
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Planet-X .... The Truth - Part 1

The truth is ... it's coming.

I have been determined to discover and write about this for almost two years. PX is without a doubt the most difficult matter I have researched because (surprise!) we have been lied to. Nevertheless, I believe I have gotten to the bottom of it. The next issue was how to write about it because it is a vast subject.

Knowing there is very little time left for those of us who plan to make our departure, I have decided there is no time to organize this the way I would like to do. Therefore, I'm just going to get started.

Jeremiah, a prophet from the Old Testament, felt compelled to warn of something he called the Destroyer. He obviously knew the significance of its wrath and that every place on Earth would be affected.
  • Jeremiah 25:32 & 48:8: "Disasters will soon spread from nation to nation. They will come like a powerful storm to all the faraway places on earth…The DESTROYER will come against every town, not one town will escape…The Lord said this will happen." Jeremiah 25:32 & 48:8 (From the Holy Bible: New Century version)

  • Within his sobering vision, there are few specific details about the Destroyer. Thankfully, a more detailed description that corroborates Jeremiah is provided in The Kolbrin (often erroneously referred to as The Kolbrin Bible), a secular anthology, parts of which were written in the same time period.

  • Manuscripts 3:3: "When ages pass, certain laws operate upon the stars in the Heavens. Their ways change; there is movement and restlessness, they are no longer constant and a great light appears redly in the skies." 
Noah’s Flood - Triggered By the Destroyer

The Kolbrin’s account of the Deluge. (Note that non-biblical ancient records use other names of people than those used in the Bible.)

·        Gleanings 4:1
·        Gleanings 4:13
... Their God sent down a curse upon the men of the cities, AND THERE CAME A STRANGE LIGHT AND A SMOKY MIST which caught at the throats of men ...
·        Gleanings 4:16
·        Gleanings 4:17
… Therefore a great ship was laid down under the leadership of Hanok, son of Hogaretur, for Sisuda, king of Sarapesh, from whose treasury came payment for the building of the vessel.
·        Gleanings 4:18
... The length of the great ship was three hundred cubits and its breadth was fifty cubits, and it was finished off above by one cubit. It had three storys, which were built without a break.
·        Gleanings 4:19
... Each story was divided in twain, so that there were six floors below and one above, and they were divided across with seven partitions ... GREAT STONES WERE HUNG FROM ROPES ...[as anchors]
·        Gleanings 4:20
... they carried the seed of all living things; grain was laid up in baskets and many cattle and sheep were slain for meat ... and ... Also gold and silver, metals and stones ...
·        Gleanings 4:21
… people of the plains ... mocked the builders of the great ship; ...
·        Gleanings 4:22
... they who were to go with the great ship departed ... the people entered the great ship and closed the hatch, making it secure …
·        Gleanings 4:23
The king had entered and with him those of his blood, in all fourteen ...[?]
·        Gleanings 4:24
… riding on a great black rolling cloud came the DESTROYER ... THE BEAST WITH HER OPENED ITS MOUTH AND BELCHED FORTH FIRE AND HOT STONES AND A VILE SMOKE ... [Again, this implies that two celestial objects are viewed from the surface of the Earth during the fly-by.] ...
·        Gleanings 4:27
… The ship was lifted by the mighty surge of waters and hurled among the debris, but it was not dashed upon the mountainside because of the place where it was built ...
·        Gleanings 4:28
The swelling waters swept up to the mountain tops and filled the valleys. They did not rise like water poured into a bowl, but came in great surging torrents [tsunami pattern] …
·        Gleanings 4:29
… the great ship came to rest upon Kardo, in the mountains of Ashtar …
One important point that comes out of The Kolbrin’s Deluge account is the fact that prior to the Flood steps were taken by Noah to preserve the wisdom and information of his ‘age.’

Evidently the same thing is being planned today. A group “in-the-know” is going to great lengths to preserve knowledge and information of our age and ensure it will continue on past the next visitation of the Destroyer.
  From The Kolbrin's "Origins:"

·        Origins 3:9
... Wildland Cultivators … gave the flood-tale to our house-building forebears, but the generation of its happening is lost ... the dread figure of Awamkored revealing itself to the eyes of wondering men ...
·        Origins 3:10
... the MOONCHARIOT came back over the dim horizon ...
·        Origins 3:12
The unearthly foemen fell apart and hurled great self-created rocks ... the Sun, ... [changed his] war garb, from red to blue, then to yellow, then green, then brown.
·        Origins 3:15
This is the tale of the skyfight [The celestial “War in Heaven” from the Book of Revelations]. ... the DOOMDRAGON [The Destroyer] which has come more than once and WILL COME AGAIN ...
·        Origins 3:19
… In heart-thumping procession, awesomely-figured sky gods never before seen, passed overhead ...
·        Origins 3:20
... it was that form of darkness known as the smothering cloak of Thunor, though never before had it spread so wide ...
·        Origins 3:21
A vast [celestial] black cloud was drawn like a curtain across the skyroof ... Rising above it were strange billows of flame and smoke ... Then all things ceased movement ...
·        Origins 3:22
Then ... came a high wave wall of dark, white-fang-edged waters, ... There was an earthy-brown, foamy scum which drifted strangely over the surface ...
·        Origins 3:23
                      ... Standing on their hilltops our frightened forebears saw the swimming house, made fast      
                            against the sea, come up to the land, and out from it came men and beasts from Tirfola.

Exodus - Triggered By The Destroyer

We all know ‘the Passover’ is a feast of unleavened bread commemorating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, right?

Well, here’s another possibility.

According to The Kolbrin Bible, the Destroyer manifested itself above Egypt just prior to the Israelites flight to freedom. Therefore one could say the Destroyer literally ‘passed-over’ the slaves’ heads whilst they were fleeing across the Red Sea.

Is this the true meaning? Keep this question in mind as you peruse through Egyptian accounts of
·        Manuscripts 6:1
THE DARK DAYS BEGAN WITH THE LAST VISITATION OF THE DESTROYER ... foretold by strange omens in the skies...
·        Manuscripts 6:3
These were days of ominous calm, when the people waited for they knew not what ...
·        Manuscripts 6:5
The days of stillness were followed by a time when the noise of trumpeting and shrilling was heard in the Heavens ...
·        Manuscripts 6:6
The people spoke of the god of the slaves ... His manifestation was in the Heavens for all men to see, but they did not see with understanding ...
·        Manuscripts 6:11
Dust and smoke clouds darkened the sky and coloured the waters upon which they fell with a bloody hue. Plague was throughout the land, the river was bloody and blood was everywhere [red ash mixed with water].
·        Manuscripts 6:12
… In the glow of the DESTROYER the Earth was filled with redness. Vermin bred and filled the air and face of the Earth with loathsomeness.
·        Manuscripts 6:13
The Egyptian account of Exodus continues from the book of Manuscripts:
·        Manuscripts 6:14
The fish of the river died in the polluted waters; worms, insects and reptiles sprang up from the Earth in huge numbers. Great gusts of wind brought swarms of locusts which covered the sky …
·        Manuscripts 6:15
The darkness was not the clean blackness of night, but a thick darkness in which the breath of men was stopped in their throats. Men gasped in a hot cloud of vapour which enveloped all the land and snuffed out all lamps and fires …
·        Manuscripts 6:16
The Earth turned over [during a pole shift], as clay spun upon a potter’s wheel. The whole land was filled with uproar from the thunder of the DESTROYER ...
·        Manuscripts 6:19
On the great night of the DESTROYER’s wrath ... there was a hail of rocks ...
·        Manuscripts 6:21
The land writhed under the wrath of the DESTROYER and groaned with the agony of Egypt. It shook itself ...
·        Manuscripts 6:22
There were nine days of darkness and upheaval, while a tempest raged such as never had been known before ...
·        Manuscripts 6:24
The slaves spared by the DESTROYER left the accursed land forthwith. Many Egyptians attached themselves to the host, for one who was great led them forth, a priest prince (Moses) of the inner courtyard
·        Manuscripts 6:25
Fire mounted up on high and its burning left with the enemies of Egypt. It rose up from the ground as a fountain and hung as a curtain in the sky.
·        Manuscripts 6:26
In seven days, by Remwar the accursed ones journeyed to the waters. They crossed the heaving wilderness while the hills melted around them; above, the skies were torn with lightning …
·        Manuscripts 6:28
Pharaoh had gathered his army and followed the slaves …
·        Manuscripts 6:30
The host of Pharaoh came upon the slaves by the saltwater shores, but was held back from them by a breath of fire. A great cloud was spread over the hosts and darkened the sky …
·        Manuscripts 6:31
A whirlwind arose in the East and swept over the encamped hosts ... There was a strange silence and then, in the gloom, it was seen that the waters had parted, leaving a passage between ...
·        Manuscripts 6:32
The slaves had been making sacrifices in despair ... Then, in exaltation, their leader [Moses] led them into the midst of the waters through the confusion ...
·        Manuscripts 6:35
Then the fury departed and there was silence ... the captains went forward and the host rose up behind them ... Pharaoh fought against the hindmost of the slaves ...
·        Manuscripts 6:37
... The Heavens roared as with a thousand thunders, the bowels of the Earth were sundered and Earth shrieked its agony... The dry ground fell beneath the waters and great waves broke upon the shore ...
·        Manuscripts 6:38
The great surge of rocks and waters overwhelmed the chariots of the Egyptians who went before the footmen. …
·        Manuscripts 6:39
Tidings of the disaster came back by Rageb, son of Thomat, who hastened on ahead of the terrified survivors because of his burning ...
·        Manuscripts 6:40
The broken land lay helpless and invaders came out of the gloom like carrion ...
·        Manuscripts 6:46
… The air was purified, the breath of the DESTROYER passed away and the land became filled again with growing things...
·        Gleanings 6:30
One hundred generations had passed since the overwhelming deluge and ten generations since The DESTROYER last appeared.

J.R. Church places the Exodus date at 1492 BC and the Flood at 2349 BC. I believe he uses Ussher's dates to a large extent.

The Destroyer affected Earth by nudging it into a slightly larger orbit around the sun.
Manuscripts 34:4
... the FIVE DAYS NOW ADDED TO THE DAYS OF THE YEAR are days of sorrow for the alteration of things ...
This supports a pole shift, and affirms that “five days [were] now added to the year.”

So, five days had to be added to the calendar! Could it be true that the ancient Egyptian year was only 360 days prior to the Destroyer’s last visitation during the Exodus? Yes!

An answer was given by Immanuel Velikovsky’s in 1950!
Worlds in Collision

“The Egyptian year was composed of 360 days before it became 365 by the addition of five days ... a reform party among the Egyptian priests met at Canopus and drew up a decree ... to harmonize the calendar with the seasons “according to the present arrangement of the world,” as the text states.”
Velikovsky goes on to say that the introduction of the five extra days was caused by an actual change in planetary movements implied in the Canopus Decree, for it refers to “the amendment of the faults of the heaven.”

So if the Egyptians had to add five days to their calendar year, were the Ancients on the other side of the world having to do the same? Yes!

Velikovsky writes:
·        “... the Mayan year consisted of 360 days; later five days were added, and the year was then a tun (360 day period) and five days…they did reckon them apart, and called them the days of nothing ...”

[Friar Diego de Landa, in his Yucatan before and after the Conquest, wrote]…that the five supplementary days were regarded as “sinister and unlucky.”
Why did the Ancients regard these five extra days of the year as “sinister?”

Friar Diego de Landa recorded a sense of foreboding amongst the local people about the extra days. Perhaps the Mayans knew of an incoming celestial object that was responsible for nudging Earth outward into a larger orbit; therefore, they would naturally think a sinister force was involved with these five unlucky days. Was the incoming object their god, Quetzalcoatl -  the celestial plumed serpent?

This is a distinct possibility.

In connection with this ‘sinister’ force, Typhon and Phaeton, (the Destroyer) earlier, have also been linked to Satan or the Serpent - a physical “Beast,” observed in the heavens. The Beast had a celestial “Mark” associated with it.

A number of ancient writers recorded descriptions of this celestial body.

·        According to Appollodorus, Typhon: “…overtopped the mountains and his head often brushed the stars ... Such and so great was Typhon when, hurling kindred rocks, he made for the very heaven with hissing and shouts, spouting a great jet of fire from his mouth.”
·        “Quoting Pliny: “A terrible comet[like object] was seen by the people of Ethiopia and Egypt, to which Typhon, the king of that period gave his name [In other words, the King put his ‘mark’ of ownership on the celestial object, if-you-will - GJ] ...”
·        “... Typhon ... is mentioned not only by Pliny, but also by Lydus, Servius, Hephaestion and Junctinus… Apparently [Typhon] was seen as an immense, slow-moving, red-coloured globe ...”
·        “... Lydus, was in the opinion that if the Earth ever again ran into Typhon, the former would be destroyed in the encounter ... there were close associations between the plagues of the Exodus and the phenomena associated with Typhon.”