
Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Goings On In The Vatican

This blog contains information that came from a radio interview of Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, co-authors of Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope, their book that is coming out next month. Horn was mentioned in a previous blog as having his house burned to the ground a few months ago, from which he and his wife miraculously escaped. All of his readers knew instantly that this act was intentionally done, and because of what he has - and is - revealing in his books (all of which I own). This is, my friends, spiritual warfare.

Tom and Chris both believed God gave them the info for the book, and they felt a real urgency about getting it out. Soon. Tom feels this is the most important and timely book he has ever written. Something is going on at the Vatican, a power struggle to the death. 

I have written before of the actual satanic enthronement ritual carried out in 1963 in the Vatican, and simultaneously in North Carolina, of a coming satanic Pope (the False Prophet); the details of all this was exposed by Fr. Malachi Martin, a Vatican insider and ex-Jesuit (he died an untimely death believed to be murder). This blog has also told about the centuries-old "Prophecy of the Popes" by St. Malachy, predicting that the 112th Pope would be the False Prophet. Benedict is the 111th.

A satanic ritual also went on during the funeral of Pope Paul II.  It was so evil and frightening that Venezuela's Hugo Chavez ran out of the building in terror. These people have sold out to the devil, and the demonics run the Vatican - and, in fact, the world. We are right on the cusp of the appearance of Antichrist; the 12/21/12 date is the time that the New Age prophecies expect him.

There is war going on right now in the Vatican. All of the principal players in position, those of the 3rd Secret of  Fatima cover up, Vatican II, the enthronement, those involved in the scandal of the Pope who was only in office for 33 days before dying (most believed murdered) because he wanted to oust the Freemasons and audit the Vatican Bank – these are the people creating the shakeup. They will take over. This is the fulfillment of prophecy.

One of the issues is the 3rd Secret of Fatima. It’s something the Catholic Church doesn’t want to talk about. And what they have said are all lies. The Marian Apparitions (including Fatima) were, and are, faked with advanced holographic technology. Occult forces are able to create these great signs and wonders in the skies. All of these things have been researched and written about in many books.
Things will fulfill God’s purpose whether or not the church is paying attention or believes it. Those in the Vatican - and the demons - believe they can DEFEAT Jesus Christ, and they are definitely paying attention.

Horn says we need to know what satanic occultists are convinced of – and dedicated to fulfilling – as well as what ‘our side’ believes. They are operating from a belief system, and they are INTENDING TO FULFILL BIBLE PROPHECY, by one means or another - through whatever deceptions are necessary. We are at a juncture in the end times, and we must look at these issues and bring them to light, or their deceptions will be accepted, and the church will go happily along without a clue. It will be over before we know what is happening. I don’t think that’s what the Lord wants. There is a special blessing for those who study prophecy,

Why do we need to know about these non-biblical prophecies and intrigues at all? Because you cannot fight a war without knowing every possible thing about your adversary. We can't withstand the enemy if we are ignorant of the enemy's belief system and his plans! Paul could argue every intricacy of the religions and philosophies of the Greeks; that's why he was chosen, because he was prepared to make the arguments. That's what we need to be able to do, also.

GOD’S PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. How can we rightly divide the Word of truth if we can’t apply it to the world around us? Every source of hidden knowledge, the occult, etc. is spawned by the satanic forces - for the purpose of deception of God’s people. If someone doesn’t reveal the deceptions we cannot know the truth, fantastic as it is. World history and the opposing forces are RELEVANT. Being aware of these things, researching these things, comes from a deep desire to know the truth in order to help people to read the road map and apply Scripture to real life and understand how prophecy is playing out on earth.

The Vatican does believe in the occult, and they are getting ready to have a conclave in which they will elect a Pope to fit in with their beliefs and their intentions and motives. It will be what the Bible prophecies. God is using them to fulfill His prophecies, just as He has always done. They love to mock Christians because they are so easily deceived and cannot see what is happening every day on earth in these end times. These are the things that DANIEL and the angels wanted to look into! Yet the Church pays almost no attention, thinking that somehow Bible prophecy will be fulfilled without actually happening in real life! 
The 700 yr old Jewish Zohar prophecy expects THEIR MESSIAH in 2012

A game is afoot, and we need to be prayed up and face what is right in front of us. But first we have to know there IS something right in front of us!

I’ll never forget reading a remark by a channeled demonic spirit who said most of the Christians (his enemy) in the world have no clue about what is happening. They are thrilled about it. The Prince of Persia is no doubt speaking through Ahmadinejad right now. All of US foreign policy is to take out all the Middle East leaders (after we put them in place), and to put radical Islamic leaders in – fulfilling Islamic prophecy of the universal Caliphate and to bring in the Mahdi (Antichrist). The Vatican is preparing to install the False Prophet, the US/Europe is getting ready to install a new world leader, Israel is surrounded by the world, all enemies.And there's more.

The Vatican is fighting to control Jerusalem and a new temple. Shimon Perez promised Jerusalem to the Vatican over ten years ago; they even signed a secret contract agreeing to make Jerusalem an international city - not the capitol of Israel. Israel continues to chip away at God's territory by giving up control and sovereignty of the holy sites. Then there is the connection between Vatican and aliens (so called). Rome built a special observatory in the SE United States several years back for this express purpose. Those who are including the alien thing into Rome's discussions are the "satanic fallen angel crowd…"

And then there's this.  One of the researchers was in a very wealthy man’s home in Hollywood and saw on his desk a picture of the New Temple (of the Antichrist). It was an amazing and shocking moment.  The man was one of the most powerful Illuminati in the world… They have the plans already in place, and they're going by the book ... and that would be Daniel, Revelation etc. The star gates are opening; even the normal clouds are dissipating, replaced by Satan’s jiggering, according to a prominent Vatican sorcerer. 
The rabbit hole goes very deep. Horn said that Inter-disciplinary works from the Vatican explain how man can soon be evangelized during contact with aliens, how we will soon be greeted by ETs and how we will need to respect them, and they will have a higher level of understanding of God, that they are not fallen, but closer to God; they have higher intelligence of everything… and this direct quote from the Vatican: “This will not immediately oblige the Christian to renounce his faith….but such a renunciation could come soon after, as the new religious content is confirmed as reasonable and credible, and verified. The believer would need to reconcile such info with truth on the basis of the gospel and the new data.” So this new gospel will modify our Bible and our beliefs, and the Vatican is saying and approving this. “While Christ is the Alpha and Omega he is not necessarily the only word spoken to the universe…the aliens, too, could have had their word spoken…allow God more imagination than some religious thinkers…He is not restricted to one form of language.”  This, from a high Vatican official in 2011. 

Paul said: If I, or an angel from heaven, speak another gospel, let him be accursed.

In his research he was shocked to discover how the Marian apparitions fit tightly into Catholic theology. Many believe this is an intersection with the alien scenario. What could possibly unite the three religions under one temple? But if you had something come in from outside and preach this new gospel, that might just do it. It will take something that powerful. The Marian Apparition is appearing as Our Lady of the Nations and talking about ‘uniting the world.’ The Muslims also venerate Mary. Fatima was the name of Muhammad's daughter.  It will take something really huge - signs and wonders. It may be the strong delusion.

Paul says it TWICE, "Again I say let them be accursed." That doesn’t happen that often.

These are seducing spirits, ready to open the gates. "And the gates of hell will not prevail."

If we could say to the Christians, and this was our last day, what would we say? We must bring people to the lateness of the hour. We’ve talked for years about prophecy. These things are coming to pass right now. Right before our eyes. God has called his people to war. The battle is hot and heavy; we are in the pitch of it. Who knows?? Lucifer’s side sure does.

Where does Rick Warren (member of the CFR) and the 'modern' church stand on all this, those who want to unite Muslims with Christians? Their ecumenism is not possible in Christianity. The spirit of Ecumenism is the spirit of Antichrist. You are either a disciple of the Most High God through  Jesus Christ, or not. You can’t mix with the doctrines of devils. The sheep are being led by wolves.

We are right now entering into a period of time foretold from the beginning of the world. We are seeing a waterfall of prophecy fulfillment in every area. We have entered into portentous times.

We must not miss an opportunity to tell non-Christians about Jesus Christ, and to help Christians to examine whether or not they are born again. And pray that we are accounted worthy - only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ!