the concepts of the NWO, Satan has caused his demons to physically manifest themselves as aliens, traveling in UFO's, complete with highly technological machines. Do not underestimate Satan; he is the Lord of this world, and he is now being allowed by the Holy Spirit to intervene in unparalleled ways in today's world. The results are going to be spectacular. You ain't seen 'nothin' yet! He means to be worshipped. This is the whole point, my friends. There will be no options.

The stunning truth is that Satan has been manipulating world events to achieve his One-World Government, Economy, and Religion through Secret Societies, Communism, Nazism, the New Age, and UFO's. The final merger into the New World Order is almost complete. ETs are nothing more than demons which the Holy Spirit has allowed in this end time age to physically manifest in our realm.

The majority of the world populace is ready to be deceived. Christian author, David Lewis, states in his book, UFO: End-Time Delusion, that a Christian would "have a hard time getting [the idea of demons] across to an average, non-religious person, and to a certain extent, even to some religious persons. Most people in Christian circles...have very little consciousness of any supernatural type of activity."  Sad. They believe in ETs ... but not in the reality of demons! You can see how brilliantly deceptive Satan is in his planning - from the beginning. This is how he has managed to infiltrate the Christian church. This is why you often cannot discern a so-called "Christian" from anyone else, for the most part. They, too, are blind to the truth. I suspect many never had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ at all. This situation is a real heartache to the true believer.

This is a long blog, but I think I have a little more to say on this in ..... Part 2.

Thank you, Lightworkers, for reading. Please come back for Part 2. 

Your Friend,

