
Friday, November 4, 2011

Caught Up In Preconceived Ideas...

     If we are caught up in preconceived ideas about how Bible prophecy will unfold it can be a hindrance to our correct perceptions of events. I'm coming to believe we need to approach the Revelation with fresh eyes - praying, as always, for wisdom and discernment from the Lord, and searching the Scriptures continually.

     I've always believed that while every word of the Bible is true and literal (except where we are specifically told), still there is much about it that will surprise us. I'm more of that mindset than ever right now. From the fantastic things I'm hearing I believe what we have ahead will be absolutely shocking, although exactly as laid out in the prophecies, and if we are too 'set' in a particular version of events we could certainly be deceived.

     What is coming is more real (and perhaps more physical) than most people ever imagined, and we will be involved in ways we never foresaw, ways that may involve more than 'meeting in the skies,' although that will certainly be a part of it.

     Have you ever thought about the particular type of death required of those who refuse to worship the Beast: beheading? That should trigger all kinds of clues. Who in this world does that? We've got to pay attention to every single word in every single verse. They are all equally true. For years we skipped over those things we couldn't 'fit in.' But we are now in a time where all things are being revealed; in order to get to the truth, every word must be accounted for. We must get outside the box of our traditional thinking, and ask the Lord to reveal the prophecies to us. The time is late.