
Monday, April 23, 2012

Planet-X: The Truth - Part 3

Why look at non-biblical sources? In some cases, such as The Kolbrin, they are primarily history that has been preserved, although The Kolbrin does predict the Destroyer will return. As for the other prophecies, such as the Mayan, the Hopi, Hindu, etc., because they all predict the same things that the Bible is already predicting. The Holy Bible is my sole standard for truth. Where other sources agree with the Bible I think they are worth looking at. The danger is that we would accept other information in them that might be contrary to holy writ. In that case, those portions must be rejected, and all other information therefore cannot be accepted as truth.

A researcher has an enquiring mind, and reading other sources often triggers other ideas, places to look, possibilities, clues and hints that lead to more insight. They give insight into past cultures, and they also provide clues to how God and Satan work in the world through peoples. For a person who is not thoroughly grounded in Scripture and in his faith it could be dangerous.

Moving on.

There are a number of scientists and researchers who have information on this subject, but I wanted to specifically find a Christian. My search led me to John DiNardo, who is reputedly one of the best and continues to risk his life in discussing this subject, so I will begin with information I learned from him. All this information is confirmed by many others.

Planet-X was first noticed back in 1781. The magnetic attraction of two large bodies in space creates a pull - as if someone reached out and tugged on your elbow. Some scientists have been noticing this pull but few are now talking about it. The have been threatened. If you doubt that, consider:

* Noted scientist, Dr. Harrington, was murdered prior to his publicizing telescopic evidence of PX.
* Dr. Eugene Shoemacher, noted geologist and namesake of the famous Comet Shoemacher-Levy, was murdered in a car accident in Australia because he was going on academic speakin tours warning of dense fields of comets threatening Earth.
* Vatican insider Fr. Malachi Martin is believed to have been murdered soon after he went on Art Bell's Coast-to-Coast radio program, stating that the Vatican heirarchy muscled their way onto Mt. Graham in Arizona and built an observatory there because they were very concerned about "what is approaching us in the next 5-10 years." (That was over 10 years ago.)
* The murdered Dr. Harrington's colleague, astronomer Thomas Van Flandern, was forthcoming about the approach of PX, but now denies it.
* DiNardo has a copy of the obituary composed by the U.S. Naval Observatory. It presents the lie that Harrington had lost all interest in PX prior to his death, yet Harrington went nearly to the South Pole, a trek for only the hardiest and most dedicated astronomer, and they wold have us believe that he had no interest and that he was sickly enough to have contracted cancer in two weeks and then died.
* The Washington Post announced IRAS discovery of PX, but NASA and the Post were forced to retract their proud discovery in less than a week.
There is much more.

NASA knows that Planet X has already entered our Solar System. The Pope and a few in the Vatican are aware of ancient prophecy about this brown dwarf planet. The crust of the earth is shifting as a result of the approach of Planet X. This is why the federal gov't and the elite has an escape plan. Governments  around the world are aware of a December 2012 timeline and believe that the impact of Planet X upon the earth will worsen [even more so at the end of that next 7 years]. Almost every U.S. state governor has well-stocked underground safety shelters. Unfortunately, that is probably the most dangerous place to be. Even if nothing else happened, the solar scorching which is so imminent is extremely dangerous. They have no choice. Neither do we.

DiNardo believes the Lord told him that "now is the time for the Gospel of FEAR, as in the time of Ninevah." I do not doubt it. Destruction is coming for those who are not in His fold. Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We will be held responsible if we do not warn people. That is scriptural.

We live in an electric universe. Earth is surrounded by magnetic belts, so we are effected by electromagnetic forces, contrary to popular science and NASA. Our educational system teaches error in almost every discipline because it is controlled by forces having an agenda which requires keeping truth from the people. Plasma is electrically charged gases, of which space consists. The sun blows out charges like a capacitor; a capacitor separates positive and negative charges. 

PX’s gravitational pull on Uranus back in 1781 was so amazing that scientists couldn’t avoid noticing. In 1846 Neptune was being pulled off the track, also. PX has just in 2003 entered our solar system which triggered a great amount of solar activity.  There were leaks coming out from all kind of military/gov't saying a mini solar system was moving into our solar system. PX is a solar system with thousands of bodies accompanying it. The largest bodies around it are probably the size of a small planet. The Oort Cloud is far out beyond the heliosphere, and when PX comes in they notice a pulling on the Oort Cloud, which is full of comets.

PX is making changes on earth … the rising of the sun in a different place … change in color of the sun …Chandler Wobble has gotten very erratic … so we are being affected in many ways….severe weather … epic flooding…global… snow where it shouldn’t be … 262” of snow in Japan … 65 below zero in Russia … earthquakes, volcanos, you name it.

The BP oil spill was a total fraud; it was caused by the passing of Planet X, but since they don't want the public to know about  PX they made up a story to divert our attention. The fear was that if the world knew what really caused it people would panic and yank the power out of their hands. They don't want to lose their POWER. The truth is the sea beds are buckling and bulging. The earth is thinnest in the sea beds. There are sink holes, methane bubbles coming up all over the place. The entire Gulf is breaking up. A friend of DiNardo's at the USGS told him they expect masses of land to arise in the Gulf and they are surveying, awaiting the wonderful opportunities to make a lot of money drilling there after the land mass rises. Unbelievable. The Gulf Stream conveyor belt has stopped, bringing more climate anomalies. The toxic water is killing the sea life; the fish and sea life is toxic. BP is simply trying to clean up the evidence. Scientists have all been warned to keep quiet on the subject. Threats. These people plan to come out of their underground shelters when it's over - and make more money. They are literally crazy.

Here is an interesting fact. Back in 1930 the famous astronomer Percival Lowell erected the Lowell Observatory in Arizona and had it precisely dedicated to "the search for Planet-X." This information is from John DiNardo.

Astronomers all over the world have been searching for PX since the early 1800s. In fact, when the US was founded, and Washington was President, the Planet Uranus was discovered. While Washington was in office astronomers in England, Germany, France and the US were all noticing perturbations of the outer Planet of Uranus. Every time Uranus reached a particular point in its orbital course around the sun they saw this and knew there was 'something' out there causing this phenomenon. Both gravitational and electromagnetic forces act upon other celestial bodies.

Another clue were a number of water main breaks in one specific New Jersey area  which were being caused by the solar warming influence. Similar to the sink holes, these water mains were losing their structural ground support. There have been sink holes as large as office buildings all over the world, train derailments for no apparent reason, ship wrecks, even airplanes. Of course you never hear about these on your television news - only on the internet news outlets.

When land masses rise from ruptured seabeds, as in the Gulf, the methane bursts through and will kill thousands of people, but they will not inform the public. Depending on the level of pressure coming through at any one time there is even the possibility of methane explosions. People who were at the Gulf tring to gather data and information for the protection of the public were actually being arrested. One BP employee, Matt Simmons, talked about it on YouTube. I assume he is no longer with BP.