
Friday, January 13, 2012

What If They're Lying To You?

This is what I've been saying all along. There is no longer a difference between Republican and Democrat in the United States. Judge Napolitano says it very well and very succinctly.

Of course, Ron Paul is not the answer. JESUS CHRIST is the answer. That should be OUR message.

This video covers only one tiny part of a grand satanic conspiracy in world geopolitics. Some Christian ministries are under the impression that there are no conspiracies - and if there are, they have nothing to do with Christianity. WRONG. The vast conspiracies which make up our current end time world scene have everything to do with with the Faith and with Bible prophecy.

"My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge" has broad application. Knowledge of what is going on in these last days is critical in understanding and recognizing the pitfalls to Christians and non-Christians alike. We must discern the times and the evils therein, in order to effectively spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The time is short. We must be prepared to apply the gospel in 21st Century terms, showing its truth is on the cutting edge of this 'advanced' culture.