
Friday, March 2, 2012

Between The Devil And The Returning Rock - Part 3

(All are being posted today 3/2/12)


Our informants made it abundantly clear to us that Earthbound Annunaki were masters of those in positions of political, military, economic and religious power, through whom they could influence the creation of third-party conflicts by the manipulation and use of witting and unwitting assets and minions who wielded power within the political/economic/religious/military grid. 

What we were not aware concerned Earthbound Annunaki direct projection of might and technological superiority – apparently done for the first time in the late 1940s or early 1950s, in a gesture of raw, naked, very aggressive power (Informant Eight, Nine, Ten 2005, 2006). Other informants have also mentioned this event, but we could not evince or extract any corroborating evidence or documentation from them at the time, or establish which, and if, the event or events constituting the muscle flexing had been reported in the public domain under some other category. This is a line of research we continue to pursue.

     However, in the course of interviews, we were once again offered indicia of Annunaki political, economic, religious and military influence and control as patterns of events, intervening sociopolitical and socioeconomic infrastructures specific to the patterns of events, hints of a who’s who of Annunaki leadership and follower cadres as recurrent membership of often interlocking boards of directors, boards of regents, and boards of trustees of organizations and companies in the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East. We were also given hints of the “sub-rosa level of influence” (Informant Nine 2006) as indications of the secret or occult groups serving as conduits for downward information and tasking conveyance and as upward conveyors of intelligence and counter-intelligence information within their specific organizational focus, membership ranks and reach.

     In the next section, we will explore the hints given, the indicia generated, and the patterns found.


In the course of searching the literature and the internet on topics mentioned above, we came across unexpected pearls and some surprisingly candid exposes of information sets that were also mentioned to us by informants orally. 

While the SCI/project umbrella is still classified, we have come across information which, when correlated to informant data, have clarified much of our initial indicia of Annunaki political, economic, religious and military influence and control patterns of events, their sociopolitical and socioeconomic infrastructures, and the follower cadres. 

Also early on in 2001 (before 9-11) as we tried to grasp the extent and qualitative characteristics of Annunaki influence and control, we made the mistake of thinking like Earthbound exopolitical analysts. We thought in terms of what they were doing to us and the effect of this on human governance, security, political, economic, religious and military affairs. 

Our shift in perspective came about slowly over time, and mostly thanks to the insightful and thoughtful explanations and discussions held with Informant Nine. This individual kept insisting that we look at them as being the driving force – the source of powerful appeal to the baser instincts and ego drives in human beings who willingly consent to being co-opted into “the team” by promises and bestowals of wealth, power, influence, sexual favors, control, access to resources, membership in socioeconomic spheres of likeminded and like disposed men and women, establishment of circles of a cult-of-personality centered upon who he says is the King of the kings of the world, and elevation of position by control of rewards upon blind obedience and loyalty to the vector from which rewards come. As we so did, it became easier to understand how Annunaki influence and control was applied and exerted at all levels of the political/economic/military/religious/security/governance grid in the United States and the USA/transnational network.

     As we gained awareness of the extent of Annunaki penetration of the political, economic, social, religious, military, security and governance circles on Earth, we also came to the tentative conclusion that to understand their power and influence (both exerted over those whom they control, and projected through third party loyalists and minions) we needed to take hints of things from two perspectives: from the Annunaki leader’s Council of Twelve on Earth (which reportedly does not include any Earth humans) and from the viewpoints of each of the ten “kings of earth” formalized by the Annunaki in the last sixty or seventy years.

      Annunaki. Informants were often quizzed about Annunakis and their organization. In this regard, we received two hints from more than one informant, phrased in similar fashion. Here we italicized the operative terms:

Q. How are they organized and ranked?
A. Follow the leader and decipher the pair constellation order.

Q. Who of the early ones is the top dog now?
A. The Man from the Gateway.

These hints led us to the tentative conclusion that the man from the gateway (Babili or Gateway of the Gods) was the leader – none other than MAR.DUK. (son of the bright mound). This then meant the pair constellation referred to him, members of his immediate family, and their wives. We knew then that the active ones on the surface were MAR.DUK., GI.BIL. (a son of MAR.DUK.), and NA.BU. (the leader’s oldest son). We also knew from Sitchin that MAR.DUK’s official consort was ZAR.PA.NIT., but we have not had confirmation as to who the official consorts of the sons are. 

This information was corroborated by that obtained by the senior author from C. L. Turnage in the late 1990s (Turnage 1998, personal communication). Then, in 2003, the junior author met Informant Six, who had mentioned an additional name in reference to a November 2003 meeting at Homestead AFB as being an Annunaki in leadership position: NUS.KUM. (official consort unknown). So the Earthbound Annunaki Council of Twelve (or governing council) nomenklatura is most probably composed as shown below.

We found the ranking order of great interest and some surprise, in part confirming what we had already suspected: Marduk’s sin against the Kingdom includes pretension to the throne of Earth (as King of Kings) and Heaven (as King of NI.BI.RU. as well). The rank order of 60, according to Sitchin (confirmed to us by Turnage) belongs to the King of NI.BI.RU. only. By awarding himself the rank of 60, Marduk signals that he is also king of the incoming planet. The surprise in the council was the presence of Nuskum, a majordomo and servant of the EN.LIL while the latter was still on Earth through approximately 700 BCE.

The supreme leader, a title used by more than one informant in reference to the Annunaki leader, has quite apparently established a cult-of-personality leadership style, wherein Council of Twelve power resides in an imperial leader (Turnage, personal communication, 1998), not in the more collegial, consensus-centered style ascribed to the internal politics of the Annunaki Kingdom’s court and governing body (Sitchin 1976, 1990). We also received indications that both NA.BU. and GI.BIL. function with powers of ministers with portfolios, though we do not have any information on function for each of them at this time. And we also received oblique confirmation that NER.GAL. nor NIN.GISH.ZI.DA., kin brothers both to MAR.DUK. are patently absent from any leadership roles in the earthly Council. 

If this is correct, it can only be due to their reported cementing of allegiance and relationship to and with the King – purportedly to be none other than NAN.NAR., the man who had been in charge of UR. (Turnage personal communication 1998). This latter indication raises the expectation that MAR.DUK., himself not a scientist, must depend on human minions for much of the purported biotechnological ventures embarked on by earthly humans for and on his behalf. [This seems incredible - and suspect - to me. But what do I know?] 

Besides reported contacts with humans at loyalty sessions said to be carried out on American military bases (Army and Air Force), we could not find any indications of actual, direct contacts between Annunaki leadership and human loyalists – except in the scientific field, where several informants have given us information on the presence of Annunaki at underground installations and laboratories on the U.S. mainland (Informant Nine, Informant Ten, and Informant Eleven) and on certain military bases (Informant Nine, Informant Six, and Informant Five). 
                                      Please increase your "View" size to read the chart below.


                      A.     Each king is a shepherd and a center of its own constellation.

Help came on this one in the form of a series of conference call phone conversations with three of our informants (Five, Six, and Nine) in early 2006. We asked in the course of the second one the very question above, and were made aware that we must first ask ourselves what the Annunaki biddings (i.e., programs) were, and only then look at how a “king” and its constellation are organized to bring about the objectives of the group(s) under him. As we shall see, at the end we will have to deal with three exopolitical perspectives: the earthbound Annunaki’s, the Kingdom Annunaki’s, and ours as a species or biokind. 

We started deciphering what the metaorganization of the Annunaki phenomenon is to gain some understanding of their objectives and plans. Figure 2 helped us to graphically think about the interrelationships among the parts of the whole.

Informant Eleven (2006) and Informant Nine (2005, 2006) were our conduits for the hints, so we went back to them for decipherment of meaning. The result is information graphically represented in Figure 2. 

Our present understanding of the emerging picture in this regard centers around a kind of “nested double wheel” metastructure that combines earthbound Annunaki and a group of ten power centers each headed by one human who then is said to sit on a grand council whose leader is reported to have direct contact with the Council of Twelve – and quite possibly the self-appointed king of kings himself (i.e., Marduk). The emerging construct presented some problems at the time. One consisted of what were the power centers referred to by Eleven and Nine. The other was the geographic (or GPS) location of these groups on Earth surface.

Power Centers. Nine asked that we look at what is happening in the world today and follow the seeming conflagration of conflicts and discern the forces operating sub-rosa (i.e., below the surface). Conflict, we were warned, would not necessarily mean war, as in armed conflict. Instead, conflict (or more properly, a drama of control and hegemony) was said to be dramatized confrontation of forces or vectors with a specific target audience or audiences, procuring a sociopolitical response often involving fear. In other words, “look for the groups and countries you are told to fear, for whatever reason” (Nine 2005), and “the bloodless political dramas that look more like saber rattling than armed skirmishes” (Eleven 2006), “ask yourselves, for whose benefit is this drama being staged and what are the benefits for the drama producers” (Nine 2006).

     In the course of our analysis, we were able to identify to our satisfaction ten such power centers: the American/NATO group, the Russia/mafia group, the Japan, Inc. group, the China, Inc. group, the OPEC group, the Cartel/Triads councils group, the supply margin economic/political groups in Latin America and Africa headed by Brazil (Latin America) and South Africa (Africa), the seven members of the ecumenical community led by the Roman Pope, the two trigger states, Iran and North Korea (as a wild card group), and the economic/political group known as the G-8.8 What do they all have in common? Eleven (2006) and Nine (2006) put it in perspective for us.

     “When you look at the G-8 and include the China issue in the mix, examine the way in which the G-20 and the G-8 work together. Take a closer look at who are the people involved at these levels, and then have a good look at who is involved in the so-called 300 Committee, and you may see some of the same names. Then look at the composition of some of the major corporate entities from these countries and see who serves as ‘consultants’ to the delegations – sometimes as outright delegation members of these countries – and you’ll see how the grid is formed” (Nine 2006). “But what you call the grid is not just political or economic as state entities coming together. There are also what those on the outside would regard as ‘marginalized’ power groups, which are not marginal at all. These are the Vatican and the Cartel/Triad groups, who also sit in as ‘observers’ in some of the meetings of the G-8 and G-20 sessions. They’re all in it together!” (Eleven 2006). So we started looking into these groups mentioned by our informants.

     On the internet, our first visit was to the Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions (PEHI)
( [This website is no longer functional]. There are hundreds of institutes, centers, institutions and groups painstakingly listed and described by Joel van der Reijden. We began to follow Joel’s research, with the intent of piecing together a correlated list of members. But the more we reviewed available indicia from Joel’s website, as well as the myriad links he provides curious readers, it became evident that the collection of hidden institutes, centers, institutions and groups whose members are varied by nationality, background, religious orientations and affiliations, level of wealth, and circles of enfranchisement (i.e., the sphere of influence in which each becomes a part of this seemingly seamless web) was neither monolithic nor devoid of disagreements and infighting. But the tone is set from above and not dictated by self-interests of the membership of hidden institutions, according to Nine. The PEHI website articles offer several examples of how this takes place.

     Who, then, are the penultimate puppet masters, to borrow a van der Reijden term, and what are the layers to the top?

     If we are to take Nine seriously, each of the ten “kings” are the pinnacle of what must be a human pyramidal hierarchy of information flow (intelligence going upward) and command/control (policies and directives going downward). Furthermore, the logical extension of this metastructure would indicate that the same pyramidal information flow/command and control arrangement applies to each of the ten power center “kings.”

What would each one of the pyramids be like? Our understanding of what each must perform is represented in Figure 3, suggested by van der Reijden’s interpretation of information flow and event response strategic structure he refers to as “the globalist movement and secret knowledge.”  Each power center then organizes itself by establishing a centralized decision-making group at the top, a network of organizations interlinked vertically to the controlling group and horizontally to the operational networks of other power centers, military/special operations/intelligence networks set up for enforcement of organizational network policies and decisions coming down from the control group at the top, and action groups to intervene in ordinary international politics (whose involvement in such political activities reflect extreme consonance with the exopolitical interests and operational objectives of the action sphere of the power center). 

Nine and Ten, on one occasion, pointed out to us that “the connection between groups happens at all levels and all the time, like a hive that looks out for some invisible queen” (Nine 2006). “And all of these people seem to work out of a single position paper that is damn near always the script for the framing of whatever situation or crisis that comes down the pike. It is also something of a blueprint for policies that seemed to me to cut across a wide swath of organizations, not just here (U.S.) but also internationally” (Ten 2006). 

So where did this coordination and centralized policy-making emanate from?


     We had heard of certain people who had been referred to by these two informants as the Olympians. Not until running across the information gathered, collated and analyzed by Joel van der Reijden, a former intelligence officer with the Dutch intelligence service, did we make the connection with the 300 Committee – the seeming human pinnacle of the invisible pyramid we’d been constructing to gain some understanding of how the earthbound Annunaki could be exercising command and control without disclosing their physical presence and their exopolitical objectives. Our main source on this group comes from John Coleman’s book, Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (Coleman 1992). [I have a newer version of this book and read it several years ago. As I recall, Coleman was MI5 or MI6 intel until he retired.]  

But we also took pains to research clearly significant aspects of his book we found pertinent to the pattern of influence, control and reshaping of the world’s major national military powers by the Tavistock Institute’s programs and policies largely driven by what Coleman refers to as the 300 Committee. We quietly researched indicia on the connection between these groups, the free-masons (Scottish Rite) and the Annunaki Ningishzidda (a younger son of Marduk, the leader of the earthbound Annunaki).

From several groups across the United States, we found indications (in conversations involving tertiary sources) that such secret societies indeed work as a sub-rosa intelligence service controlled by “an ever widening and quite convoluted grouping of 33rd degree Masonic groups beholden to East Coast and European organizations nobody’s heard about” (Nine 2006 and additional tertiary sources). 

Who is the god to which these people direct their entreaties ? None other than to the Hermes (Ningishzidda) of Egyptian lore. And yet, our intelligence on this particular Annunaki indicates that he had changed sides, now said to be in service to the rightful Annunaki King, Nannar (Turnage 1997, personal communication to the senior author; Nine 2005; tertiary sources). Is this patent disinformation on the part of Masonic leaders to their own, or a ruse whereby the claim to subordination of an important figure, such as Ningishzidda, to the will and purpose of the supreme earthbound Annunaki leader is part of his plan? It is known that he had the Babylonian Enuma Elish rewritten to suit his purposes (see Sitchin 1985). Is this another rewrite of history to claim his own brother as being in his rank and file, thereby counting on Ningishzidda’s technological and scientific prowess? This remains a mystery as of this writing.

The Olympians, nevertheless, remain at the top of the pyramidal metastructure of Annunaki influence, control and command of earthly minion international organizations and institutions. The work of the PEHI and van der Reijden indicates this to be so. As to what are the policies, purposes and objectives of each of the “kings” and the 300 Committee is beyond the scope of this essay. Work in this area continues, and will be reported in future essays. [I just did a little research and found a copy of Joel van der Reijden’s old website, which is archived at:]

     Locations on Earth. The other problem presented by our emerging construct lay in the location for these power centers and, in particular, the central command-and-control center for the Annunaki leadership on Earth. 

At the outset, in 2001, we started by looking at each of the geographic locations commonly associated with each of the centers. We then focused on the probable main metropolitan centers where identifiable headquarters were located. And finally we simply realized the interconnections of each of the organizations at each of the levels defied mere geographic positioning. Therefore, we began to focus on the probable location(s) of the earthbound Annunaki on the Earth. 

Indicia received in information from Informants One, Three and Four (2005, 2006) led us to Puerto Rico and the Ngongoro region of the Great Rift Valley, in the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania, Africa. While on the road in the USA, both of us had chances to set up meetings with four former special operations personnel who, according to Three and Four, had served in Tanzania (along with British SAS team) protecting a “highly classified underground compound” located in the area. Each of these men was, at the time of our individual meetings with each of them, an owner-operator truck driver. All of them, independently of each other, confirmed for us that there was Annunaki presence in the area, including craft activity. Only one of them reported to have had a chance to “go down the chute to the platform level.” 

These men also confirmed that there was occasional military activity brought against the compound by “forces that were part of the local war between Rwandan, Congolese and Tanzanian groups, with us usually as the prize for the victor. But they didn’t count on about 300 well armed, well trained Americans and Brits manning the perimeter.” The period was said to be “in the mid- to late ‘80s.” 

With regard to Puerto Rico, we were not able to confirm any of the reports received concerning the El Yunque region, near the U.S. naval base at Roosevelt Roads, in northeast Puerto Rico – except for a number of confirmed “disappearances” of people in the Experimental Forest area near the naval base, and the unusual number of albinos in the area. [Interestingly, just a few days ago I ran across something about a US base in the Serengeti. Unfortunately, I had no particular interest in it and have no idea where the information was found. It was very recent information.]