
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Peace-and-Freedom Deception

The Bible certainly doesn't overstate the end time deceptions. 

There is another one being played out by satanic forces, and this one says that we are in the very end of time, about to enter a Golden Age - with a Golden Leader, of course. (This New Age theme is seven years too early.)

They want you to believe that we are on the verge of truth revealed and the take-down of the global elite. The global elite has been led by these same satanic forces for a number of years, and now these forces are in the process of double-crossing these elite and bringing them down. Or so they say.

The "golden age" about to be brought in is the New Global Order, which Bible students understand is anything but a golden age. And yet, the New Agers are eagerly awaiting their "ascension," which is - to put it bluntly - demonic possession. This is the blindness of which the Bible speaks - when people have refused over and over again to receive the truth of the Creater. God will then turn them over to a great delusion, a blindness to real truth.

There is no doubt that much truth has been hidden and is beginning to be revealed (the "awakening.") The god of this world has dealt in lies and deceit since the beginning, and we are starting to see the truth revealed of many matters which Lucifer caused in the first place for use at this very moment. But, there is much more deceit to follow, an endless stream of new 'revelations' and deceptions which will lead to the mental subjection of the majority of people. Great discernment is needed to sort it all out. The world is being prepared for a golden age headed by a 'golden savior' - it will all seem so true.

The next great deception will come under the guise of returning to the Constitution, to peace and freedom. This will work itself out in the political process in the U.S. over the next 9 months. This is another lie - but I have no doubt that it will be successful. The Antichrist will be/is now cloaked in peace and freedom - the same 'freedom cover' that Satan used to bring forth the French Revolution and the American Revolution, all the while bringing to fruition the his plans through the backers of these revolutions - the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Jesuits etal (our government leaders).

Don't be misled by promises of "back to the Constitution...freedom... and peace." These are nothing more than the newest ploys designed to fool the sheeple. Satan is a real fan and promoter of freedom. He always pretends to give you what you want ... and then the axe falls. This is his modus operandi and it has worked for centuries. It wll work this time, too. Just remember: you have been warned.

Your minds and emotions will be so overloaded trying to accept the terrible truths of past deceptions in America that you will be too exhausted to realize when the false 'truths' are added into the mix, and you will believe all of it. Brilliantly clever. And evil.

Excerpts from Lucifer's spokesmen:

A beautiful New Dawn is approaching, bringing with it truth and light, removing all the confusion of the past.
All that you had accepted as truth must be discarded.
Embrace the changes that we are putting in place as we continue to awaken mankind so that we can restore peace and freedom.
Those who have no right or any good intentions towards mankind will be removed from the planet, never to return. (This refers to the Rapture.)
Your future is bright and full of will be so different. 
All the sacred sites around the world will be re-energized.
The world as you know it will end; all the suffering over, all control gone. Light and peace will return to all mankind. 
Mind-to-mind communication will be possible. We decide everything. You just follow our instructions.
This is all unmitigated foolishness. There is only one way to stay on the path of truth. Pray for guidance and discernment, read the Word daily, rid yourselves of the distractions of the world ... concentrate on the Lord and put on the full armor of god (Ephesians 6).  

We are entering a most dangerous period. Yet, there is no need whatsoever to be fearful. Read the watchman blogs; stay in the Bible and in touch with the Lord. He is all-sufficient.